Spot Improvements

Updated January 2025

Questions, Comments, or Concerns? Reach out to us at TransitSpotImprovements@Seattle.Gov!

Check out our 2021 Program Report: Here

Most Recent & Current Projects

Pine Street Bus Lanes

Located on Pine Street, between 3rd & 9th Avenues

We plan to apply red paint to the section of 3rd Avenue this coming Summer.

This project is a project initiated by SDOT to help keep transit - and you - moving through downtown. 

Check out our notification flyer here!

North Link - Roosevelt Transit Stops

Located at: Roosevelt Way NE, between NE 65th St & NE 67th St, and 12th Ave NE between NE 66th St & NE 67th St

Construction began in the Summer of 2020, and is projected to finish in the Spring of 2022.

This project was a collaborative effort between SDOT and our partners at Sound Transit and King County Metro.

As part of the Northgate Link Extension, and King County Metro's autumn restructure, SDOT will be improving bus zones around the Roosevelt Link Station to make connections easier and faster. We will be installing a new northbound Bus Bulb and raised bike lane at 12 Ave NE & NE 67 St, as well as building a new southbound Transit Island, and protected bike lane at Roosevelt Way NE and NE 67 St. Additionally, we will also be installing new signaling at both intersections and making some changes to the road channelization. These improvements will help make navigating the station area easier whether you're coming or going, walking, rolling, driving, or riding, and most importantly - help to keep you moving, safely.

Pictures Coming Soon!

University District Bus Lanes

Located at: 15th Ave NW, between NE 45th St & NE 40th St

Construction began in 2019, and was completed in September, 2021.

This is a collaborative effort between SDOT and our partners at King County Metro

The 44 is one of many busy routes in our transportation network, and provides crucial east-west service between the University District and Ballard. SDOT received feedback that people using route 44, and others that travel along 15th Ave NE were experiencing delays. To help keep our buses moving and to ensure that you can rely on them, we have installed Red Bus-Only Lanes along 15th Ave NE. This will improve the efficiency of the road for all users, and make your transit trip faster. 

Before and After photograph of 15th Ave NE. The left side shows the road before the Red Paint was applied. The right side shows the curb side, red painted southbound lane with a bus travelling down it.

Bus Benches

Various Locations around the City

This project is ongoing, with installations dependent on ridership and availability of benches

This is a collaborative effort between SDOT and our partners at King County Metro

SDOT and King County Metro are always looking for opportunities to improve the accessibility and comfort of our transportation system. One of the ways that we improve our transit stops is by installing benches, giving riders the option to sit down while they wait for their bus or streetcar to arrive. 

New bench located at a bus stop at 30th Ave NE & NE 130th St

Above: Bench located at stop at 30th Ave NE & NE 130th St

New bench located at bus stop at Martin Luther King Jr Way S & S Thistle St

Above: Bench located at stop at Martin Luther King Jr. Way S & S Thistle St

Broadway Bike Signal

Intersection of E Denny Way & Broadway E

This project was completed in the summer of 2021  

This was a project completed by SDOT, in consultation with community groups

The intersection of E Denny Way & Broadway E, near the Capital Hill Light Rail Station has lots of interaction between people that are walking, biking, driving, or riding buses or streetcars. To make this busy intersection safer for all users, SDOT installed a Bike Box, a diagonal pathway, and a signal for cyclists. These improvements help connect the protected bike lane, and clarify how, and when to use the intersection. 

Pictures coming soon!

N 35th St and Troll Ave N Transit and Crossing Improvements

The Seattle Department of Transportation is working to improve transit and pedestrian accessibility at the intersection of N 35th St & Troll Ave N. Project elements include:

  • Extend the curb at the bus stops in both directions.
  • Add painted crosswalks on both sides of Troll Ave N.
  • Relocate the westbound bus stop about 30 feet west to avoid the crosswalk and intersection.
  • Construct new curb ramps on all corners.

