Vision Zero Arterial Traffic Calming Project

Project Overview

Keep an eye out for changes coming in fall 2024 across the City of Seattle. This Arterial Traffic Calming program is part of Vision Zero at the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT). We work on projects that help people travel at safer speeds. Street design interventions to help us reach safe speeds is one of the core elements of our Vision Zero Safe System Approach. 

The safety projects vary from location to location. They may include: 

  • Speed cushions
  • “No turn on red” signs 
  • Marked crosswalks
  • New stop signs
  • Daylighting projects - This means adding parking restrictions at intersections to improve visibility of people crossing the street. 

We identified 10 arterial corridors for priority traffic calming using: 

  • Our High Injury Network, the city streets with a history of serious injury and fatal crashes
  • The City’s Race and Social Equity Composite Index, a tool based on census data that helps us know where underserved communities live
  • Data about high rates of speeding around the city

Before and After photos.  Before photo shows a sidwalk and road with no traffic calming features.  After photo shows a painted crosswalk, a box with flexiposts where cars can't park to include better visibility, speed humps on the road and bright yellow walk signs

A 2024 project in NW Seattle shows many traffic calming improvements at an intersection. This also shows an example of daylighting, which restricts parking near the crosswalk for better visibility. 

Project Locations and Map

Below is a list of locations that will be part of the Arterial Traffic Calming project: 

Map of all of Seattle, showing the project locations that were mentioned earlier-  6 projects in North Seattle, 3 in South Seattle, and one in West Seattle.


Design: Spring 2024 (Complete) 

Construction: Beginning as soon as September 2024


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Greg Spotts, Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is on a mission to deliver a transportation system that provides safe and affordable access to places and opportunities for everyone as we work to achieve our vision of Seattle as a thriving, equitable community powered by dependable transportation.