2018 Paving Projects

What's happening now

We've released new street design concepts for Northeast and Southeast Seattle paving projects, including updated street designs to meet current and future needs, improvements like crossing beacons to make it easier to cross the street, and access to bus zones.

The southeast projects include: S Columbian Way/S Alaska St, Swift Ave S, S Myrtle St, S Myrtle Pl, S Othello St, Wilson Ave S.

The northeast projects include: 15th Ave NE, University Way NE, and Cowen Pl NE.

Street designs for 35th Ave NE/45th Pl NE are still in progress.

Share your thoughts about the designs and stay in the loop by subscribing to a project distribution list. We'll send emails with project updates and public engagement opportunities.

Project Distribution Lists

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Program Overview

Arterial streets are primary routes for moving people and goods through the city and connecting neighborhoods and business districts to one another and the regional transportation network.

Each year, we pave arterial streets in poor condition to make them safer, smoother, and to extend their useful life. Keeping our transportation system in a state of good repair helps lower the cost of future maintenance.

We prioritize paving based on pavement condition, traffic volume, geographic equity, cost, and opportunities for grants or coordination with other projects in the area.

Read more on our Current Paving Project

Program Overview

Locations and construction timing

  • University Way NE: NE 50th St – NE Ravenna Blvd (as soon as 2018)
  • Cowen Pl NE: NE Ravenna Blvd – 15th Ave NE (as soon as 2018)
  • 15th Ave NE: NE 55th St – Cowen Pl NE (as soon as 2019*)
  • 15th Ave NE: NE 62nd St – Lake City Way NE (as soon as 2019*)

*15th Ave NE construction is being moved to 2019 to take advantage of grant opportunities.

What we heard from northeast Seattle

We shared draft street concepts with the public in fall 2016. In our outreach, we heard your desire for:

  • More comfortable walking and biking environment
  • Crossing the street more easily
  • Greater predictability of street movement
  • Reduced speeding
  • More transit and bike options
  • Protected bike facilities
  • Maintaining parking, particularly near businesses

Northeast Seattle Conceptual Designs

Northeast Seattle Conceptual Design drawings.

Stay tuned! Conceptual designs for 35th Ave NE/NE 45th Pl are still in design and will be released later this spring. Sign up on our email distribution list to receive project news and updates. (A vendor contracted by the City of Seattle processes the information you provide here and may use third party tools to communicate, where our Privacy Policy doesn't apply. We recommend that you check the vendor's privacy policy for details about information collection and use.)

Southeast Seattle

What we heard from southeast Seattle

We shared draft street concepts with the public in fall 2016 and heard some great feedback. 

For southeast Seattle:

  • 1 of 3 respondents asked for protected bike lane features
  • Other themes emerged:
    • Traffic Safety Concerns
    • New Crosswalk Requests
    • Widen or Add a Bike Lane

Southeast Seattle Proposals

Wilson Ave S:
S Dawson St - Seward Park Ave S

S Dawson St - Seward Park Ave S

We will:

  • Resurface the roadway, install new, visible lane markings, make spot sidewalk repairs, and add upgraded curb ramps to make sidewalks more accessible
  • Consolidate on-street parking to the east side of the street; remove on-street parking on the west side
  • Add a 5-foot protected bike lane on the east side of the street with a 3-foot buffer area between the bike lane and parking
  • Add a 5-foot bike lane on the west side of the street without a buffer

Swift Ave S, S Myrtle St, S Myrtle Pl, S Othello St:
S Albro Pl — Martin Luther King Jr Way S

Swift Ave S, S Myrtle St, S Myrtle Pl, S Othello St

We will:

  • Resurface the roadway, install new, visible lane markings, make spot sidewalk repairs, and add upgraded curb ramps to make sidewalks more accessible
  • Swift Ave S
    • Add 5-foot protected bike lanes with 2-foot buffer areas between the bike lane and general traffic on each side of the street
  • S Myrtle St, S Myrtle Pl, and Beacon Ave S
    • Remove on-street parking between Beacon Ave S and 32nd Ave S
    • Add 6-foot protected bike lanes with 3-foot buffer areas between the bike lane and general traffic on each side of the street
  • S Othello St
    • Add 5-foot protected bike lanes with a 3-foot buffer area between the bike lane and parking on the south side of the street and a 2-foot buffer area between the bike lane and general traffic on the north side of the street