These improvements are scheduled for delivery by the end of 2023, and are funded by the 9-year Levy to Move Seattle, approved by voters in 2015.

N 35th St Road Repaving Project

The Curb Ramps are planned to be completed by the end of 2022, with the curb ramps to follow in 2023. This timeframe is subject to weather and availability of materials. 
See the map and descriptions below for the work happening in this areaProject area mapIntersection detail

What to expect during construction

The trees along the project route in the planting strip will get pruned if any branches are out of standards.  SDOT standards are 14 ft over the street from the curb out.Typical construction hours are weekdays, 7 AM to 5 PM, with occasional weekend and night work. Other expected construction effects may include:

  • Temporary driveway impacts
  • Noise and vibration
  • Dust and debris
  • Construction staging and parking impacts near the work sites
  • Parking impacts
  • Crosswalk and sidewalk closures, and detours for people walking and biking
  • Roadway closures and detours for vehicle traffic
  • Changes in construction schedule due to unforeseen circumstances (i.e., weather, soil conditions, etc.)

Spot Improvements by Year

2017 Spot Improvements

15th Ave NW PM Parking Restriction Extension

Project Description

The RapidRide D Line and route 15X serve over 12,000 riders per weekday. Many of these riders take advantage of the routes' frequent services in the afternoon and early evening. To improve reliability for the RapidRide D Line and route 15X, the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is proposing extending the time period of the existing northbound parking restrictions.

Map of existing restricted parking

Project Elements

  • Extend current on-street parking restrictions from 4 - 6 PM to 3 - 7 PM on weekdays on the east side of 15th Ave NW between NW 67th and NW 85th streets
  • All other parking will remain available as posted

These proposed changes will help improve the reliability of these routes during the PM peak period on weekdays.

Project Schedule

Changes on 15th Avenue NW are planned for installation in fall 2015, weather permitting.

For more information, please contact:

Jonathan Dong
Phone: (206) 233-8564 

Western Ave W PM Parking Restriction Extension

Project Description

Routes 15X, 17X, 18X, 19, 24, and 33 provide service along Western Avenue W, and serve over 6,900 riders per weekday. Many of these riders take advantage of the routes' frequent service in the afternoon and early evening. To improve reliability for the RapidRide D Line and route 15X, the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is proposing extending the time period of the existing westbound parking restrictions.

Map of existing restricted parking

Project Elements

  • Extend current on-street parking restrictions from 4 - 6 PM to 3 - 7 PM on the northeast side of Western Ave between 1st Ave W and W John Street
  • On-street parking will remain as posted on both sides of Western Ave

These proposed changes will help improve the reliability of these routes during the PM peak period on weekdays.

Project Schedule

Changes on Western Avenue W are planned for installation in fall 2015, weather permitting.

For more information, please contact:

Jonathan Dong
Phone: (206) 233-8564 

2018 Spot Improvements

Reconnecting the Ballard neighborhood and adding a bus only lane on 15th Ave NW

15th Ave NW is a major street carrying around 50,000 vehicles a day. It is a bus priority corridor and a major truck street. RapidRide D and the 15 Express use the street and move about 15,000 people a day. Currently bus routes experience delay northbound between NW 51st St and NW Market St. We want to retain and grow the number of people taking the bus. So to make service more reliable and faster, we're planning a bus only lane in this area. Buses can then bypass traffic that occurs when the drawbridge is lowered. To make room for the bus only lane, we'll remove the center turn lane. Construction is scheduled for late 2017.

Cross section of planned changes
Cross-section of planned changes.

Project Elements

Removing the center turn lane means people can no longer make left turns on NW 15th Ave at NW 52nd and NW 53rd streets. Some people and service providers will change their routes to get home or access businesses. However, the change will make the intersections safer. The chart below shows recommended thresholds for having a center turn lane and why restricting turns at these locations is a good idea.

