N 122nd St Walkway

Updated: July 30, 2024

What's happening now?

We recently updated the design to include the new walkway on the north side of the street instead of the south side, as originally planned. As we evaluated design options, we determined that the south side has more impacts than the north side, including removing existing trees, modifying a drainage ditch, and relocating existing mailboxes. The north side avoids these impacts and provides a direct connection to the existing north side walkway west of Corliss Ave N. We also plan to add speed cushions along N 122nd St to encourage slower vehicle speeds. We’ll share additional updates on our webpage and through our email list.

Project Overview

N 122nd St between Corliss Ave N and 1st Ave NE is a residential street in the Haller Lake neighborhood. The street has no sidewalks, but is a route used by students to access Northgate Elementary to the south via 1st Ave NE. The project will include the following improvements: 

  • New asphalt walkway and planting strip on the north side of N 122nd St between Corliss Ave N and 1st Ave NE
  • New curb ramps at N 122nd St and 1st Ave NE
  • Pair of speed cushions on N 122nd St to encourage slower vehicle speeds   

This project will be coordinated with a planned sidewalk on the east side of 1st Ave NE.  


The image shows a map of where improvements will be installed, such as new walkway, a planting strip and speed cushions


The NSF program runs on 3-year cycles to select, design, and build projects. Project selection for Cycle 3 was in 2022, design occurred in 2023, and construction is anticipated in 2024.


Phase Timeline
Project Selection 2022
Design 2023
Construction 2024

Project Background

This is one of nine projects requested by community and selected by the Levy to Move Seattle Oversight Committee for the 2022-2024 cycle of the Neighborhood Street Fund.

Neighborhood Street Fund is a city program, running on 3-year cycles, that enables neighbors to propose and help prioritize transportation-related projects that are then built by the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT). 

For the 2022-2024 cycle, we made changes to the typical NSF process. Instead of calling for new ideas, we revisited the large pool of unselected 2019 applications for projects located in geographic equity areas. Project design is underway and construction will occur in 2024.  


If you have questions or need translated materials, please contact us at NSF@seattle.gov or 206-727-3581. Thank you.

Servicios de traducción e interpretación disponibles bajo petición 206-727-3581.

Matutulungan ka naming maintindihan kung hihingi kang tulong 206-727-3581.

요청하시면 번역이나 통역을 제공해드립니다 206-727-3581.

Dịch và thông dịch viên sẵn sàng nếu có sự yêu cầu 206-727-3581.

Haddii aad dooneyso turjubeen fadlen wac 206-727-3581.


Greg Spotts, Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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