2017 District 5 – Projects

2019 | 2018 | 2017

District 5 - Project Updates

2017 Your Voice, Your Choice: Parks and Street Elected Projects

STREETS | 35th Ave NE and NE 130th St

Crossing Upgrades

Project Description and Goals:
35th Ave NE and NE 130th St has an existing marked crosswalk and would benefit from improved visibility. The crossing connects residents to a school, food bank, community clinic, and the Lake City business district.

Project Solution(s):

Install crossing beacons at the marked crosswalk of 35th Ave NE and NE 130th St

Install a painted curb bulb

Repaint the existing crosswalks at the intersection of 35th Ave NE and NE 130th St

Construction was completed in April 2019.

35th Ave Northeast and Northeast 130th crossing upgrades map

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STREETS | Ravenna Ave NE and NE 98th St

Traffic Calming Upgrades

Project Description and Goals:
Ravenna Ave NE is a residential street that parallels Lake City Way NE and handles more traffic. When there is congestion along Lake City Way NE corridor, some people use Ravenna Ave NE as a bypass. Ravenna Ave NE is not designed to handle increased traffic and speeds are often higher than the posted speed limit. In addition, there have been several serious crashes between people biking and driving at the intersection of Ravenna Ave NE and NE 98th St. Traffic calming benefits residents and students who attend Waldorf, Nathan Hale and Jane Addams Schools by enhancing safety and predictability.

Project Solution(s):

Install speed radar feedback signs

Install speed cushions

Construction was completed in October 2018.

Ravenna Ave northeast and northeast 98th street traffic calming upgrades map

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STREETS | Pinehurst Way NE and NE 117th St

Crossing Upgrades

Project Description and Goals:
The intersection at Pinehurst Way NE and 117th St, contains a high volume of pedestrian traffic, and is a major crossing zone for those traveling to Hazel Wolf K-8 School. This intersection has been identified as a potential crossing for a future neighborhood greenway. Crossing improvements enhance safety and pedestrian connectivity in the area and we're working with neighbors to identify a solution and funding strategy.

Project Solution(s):

Identify the preferred crossing upgrade for this intersection

Partner with the Neighborhood Greenway, Safe Routes to School and Pedestrian Master Plan programs for implementation

Pinehurst way northeast and northeast 117th street crossing upgrades map

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STREETS | Broadview Thomson K-8 and N 132nd St

Street enhancements

Project Description and Goals:
NW 132nd Street is a major pedestrian connection for kids and parents accessing Broadview Thomson K-8. However, the street has substandard walkways that are disconnected and often blocked by parked vehicles and ditches. As a result, many pedestrians are forced to walk in the street. Installing low-cost improvements separating pedestrians from people driving enhances safety and adds predictability. The community recently received a Neighborhood Matching Fund grant that identified the low-cost improvements being installed.

Project Solution(s):

Install wheel stops and landscaping

Potentially re-design and re-channelize the corridor

Construction anticipated in 2021.

Broadview Thomson K through 8, crossing upgrades map

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Adiam Emery, Interim Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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