FactorThreshold Value for Two-Way Left Turn Lane15th Avenue NW between NW 51st and NW Market
Crashes 3 crashes per million vehicle miles 5.3 crashes per million vehicle miles
Traffic Volumes 28,000 vehicles daily Greater than 50,000 vehicles daily
Number of Lanes 2 lanes or less in each direction 3 lanes in each direction

Recognizing 15th Ave NW is a truck street we wanted to make sure people and goods continue moving smoothly. We conducted studies to understand possible impacts to nearby intersections. The study found they will continue to perform at acceptable levels of service.
This busy street also divides the neighborhood. There is almost a half a mile between traffic signals at Leary and NW Market. To help reconnect the neighborhood we're adding a pedestrian signal. The improvement will happen at NW 53rd St.

Example of what the crossing would look like
Example of what the crossing would look like.

University Link Transit Improvements

People entering a public bus
People taking the bus along NE Pacific St outside the UW Medical Center.

Project Description

Over the next couple of months we'll work with King County Metro and Sound Transit to improve the bus stops around the University Link light rail station, which is set to open March 19. These improvements include two stops on NE Pacific St and one on Montlake Blvd NE. Anticipated completion is expected March 26, weather dependent.

Project Elements

  • Relocate both bus stops along NE Pacific St
  • Upgrade transit stop and shelters
  • Install real-time information signs at NE Pacific St bus stop locations
  • More frequent Metro transit service at each bus stop
  • Improved service on Routes 44, 45, and 48 funded by Seattle's Transportation Proposition 1 approved by voters in 2014

Map of construction informationThese improvements will make it easier to access transit services around Husky Stadium and UW Medical Center. They'll also improve safety and reliability, by reducing the walking distance between bus stops and the light rail station.

Project Schedule

Construction activities are scheduled from Mid-January to late March 2016, weather permitting.

For more information, please contact:

Dawn Schellenberg
Phone: (206) 684-5189

For information about King County Metro's upcoming bus changes, visit

For information about U-Link light rail, visit

Lake City Way NE & 125th Ave NE Southbound Bus Stop Expansion

Two buses causing traffic congestion
Figure 1: Two buses at the Lake City Way NE and 125th Ave NE bus stop cause congestion at the intersection.

Project Description

Lake City Way NE is a priority transit corridor, serving eight King County Metro and Sound Transit routes,  and over 30,000 riders per day. Many buses often arrive at the same time at the Lake City Way NE and NE 125th St southbound bus stop - one of the most heavily used stops in the area. Given the stop's proximity the Lake City Way NE and NE 125th Street intersection, it's not uncommon for the second arriving bus to get caught in the intersection and block traffic on NE 125th St. Extending the bus stop further south along Lake City Way NE would give enough room for two busses to load and unload simultaneously, reducing blockages in the intersection.

Project Elements

  • Map of proposed bus zoneExtend the bus zone south, to the existing mid-block curb bulb and crosswalk, allowing two buses to safely stop at the Lake City Way NE and NE 125th Street southbound bus stop
  • Remove four parking spaces (three 2-hour restricted spaces, one 30 minute load/unload space) between the existing bus zone to the north and the existing mid-block curb bulb to the south
  • Extend the curb to meet the existing curb to the north and south

These changes will improve transit reliability and overall safety in the area, while reducing causes of potential east-west congestion on NE 125th St.

Project Schedule

If approved, changes on Lake City Way NE are scheduled to be installed fall 2015, weather permitting.

For more information, please contact:

Jonathan Dong
Phone: (206) 233-8564 

Lake City Way NE Northbound Bus Lane Extension

Project Description

Lake City Way NE is a major transportation corridor in Seattle that serves people walking, driving, biking, transporting goods, and riding transit. These transit routes serve over 30,000 riders on a daily basis. King County Metro Routes 41, 72, 75, 309, 312, 330, 372, and 522 run along Lake City Way NE between NE 113th and NE 145th streets, and Metro and Sound Transit operate approximately 15 Northbound trips per hour during the AM peak period. To improve transit reliability, the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is proposing extending the time restriction of the existing northbound "Bus Only" lane.

