SW Admiral Way Safety Project

Updated: October 23, 2019

Construction has started at the intersection of 49th Ave SW and SW Admiral Way! We anticipate reaching completion by end of October. 

Completed pedestrian improvements at 61st Ave SW
Completed pedestrian improvements at 61st Ave SW.

Project Goals

  • Encourage slower speeds
  • Reduce collisions
  • Provide a comfortable and predictable bike connection between Alki and California Ave business district
  • Accommodate existing maximum on-street parking occupancy

Project Description

The SW Admiral Way Safety Project is part of Seattle's Vision Zero program – an effort to end traffic deaths and serious injuries on our city's streets by 2030. This project began in 2015, when we proposed redesigning the street to improve safety and add bicycle lanes. We also received requests to improve conditions for people walking and projects to do so are underway.

Crossing Improvements

Since completing the SW Admiral Way restriping project in 2016, we've been designing pedestrian improvements at 6 intersections along the corridor. These intersection enhancements will shorten crossing distances, reduce speeds of turning vehicles, and create easier access to key destinations like schools, transit stops, and parks.

49th Ave SW

49th Ave SW map showing crosswalk and curb updates

To increase visibility at the crosswalk and provide a more comfortable crossing, we’ll relocate the crosswalk at 49th Ave SW and SW Admiral St to the northeast leg and upgrade the curb ramps. This improvement will be supplemented with rapid flashing beacons and a decorative painted median island. The project provides a safer route to Lafayette Elementary School and the new senior living facility at SW Admiral Way and SW Waite St.

SW Lander St (at 53rd Ave SW) - complete!

SW Lander St map

The SW Lander St improvement adds two painted curb extensions that preserves nearby driveway access. The curb extensions helps reduce speeds of people turning right onto SW Lander St and shortens the crossing distance along the north side of SW Admiral Way. Note: we originally intended to implement one painted curb bulb on the north corner, but added a second painted curb bulb to the west corner after further analysis.

SW Stevens St - complete!

SW Stevens map

Adjacent to Schmitz Park, we’ll add a decorative painted curb bulb to the southeast corner to reduce speeds of people turning right and to shorten crossing distances across SW Stevens St and SW Admiral Way.

59th Ave SW - complete!

59th Ave SW map

We've added two decorative paint and post curb bulbs, 1 new decorative paint and post median at 59th Ave SW, and 2 new crosswalks. The 2 new flashing school zone speed limit signs can be installed as soon as spring 2018. These changes are intended to provide a safer crossing for students of Alki Elementary School, as well as community members accessing Alki Community Center and Alki Playground.

61st Ave SW - complete!

61st Ave SW map

We've added decorative painted curb bulbs on both sides of the crosswalk at 61st Ave SW to further increase visibility of pedestrians.

63rd Ave SW - complete!

63rd Ave SW map

To upgrade the existing all-way stop at 63rd Ave SW, we’ll install new decorative painted curb bulbs at three corners of the intersection, which shortens crossing distances and improves visibility of pedestrians.

Completed Work

Complete work map
Click to enlarge

Project Schedule

Spring 2018

  • Install two flashing school zone speed limit signs at the 59th Ave SW intersection
  • Continue installation of crossing improvements at remaining intersections

Summer/Fall 2017

  • Share design of pedestrian improvements
  • Evaluate traffic operations
  • Construct pedestrian improvements

Summer/Fall 2016

  • Share final design for SW Admiral Way
  • Conduct 2nd phase of outreach related to pedestrian improvements
  • Restripe street

Project Library

Project Funding

This projects is funded by the Levy to Move Seattle. Approved by voters in 2015, the 9-year, $930 million Levy to Move Seattle provides funding to improve safety for all travelers, maintain our streets and bridges, and invest in reliable, affordable travel options for a growing city.

Updated: 1/29/2018


Greg Spotts, Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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