Aurora-Licton Springs Healthy Street
Updated August 14, 2024
What's Happening Now?
Construction is starting soon!
As soon as September, we will start construction on Phase 1 of the permanent installments for the Aurora-Licton Springs Healthy Street on Fremont Ave N and N 100th St west of Aurora Ave.
With installation approaching, we want to give a big thank you to all the neighbors who requested planter bases for signs in the intersections near their homes. Over 50% of the possible locations were adopted by neighbors! You should have already received confirmation emails from us and completed maintenance agreements for your planters. Signups for future sections will occur next year.
Typical construction hours are weekdays, 7 AM to 5 PM, and include weekend work. Other expected construction impacts may include:
- Noise, vibration, dust, and debris
- Construction staging and parking impacts near the work sites
- “No Parking” areas and other parking impacts
- Crosswalk and sidewalk closures, and detours for people walking and biking
- Changes in construction schedule due to weather, etc.
For permanent Healthy Street locations, neighbors can choose to replace the standard concrete sign bases with planters. SDOT will install planters at Healthy Street intersections based on the requests we receive from neighbors (see diagram and image below). Neighbors who request planters are responsible for maintaining the planters after installation. For more information about adopting planters and planter maintenance, visit the Healthy Street Planters webpage.
Left: Diagram showing the possible placement locations for planters at each Healthy Street intersection. Planters would be placed at the blue dots, if requested by neighbors.
Right: Planter sign bases on the Greenwood Healthy Street.
Permanent Installation Schedule
We will be installing permanent Healthy Street features on the Aurora-Licton Springs Healthy Street over 2024 and 2025! We will install permanent features on Fremont Ave N and N 100th St west of Aurora Ave as soon as summer 2024, and on the remaining segments of the Healthy Street in 2025.
To further improve safety for people walking and biking along the Aurora-Licton Springs Healthy Street and discourage cut-through traffic, we will construct additional safety enhancements at the intersection of Fremont Ave N and N 105th St. These enhancements will include installing new medians on the north and south sides with cut-throughs for people biking, restricting vehicle turns from N 105th St onto Fremont Ave N, and maintaining existing left and right turn only restrictions for vehicles on Fremont Ave N at N 105th St. We designed these enhancements to discourage pass-through vehicle traffic along the Healthy Street, improve access to the Interurban Trail, and provide safe space for people walking and biking. To explore all of the new safety enhancements coming to six different intersections along the Aurora-Licton Springs Healthy Street, see the “Design Elements” section below. Please sign up for email updates to be notified when construction and other updates happen.
Network Map
**Click to view the map as a PDF
Design Elements
Fremont Ave N & N 88th St
- New painted curb on west side
- Reinforce existing no parking
- Improve sightlines near Greenwood Park
Fremont Ave N & N 89th St
- New painted curb on west side
- Reinforce existing no parking
- Improve sightlines near Greenwood Park
Fremont Ave N & N 105th St
- New medians on north and south legs with cut-throughs for people biking
- No vehicle turns from N 105th St onto Fremont Ave N
- Existing left and right turn-only restrictions maintained for vehicles on Fremont Ave N at N 105th St
Fremont Ave N & N 110th St/Interurban Trail
- New painted curb bulbs at Interurban Trail entrance
- Improve sightlines to encourage slower vehicle speeds near where people are walking, biking, and rolling
N/NW 100th St. and Greenwood Ave N
- New medians on east and west legs with cut-throughs for people biking
- No vehicle turns onto N/NW 100th St from Greenwood Ave N
- New signal detection for people biking east and west
N 100th St. & College Way N
- New two-way protected bike lane on the north side of N 100th St between College Way N and Wallingford Ave N
- Connection to John Lewis Memorial Bridge and Northgate Light Rail Station
- Construction Flyer (August 2024)
- Construction Postcard (August 2024)
- Project Fact Sheet (May 2024)
- Project Design Postcard (February 2024)
- Aurora-Licton Evaluation (2023)
Nearby Projects in Network
- Greenwood Healthy Street
- Interurban to Green Lake Neighborhood Greenway Connection (N 83rd St)
- Interurban Trail
- John Lewis Memorial Bridge (Northgate Pedestrian and Bicycle Bridge)
- Viewlands Elementary School Neighborhood Greenway Connection