Map of existing bus lane

Project Elements

  • Extend restrictions of northbound "Bus Only" lanes to include the AM peak period (6 - 9 AM). Currently, the lane is only restricted to buses and right turns between 3 and 7 PM.
  • Parking would remain unrestricted during all other times.

 These proposed changes would improve reliability and safety for transit and general purpose traffic.

Project Schedule

Changes on Lake City Way NE are scheduled to be installed in August 2015, weather permitting.

For more information, please contact:

Jonathan Dong
Phone: (206) 233-8564 

2019 Spot Improvements

Howell Street Transit Improvements

Eastbound Howell Street (between 9th Avenue and Yale Avenue)

The Seattle Department of Transportation is working with King County Metro, Community Transit, and Sound Transit to address the delay buses are currently experiencing on Howell Street between 9thAvenue and Yale Avenue. Currently, travel times for buses are long through this section of downtown Seattle.To improve the reliability and bus travel times, we're planning to make the following changes in spring 2019:

  • Relocate the existing transit-only lane on Howell Street to the left curb lane
  • Install an eastbound transit queue jump on Howell Street and Yale Avenue that will allow buses traveling through Boren Avenue a head start when the light turns green
  • Restrict parking on the left curb lane on Howell Street between 9th Avenue and Yale Avenue between 3 and 7 pm; Monday through Friday

Howell St project mapCurrent view of Howell St

South Lake Union Streetcar Improvement Project

Phase I of the South Lake Union Streetcar Improvements go live November 2018! Signs have been installed and parking restrictions are set to change on November 5, 2018.

The South Lake Union line connects the fast-growing South Lake Union neighborhood to Seattle's vibrant downtown core. We are planning to install a set of improvements to reduce travel delays and improve travel time for the streetcar.

Changes Planned Starting November 2018:

Phase 1: November 2018

  • Streetcar-only lane restriction on Terry Avenue
    • Between Harrison Street and Republican Street: 3-7pm; Mon-Fri
    • Between Republican Street and Mercer Street: 24 hours a day; 7 days a week
  • No parking on Terry Avenue between Thomas Street and Mercer Street: 3-7 pm; Mon-Fri
  • No northbound left turn from Terry Avenue to Harrison Street: 3-7 pm; Mon-Fri
  • No northbound left turn from Terry Avenue to Republican Street: 3-7pm; Mon-Fri

Phase 2: July 2019

  • Install streetcar-only legends and red-paint treatment on Terry Avenue between Harrison Street and Mercer Street

Phase 3: Mid-2020 (after construction at Terry/Thomas is complete)

  • Streetcar-only lane restriction on Terry Avenue between Thomas Street and Harrison Street: 3-7pm; Mon-Fri
  • Eastbound left turn restriction (turn from Thomas to Terry): 3-7 pm; Mon-Fri

Downtown Seattle Transit Improvement Project

Fourth Avenue is an important corridor for people traveling to Downtown Seattle. The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is proposing to convert the existing peak-period transit-only lane (between I-90 off ramp and Weller Street) to all-day. This change will help reduce travel delays and improve travel time for King County Metro, Community Transit, and Sound Transit services.

Upcoming Changes to Northbound 4th Avenue (between I-90 off ramp and Weller Street)

  • Restrict the right curb lane on northbound 4th Avenue (between I-90 off ramp and Weller Street) to transit-only, 24 hours/day, 7 days/week;

  • Right turning vehicles will be allowed to use the curb lane to make right-turns at Seattle Blvd.

Downtown Seattle Transit Improvement Project map


August 2018

What is a Transit-Only lane?

