Center City Bike Network

Updated July 31, 2024

The City Center Bike Network is committed to building better bike streets in the neighborhoods at the center of Seattle.  The goal is to deliver a complete bike network that includes protected bike lanes, safer street design, and signal upgrades. By improving access to transit, calming traffic, and separating bikers from moving vehicles,  biking can be a safe and reliable travel choice for people of all ages and abilities.

How it started, how it's going

This effort started with a pilot protected bike lane on 2nd Avenue in 2014, and the project officially launched in 2015.  Since then, the full Center City Bike Network has been coming together.  

We've built critical projects that have given Seattle large segments of a basic downtown network, including 2nd Ave, the west end of Pike St and Pine St, and 7th Ave. These go on to connect to additional, built connections like the Westlake Cycle Track, Broadway, and Dearborn St

Program Map - Center City Bike Network Projects

A map showing downtown Seattle: completed routes on 2nd ave, 4th ave, S King, S. Dearboard, Broadway, Pike, Pine 7th Ave 8th Ave Thomas St, 1st Ave N, 3rd Ave W, Yesler Way, S Dearborn and Melrose Ave.

Click for pdf of map

Completed Projects

Completed 2018-2019

7th Ave Mobility Improvements Project

Protected bike lane on 7th Ave from Virginia St to Pike St.

8th Ave Mobility Improvements Project

A northbound protected bike lane on 8th Ave between Pike St and Bell St, and Pine St between 8th Ave and 6th Ave.

9th Ave N Mobility Improvements Project

Protected lanes on 9th Ave N and Bell St, between 8th Ave and Harrison that provide provide critical connections to and through South Lake Union.

Pike St Mobility Improvements Project

Bike lanes on Pike St between 9th Ave and Broadway connect to the existing protected bike lanes in Capitol Hill

South End Connection Mobility Improvements Project

A two-way protected bike lane on 2nd Ave Ext S, S Main St, and 5th Ave S between the existing 2nd Ave protected bike lanes and the S King St Neighborhood Greenway.

Completed 2020 through 2022: 

4th Ave Mobility Improvements Project

A 2-way protected bike lane from Vine St in Belltown to Pioneer Square (via Dilling Way and Yesler Ave).

12th Ave Vision Zero

Protected bike lane connection between the Jose Rizal Bridge and the S King St Neighborhood Greenway, that will connect to the Beacon Ave S and 15th Ave S Safety Project.

1st Ave and Broad St Complete Street Extension Project

An all ages and abilities bike facility connects the 2nd Ave protected bike lane with the 1st Ave N and Queen Anne Ave N.

S King St. Neighborhood Greenway

Pavement repair, added speed humps, and signage to create a connection to 12th Ave and the Jose Rizal Bridge

Seattle Center to Waterfront Walking and Biking Connection

An important walking and biking connection between Myrtle Edwards Park and the Seattle Center.

1st Ave N and Queen Anne Ave N Complete Streets

Protected bike lanes to bike or scooter to the new arena and throughout the Uptown neighborhood

Yesler Street Protected Bike Lane

Protected bike lanes on E Yesler Way from 12th Ave to 14th Ave S.

One Center City

The City Center Bike Network is part of a larger program called One Center City.  The City of Seattle, Sound Transit, King County, and the Downtown Seattle Association have partnered to improve how people get around by walking, rolling, light rail, streetcar, bus and vehicle, in all Center City neighborhoods.  The One Center City partnership ensures that all projects are coordinated and that public feedback is shared and considered across all efforts.


Adiam Emery, Interim Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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