2018 District 7 – Projects
District 7 — Project Updates
2018 Your Voice, Your Choice: Parks and Street Elected Projects
- 2nd Ave Ext S and S Jackson St (Cost: $43,000; Total Votes: 189)*
- Western Ave, Lenora St and Blanchard St (Cost: $90,000; Total Votes: 295)
- 5th Ave and Denny Way (Cost: $90,000; Total Votes: 318)
- 3rd Ave W and W Fulton St (Cost: $83,500; Total Votes: 201)
* Projects in Equity & Environmental Initiative (EEI) Focus Areas.
STREETS | 2nd Ave Ext S and S Jackson St
Crossing Improvements
Project Overview
The crossing to 2nd Ave Ext S at S Jackson St is not accessible to everyone. We’ve also heard that many visually impaired travelers use the intersection to access a nearby transit stop, and find the intersection challenging and confusing to navigate.
Installing accessible pedestrian signals (APS) improves accessibility and safety for pedestrians.
We’ve added this project to our 2019 YVYC work plan, in addition to the projects that residents selected through the voting process. This work will coordinate with the other pedestrian improvements planned as part of the pedestrian and transit enhancements in the vicinity of King Street and the Chinatown/International District Stations funded by Metro and Sound Transit.
Project Solutions
- Install APS at the 2nd Ave Ext S and S Jackson St signal
- Restore pavement and sidewalk following APS construction
Neighborhood: Pioneer Square
Total Cost: $43,000
YVYC Funds: $43,000
Project Schedule and Updates
We anticipate construction as soon as fall/winter 2022.
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STREETS | Western Ave, Lenora St and Blanchard St
Crossing Improvements
Project Overview
Western Ave runs parallel to the Seattle Waterfront and connects travelers to many destinations, including the Historic Seattle Waterfront, Pike Place Market, and the Seattle Multimodal Terminal at Colman Dock. To improve connections to these destinations, we’re installing paint-and-post-bulbs at Western Ave and Lenora St, and Western and Blanchard St.
We’re partnering with the Vision Zero Program (VZ) to study the potential for additional crossing improvements at both intersections.
Project Solutions
- Install paint-and-post-bulbs on all corners of Western Ave and Blanchard Street
- Install paint-and-post-bulbs on the north, east, and south corners of Western Ave and Lenora St
- Partner with Vision Zero for additional crossing improvements
Neighborhood: Belltown
Total Cost: $100,000
YVYC Funds: $90,000
VZ Funds: $10,000
Project Schedule and Updates
We anticipate construction as soon as early as spring/summer 2023, pending coordination with the Seattle Waterfront Project work.
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STREETS | 5th Ave and Denny Way
Crossing Improvements
Project Overview
Heavy traffic volumes along Denny Way, the intersection geometry at 5th Ave and Denny Way, and the width of the road, make crossing 5th Ave very challenging. A new curb bulb, refugee island, upgraded signage and lane markings, calm traffic and shorten pedestrian crossing distances.
After further investigation into the existing infrastructure in this area and anticipated changes in this area from projects that were not identified at the time of the project review, the costs to power the pedestrian activated rectangular rapid flashing beacons will exceed the awarded project budget. As a result, the scope of the work has been modified to not include pedestrian activated rectangular rapid flashing beacons and focus on upgrading the signage and lane markings.
Project Solutions
- Install an asphalt median island and painted curb bulb
- Upgrade existing signage and lane markings
Neighborhood: Belltown
Total Cost: $90,000
YVYC Funds: $90,000
Project Schedule and Updates
Construction was completed in April 2021.
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STREETS| 3rd Ave W and W Fulton St
Crossing Improvements
Project Overview
3rd Ave W connects people traveling to key destinations such as Seattle Pacific University, North and West Queen Anne, several parks and transit stops. Installing crossing improvements enhances safety, visibility, predictability, and shortens crossing distances.
Project Solutions
- Install curb bulbs
- Partner with the Transit Spot Program for crossing and transit improvements
Neighborhood: Queen Anne
Total Cost: $83,500
YVYC Funds: $83,500
Project Schedule and Updates
Construction was completed in September 2021.
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- District 7 Postcard Mailers (March 2019)