A transit-only lane will be reserved for the following transit routes:

  • King County Metro: 41, 76, 77, 111, 114, 150, 177, 178, 190, 212, 214, 216, 217, 218, 219, 301, 308, 312, 316
  • Community Transit: 402, 405, 410, 415, 417, 422, 424
  • Sound Transit: 510, 511, 512, 513, 522, 545, 550, 554, 590, 594, 595

The transit-only lane will improve travel time for transit vehicles and make riding transit a more attractive option for riders. Automobiles will be allowed to use the transit-only lane if they are using the lane to make right turns onto Seattle Blvd.

For Questions or Comments

Jonathan Dong
(206) 233-8564

Broadway Corridor Streetcar Improvement Project

Broadway is among the most heavily used transportation corridors in Seattle. It connects neighborhoods and serves as a major thoroughfare for commuters traveling daily to and from work.  As part of Seattle's First Hill Streetcar project, the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is recommending traffic signal timing improvements for all lanes and the implementation of a Business Access and Transit (BAT) lanes between Pine Street and Madison Street.
Broadway Recommened Turn restrictionsBroadway Between Union St and Madison St, facing northbound

SDOT Recommendations

  • Retime traffic signals for all lanes to keep Streetcar and vehicles moving.
  • Implement southbound business access and transit-only lane: all day/7 days a week between Pine Street and Madison Street
  • Restrict vehicle turning movements on E Pine, E Pike, E Union and E Madison Streets

Recommended Schedule

Summer 2018: Retime traffic signals and add signage and lane striping to create southbound (all day/ 7 days a week) BAT lane between Pine Street and Madison Street.

What is a Business Access and Transit (BAT) lane?

BAT lanes are established all through Seattle, where the outside lanes are reserved for buses and right-turning vehicles only. They improve access to businesses and residences and save time for transit riders. BAT lanes also enhance the capacity of the remaining travel lanes by removing buses from general traffic.

How will travel times (bus, car, and freight) be improved on Broadway?

Northbound Travel Time Summary (James Street to E Denny Way)

Existing Travel TimeEstimated Recommendation Travel TimeTravel Time Improvement
Car/Truck 5 min, 25 sec 5 min, 16 sec -2.7%
Bus 6 min, 25 sec 5 min, 45 sec -10.4%
Streetcar 5 min, 51 sec 5 min, 36 sec -4.5%

Southbound Travel Time Summary (E Denny Way to James Street)

Existing Travel TimeEstimated Recommendation Travel TimeTravel Time Improvement
Car/Truck 8 min, 40 sec 6 min, 13 sec -28.4%
Bus 9 min, 26 sec 6 min, 43 sec -28.8%
Streetcar 8 min, 25 sec 5 min, 44 sec -31.9%

The Seattle Department of Transportation is making improvements to make travel on Broadway more reliable and efficient.  See inside for more information.Broadway Corridor Improvement Benefits:

  • Reduce travel time for all users
  • Manage traffic growth within a constrained space
  • Keep First Hill Streetcar and buses moving, even in heavy traffic

We Want to Hear from You!

Please send your comments to: Jonathan.dong@seattle.govor call (206) 233-8564.

Olive Way Transit Improvements

Eastbound Olive Way (between Terry Avenue and Minor Avenue)We are working with King County Metro, Community Transit, and Sound Transit to address the delay buses are currently experiencing on Olive Way between 4th Avenue and Minor Avenue.  Currently, travel times for buses are long through this section of downtown Seattle.To improve the reliability and bus travel times, we're planning to make the following changes in spring 2017:

  • Extend transit-only lane from Terry Avenue to Minor Avenue
  • Remove west-bound right-turn only lane on Olive Way between Boren Avenue and Terry Avenue
  • Install an eastbound transit queue jump on Olive Way at Boren Avenue that will allow buses traveling through Boren Avenue a head start when the light turns green

Street view of Olive WayMap of Olive Way and Terry AveQuestions or comments?Please contact Jonathan Dong at or (206) 233-8564 

