Crack Sealing

What We Do

Crack sealing is a commonly used preventive maintenance activity for pavement. Crack sealing prevents infiltration of water and other materials. This extends the life of the pavement.

When water seeps through cracks in the pavement it can freeze, expand and damage the pavement.

Crack sealing helps reduce structural deterioration, minimize pothole formation, and can prevent pavement distresses. It helps maintain streets in good condition, postponing the day we need to repave or rebuild them.

Current Projects

The 2018 program will begin in June and continue through August/September.

Locations of 2018 Crack Seal Program

  • 47 Ave SW - from #10203 to #10226
  • Halleck Ave SW - from SW College St to 53 Ave SW
  • 53 Ave SW - from Halleck Ave SW to Alki Ave SW
  • Marine View Dr SW - from SW Roxbury St to 42 Ave SW
  • 2 Av SW - from 1 Av SW to Highland Parkway SW
  • 13 Ave S - from S Albro Pl to Airport Wy S
  • S Bailey St - from 13 Ave S to Corson Ave S
  • Stanley Ave S from S Albro Pl to 13 Ave S
  • S Dearborn St - from 5 Ave S to I-5 southbound off-ramp
  • S Weller St - from 20 Ave S to 18 Ave S
  • 18 Ave S - from S Weller St to S Jackson St
  • 2 Ave - from Denny Wy to Stewart St (except bike lanes)
  • E Harrison St - from 33 Ave E to Lake Washington Blvd/37 Ave E
  • 26 Ave E - from E Galer St to North of Boyer St where it changes to concrete pavement (#1759)
  • E Lynn St - from 26 Ave E to 25 Ave E
  • NE 115 St - from Lake City Wy NE to 35 Ave NE
  • NE 110 St - from 35 Ave NE to Sand Point Wy NE
  • NE 55 St - from 35 Ave NE to Princeton Av NE
  • NE 65 St - from 35 Ave NE to NE Princeton Wy NE
  • NE 70 St - from 40 Ave NE to Sand Point Wy NE
  • NE 75 St - from 20 Ave NE to 50 Ave NE

Outreach Flyer for 2018 Program


Crack sealing typically happens in the summer to mid-September when conditions are relatively dry and there is little chance of rain. The crack seal process for a particular block is typically done within a day.

How Does SDOT Select the Streets for Treatment?

Crack sealing after photoHow do The roads that are selected for this preventive maintenance are rated as relatively in good condition (with surface cracks but no structural deterioration), based on SDOT’s latest pavement condition assessment of Seattle’s arterial streets, using the pavement condition index (PCI) rating for the streets.

What to Expect During Crack Seal Projects

Crew member with crack wandThe impacts of crack sealing are minor compared to a repaving project, but there are some impacts.

  • Parking restrictions: The work area covers from curb to curb, so parking will be restricted on both sides of the street during the day(s) of the crack sealing from 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. “No Parking” signs will be installed 72 hours prior to start of work. The parking restrictions are typically removed as soon as SDOT crews complete the maintenance work.
  • Schedule: Weather permitting, SDOT crews plan to start the crack sealing operation in early May. “No Parking” signs will be installed at least 72 hours prior to the start of work, which provides a good indication of the timing of the upcoming work. If you need more information regarding the schedule, please contact us.
  • Lane Closures: There will be no full street closure during the operation. SDOT will keep one lane open in each direction. Lane closures may last approximately 3 to 4 hours. Traffic flaggers will be present during maintenance work. Sidewalks will remain open at all times.
  • Access to driveways and alleys: Access to driveways or alleys may be disrupted for a few minutes during the day of the work, but SDOT crews will work to minimize any delays and will provide assistance as needed.


Adiam Emery, Interim Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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