S Columbian Way, S Alaska St:
Beacon Ave S - Martin Luther King Jr Way

Beacon Ave S - Martin Luther King Jr Way

We will:

  • Resurface the roadway, install new, visible lane markings, make spot sidewalk repairs, and add upgraded curb ramps to make sidewalks more accessible
  • Remove on-street parking on each side of the street
  • Add 6-foot protected bike lanes with 3-foot buffer areas between the bike lane and general traffic on each side of the street
  • Improve the intersection at S Alaska St and Mountain View Dr S with a pedestrian refuge island
  • Improve the intersection at S Alaska St and S Alaska Pl to shorten crossings for people walking and improve pedestrian visibility

In addition to paving as soon as 2018, we're beginning a multi-year effort to bring large capital investments to southeast Seattle. We want to work with the community to reduce crashes, make it easier to walk and bike, and make buses faster and more reliable. Learn more at the Southeast Seattle website.  


Winter/Spring 2017: Share planned concepts
2017: Refine design  
As soon as 2018: Construction

four stages of getting involved


These projects are part of SDOT’s Arterial and Asphalt and Concrete (AAC) Paving Program. Design and construction of our paving projects, as well as the safety and mobility improvements shown, are funded by the Levy to Move Seattle, approved by Seattle voters in November 2015. We also seek additional funding through grants, when available. Learn more about the levy at www.seattle.gov/LevytoMoveSeattle.

Get Involved

People at meeting

SDOT is committed to engaging with communities and gathering feedback throughout the life of a project. Outreach is being done throughout the planning, design, and construction phases of the project.

Outreach to date:

  • An online survey was conducted to gather feedback about how you travel around your neighborhood and what is working and what's not with these streets.
  • We shared draft street design concepts that included what we learned from the survey, as well as pedestrian, bike, freight, and transit master plan recommendations, and traffic data at two open houses.
  • We held a public comment period to gather feedback from residents, commuters, and businesses about their ideas on the draft concepts.
  • We held stakeholder briefings with our modal advisory boards, businesses, community groups, and schools and visited businesses along the project streets to talk about the project and gather their feedback.
DateNortheast Seattle
May 2017 Ravenna Bryant Community Association
March 2017 Wedgwood Community Council
December 2016 Seattle Bicycle Advisory Board
November 2016 U-District Livability Open House
November 2016 Door-to-door business outreach
November 2016 Wedgwood Community Council
November 2016 Roosevelt High School
October 2016 University District Farmer’s Market
October 2016 Hosted Public Open House
July 2016 Seattle Freight Advisory Board
June 2016 Seattle Pedestrian Advisory Board
June 2016 Seattle Bicycle Advisory Board
DateSoutheast Seattle
May 2017 Columbia City Farmers Market
December 2016 Rainier Vista Traffic Safety Committee
December 2016 Seattle Bicycle Advisory Board
December 2016 Beacon Hill Safe Streets
November 2016 Door-to-door business outreach
November 2016 Voices of Seattle’s East African Communities Report
November 2016 Cheasty Greenspace
October 2016 Hosted Public Open House
August 2016 Rainier Valley Summer Parkways
July 2016 Seattle Freight Advisory Board
June 2016 Seattle Pedestrian Advisory Board
June 2016 Seattle Bicycle Advisory Board


To view a PDF of project-related materials, please click on the links provided below.



Questions or Comments?

We are committed to building a productive, inclusive, and collaborative relationship with all who live, work, or travel in the project area. Please contact us with any questions.

Northeast Paving Projects
Rachel McCaffrey
(206) 615-092515thAvePaving@seattle.gov | UniversityWayPaving@seattle.gov

Southeast Paving Project
Adonis Ducksworth
(206) 684-4193pavingoutreach@seattle.gov

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Adiam Emery, Interim Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is on a mission to deliver a transportation system that provides safe and affordable access to places and opportunities for everyone as we work to achieve our vision of Seattle as a thriving, equitable community powered by dependable transportation.