Blanchard Street Transit-Only Lane

To improve reliability for the Metro routes 40 and RapidRide C Line, the Seattle Department of Transportation is proposing to make the following changes on eastbound Blanchard Street between Third Avenue and Westlake Avenue:

  • Install a new eastbound bus-only lane on the right lane of Blanchard Street between Third Avenue and Westlake Avenue (active between 6 to 9 am and 3 to 7 pm/weekdays only);

  • Install an eastbound bus-only signal at Blanchard Street and Westlake Avenue

Metro Routes 40 and RapidRide C Line currently experience delay traveling east on Blanchard Street. The proposed improvements will help reduce travel time by up to 4 minutes per trip for over 22,000 daily riders and allow over 200 bus trips to bypass traffic which currently stacks up during peak travel times. This improvement leverages voter-approved city investments through the Seattle Transportation Benefit District in Route 40 and RapidRide C Line.Map of new RapidRide Bus ZoneBus on the street

Jonathan Dong
(206) 233-8564

2020 Spot Improvements

3rd Avenue Bus Lane

Southbound bus lane on 3rd Ave (between Stewart St and Virginia St)Installation scheduled for May 8-9, 2021. 
We're working to reduce delay for buses along 3rd Ave.This project will benefit approximately 168,000 daily bus riders on 36 key routes that operate on 3rd Avenue, including Routes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 33, 36, 40, 55, 56, 57, 62, 70, 116, 118, 119, 120, 124, 131, 132, C Line, D Line, and E Line by rechannelizing the block and installing a southbound 24-hour red bus only lane in the center lane.SDOT is planning the following changes:

  • Convert the center lane in the southeastbound direction from a general-purpose lane to a 24-hour, 7 days per week, red bus only lane;

  • Convert the existing right lane in the southeastbound direction from a general purpose through lane to a right turn only lane from 6 am - 7 pm except buses, bikes, and loading or deliveries allowed for through movement 9 am - 3 pm; and

  • Remove the existing curbside right turn lanes at 3rd Ave and Stewart Street and replace with 30-minute commercial and 3-minute passenger loading zones.

3rd Ave Transit Improvements

See this mailer for more info. 

3rd Ave Transit Improvements3rd Ave Transit Improvements

Olive Way Red Bus Lane Treatment

Northeastbound Olive Way (between 4th Avenue and 8th Avenue)

The Seattle Department of Transportation is working to reduce delay for buses that travel northeastbound on Olive Way (between 4th Avenue and 8th Avenue).The project will benefit approximately 33,000 daily bus riders on 39 key regional routes that operate on Olive Way, including Routes: 41, 111, 114, 177, 178, 190, 212, 214, 216, 218, 219, 252, 255, 257, 268, 311, CT 402, CT 405, CT 410, CT 412, CT 413, CT 415, CT 416, CT 417, CT 421, CT 422, CT 424, CT 425, CT435, ST 510, ST 511, ST 512, ST 513, ST 545, ST 578, ST 590, ST 592, ST 594, and ST 595 by converting the existing bus only lane to a full time bus only lane and installing red paint to make the lane more visible.SDOT is planning the following changes:

  • Olive Way between 4th Avenue and 8th Avenue: convert the existing AM and PM peak bus only lane to 24/7 red bus only lane; and
  • Relocate the existing commercial loading zone on Olive Way between 4th Ave and 5th Ave to provide more space for right turning vehicles.

Olive Way Red Bus Lane TreatmentOlive Way Red Bus Treatment Details

Red Bus Lane Treatments in Downtown Seattle are on Their Way!

The Seattle Department of Transportation is working to install red bus lanes. Red bus lanes help to improve compliance with bus-only restrictions and keep buses moving. The following locations are planned for red bus lanes:

  • Northbound Westlake Avenue (between 6th Avenue and 9th Avenue)
  • Eastbound Pike Street (between 2nd Avenue and 8th Avenue)
  • Northbound 5th Avenue (between S Washington Street and Marion Street)

These changes are made through our Spot Improvements program, which provides changes to city streets to reduce travel delays and improve travel times for transit in Seattle.Red Bus Lane Treatments

Union Street Transit Improvements

Westbound Union St (between Convention Place and 4th Avenue) & Northbound 4th Avenue (between Union St and Pike St)

The Seattle Department of Transportation is working with King County Metro to reduce delay for buses that travel westbound on Union Street (between Convention Place and 4th Ave) and northbound on 4th Avenue between Union and Pike Street.The project will benefit approximately 20,000 daily bus riders on 12 key regional routes that operate on Union Street, including Routes: 41, 74, 76, 77E, 301E, 312E, 316, 101, 102, 150, ST 522, and ST 550 by improving travel times for buses during the most congested times of the day.The improvements on 4th Avenue will benefit at least 12,000 daily bus riders on 36 regional routes, which includes routes coming from Snohomish, Pierce, and King County. Additional signage and roadway markings will improve clarity for all roadway users and overall traffic movement.SDOT is planning the following changes:

  • Union Street (between 6th Ave and 7th Ave): Convert the right curb lane on Union Street between 6th Ave and 7th Ave to a right-turn only lane with an exception for buses and bicycles;
  • Union Street and 4th Avenue: Convert the existing through-right turn lane  to a through only lane except transit and bicycles;
  • 4th Avenue (between Union St and Pike St): Install "No Stops" signs and paint the curb red to discourage idling vehicles from blocking bus traffic.

Union Street Transit Improvements MapUnion St Transit Improvements Diagram

Lake City Way Transit & Pedestrian Improvements

At Lake City Way NE and NE 125th St

Lake City Way Transit & Pedestrian Improvements

The Seattle Department of Transportation is working to improve transit and pedestrian accessibility along Lake City Way with an improved bus stop and repaired sidewalks. In 2018, the southbound bus stop on Lake City Way at NE 125th St  was expanded to give access to two buses at the same time. Now, it's time to expand the busy northbound bus stop on the other side of the intersection. Here's what we'll do: 

  • Move the bus stop closer to 125th St. This will make it easier to transfer to or from westbound and eastbound buses. 
  • Make the bus zone longer. The new stop will be able to fit two buses at a time, so that buses don't have to wait and slow down traffic for everyone. This is important since a bus comes to this stop every 3 minutes during the PM peak.
  • Add Real-Time Information sign. This will show waiting passengers when their bus will arrive.
  • Preserve loading zones for businesses. Expanding the bus stop requires removing 6-8 one-hour parking spots along the east side of Lake City Way, but loading zones will remain.
  • Repair sidewalks. New sidewalks will be constructed on both sides of Lake City Way between 30th Ave NE and NE 125th St.

These improvements are planned for 2020, and are funded by the 9-year Levy to Move Seattle, approved by voters in 2015.

Lenora St Transit Improvements

Between 7th Ave and 4th Ave

The Seattle Department of Transportation is working to improve transit along Lenora St through the following changes:

  • New Business Access and Transit (BAT) lane on Lenora St between 7th Ave and 4th Ave. BAT lanes are bus-only lanes that also allow cars to make right turns.
  • New RapidRide bus stop on Lenora St and 4th Ave, next to Cinerama.
  • Bus queue jump at 4th Ave. Queue jump will give buses a head start at the traffic light.

These changes are being made to improve the speed and reliability of transit, with benefits expected for the RapidRide C Line as well as routes 40, 143, 214, and 554. Construction is expected to begin in Fall 2019.Map of transit improvements on LenoraStreet view of transit spot improvements on Lenora St


Greg Spotts, Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is on a mission to deliver a transportation system that provides safe and affordable access to places and opportunities for everyone as we work to achieve our vision of Seattle as a thriving, equitable community powered by dependable transportation.