Alki Point Healthy Street

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Alki Point Healthy Street Executive Summary

The Alki Point Healthy Street survey showed that most people support making Healthy Streets permanent. It also included helpful ideas on how to make things even better. This summary shares the main points from the survey, which had 1,199 responses, and other data collected between Summer and Fall 2024. 

Resumen Ejecutivo de la Calle Saludable de Alki Point

La encuesta sobre la calle saludable de Alki Point mostró que la mayoría de las personas apoyan hacer que el programa de Calles Saludables sea permanente. También incluyó ideas útiles sobre cómo mejorar aún más las cosas. Este resumen comparte los puntos principales de la encuesta, que recibió 1,199 respuestas, y otros datos recopilados entre el verano y el otoño de 2024.

Alki Point 健康街执行摘要

Alki Point 健康街问卷调查显示,大多数人支持将健康街永久化。它还包括了一些如何改善现状的有益建议。本摘要概述了来自 2024 年夏季和秋季期间收集的 1,199 份调查反馈以及其他数据的要点。

Tóm Tắt Báo Cáo về Đường Phố Lành Mạnh Alki Point

Cuộc khảo sát về Đường Phố Lành Mạnh Alki Point cho thấy đa số người dân ủng hộ việc duy trì Đường Phố Lành Mạnh như một dự án lâu dài. Cuộc khảo sát cũng thu thập được nhiều ý kiến hữu ích để cải thiện dự án hơn nữa. Bản tóm tắt này chia sẻ những điểm chính từ cuộc khảo sát, với 1,199 phản hồi, và các dữ liệu khác được thu thập từ mùa hè đến mùa thu năm 2024.

Soo koobida Fulinta Alki Point Healthy Street

Sahanka Alki Point Healthy Street wuxuu muujiyay in dadka intooda badan ay taageerayaan ka dhigista Waddooyinka Caafimaadka leh mid joogto ah. Waxa kale oo ku jirtay fikrado waxtar leh oo ku saabsan sida loo sii hagaajinayo. Soo koobidani waxa ay wadaagaysaa qodobbada ugu muhiimsan sahanka, kaas oo lahaa 1,199 jawaabo, iyo xog kale oo la ururiyay intii u dhaxaysay Xagaaga iyo Dayrta 2024.

Ehekutibong Buod ng Alki Point Healthy Street

Ipinakita ng sarbey sa Alki Point Healthy Street na karamihan sa mga tao ay sumusuporta na gawing permanente ang Healthy Streets. Kasama rin dito ang mga kapaki-pakinabang na ideya kung paano pa mapapabuti ang mga bagay-bagay. Ang buod na ito ay nagbabahagi ng mga pangunahing punto mula sa sarbey, na may 1,199 na sagot, at iba pang datos na nakolekta mula Tag-init hanggang Taglagas ng 2024.

Alki Point 건강 거리 핵심 요약서

Alki Point 건강 거리(Healthy Street) 설문 조사에 따르면 대부분의 사람들은 영구적인 건강 거리 조성을 지지하는 것으로 나타났습니다. 또한 설문 조사에는 현재의 건강 거리를 개선하는 데 도움이 되는 아이디어도 포함되어 있습니다. 본 요약서는 1,199명이 응답한 설문 조사의 주요 내용과 2024년 여름과 가을 사이에 수집된 기타 데이터를 공유합니다.

የአልካይ ነጥብ ጤናማ ጎዳና (Alki Point Healthy Street) ሥራ አስፈፃሚ ማጠቃለያ

የአልካይ ነጥብ ጤናማ መንገድ የዳሰሳ ጥናት እንደሚያሳየው አብዛኛው ሰዎች ጤናማ መንገዶችን ዘላቂነት ያለው እንዲሆን ለማድረግ ይደግፋሉ። እንዲሁም ነገሮችን እንዴት ይበልጥ ማሻሻል እንደሚቻል ጠቃሚ ሀሳቦችንም አካትቷል። ይህ 1,199 ምላሾች ከነበረው የዳሰሳ ጥናቱ ዋና ዋና ነጥቦች እና ከሌሎች ከበጋ እና በልግ 2024 ወቅት መካከል የተሰበሰቡ መረጃዎች ማጠቃለያ ይጋራል።

Краткий итоговый отчет о ходе выполнения работ по преобразованию Alki Point в "здоровую улицу"

Результаты опроса, проведенного среди жителей города с целью выяснения их отношения к проекту обустройства "здоровой улицы" Alki Point, показали, что большинство людей поддерживают инициативу о создании "здоровых улиц" на постоянной основе. Данный опрос помог нам собрать полезные идеи о том, как добиться еще большего улучшения качества городской среды. В настоящем кратком итоговом отчете представлены ключевые моменты опроса, в результате проведения которого было получено 1199 ответов, а также другие данные, собранные летом и осенью 2024 года.

Updated January 13, 2025

What's Happening Now?

After months of listening to the community, observing usage, and analyzing data, we’re excited to share the findings from our Alki Point Healthy Street evaluation. Please click on the Alki Point Healthy Street Evaluation 2024 report to read what we learned.  This report included feedback we recievd from 1,199 participants that took our survey and data we collected from Summer to Fall of 2024.  You can find the Executive Summary on pages 4-5 of the report. 

You can also click on our  Survey Data 2024 to learn more about the results of our survey. 

Thank you to everyone who shared feedback on the Alki Point Healthy Street!


About this project 

Healthy Streets are open for people walking, rolling, biking, and playing, and closed to pass-through traffic. This program aims to open up more public space for people to use—improving community and individual health. 

Since 2021, we have been evaluating and updating Healthy Streets across the city based on the trends we have seen in community use and public feedback. Healthy Streets are a commitment to the Mayor's Transportation & Climate Justice Executive Order and SDOT's work to prioritize and expand actions that equitably reduce or eliminate greenhouse gas emissions within the transportation sector.

Alki Point is a regional destination park and marine reserve habitat, as well as a destination for many popular outdoor activities like kayaking and paddle boarding, whale watching, exploring the low tides, and taking in views of sunsets and the mountains.

While people can still drive to destinations on the street—or park on the street to visit the beach—safety improvements like speed humps, improved signage, and striping and markings discourage speeding so that it stays calmer and safer for all users.

Community Outreach / Project History

Graphic showing stages of outreach and how SDOT responded to community feedback

After the Alki Point Keep Moving Street opened in May 2020—on Beach Drive SW and Alki Avenue SW from the north end of 63rd Ave SW to the south end of 63rd Ave SW—we heard from many community members that they wanted it to stay in some form to keep providing space for people to walk, bike, roll, and play. Our observations and evaluation showed that the Alki Keep Moving Street had the highest usage among any Keep Moving Street or Stay Healthy Street in the city.

People gather at an open house and view proposed designs and materials on tablesWe conducted outreach and community engagement in Summer and Fall 2021, and again in Summer and Fall 2022, which included an online survey, multiple stakeholder meetings, and public open houses. We analyzed over 2,000 responses to the Alki Point Keep Moving Street Survey and additional feedback like emails, phone calls, stakeholder comments, and door-to-door business outreach.

The Permanent Healthy Street was announced in Fall 2022 and early designs were shared with the public. We received community feedback that they disliked curb bulbs and traffic circles in this location, preferred a simplified design with continuous walking and rolling space, and had concerns about adequate ADA parking.

We took another look at one of the early design options that included a “neighborhood greenway + additional pedestrian space.” We also decided to designate ADA-accessible spaces near pedestrian ramps and entrances into the park and beach.

In Fall 2023—after over two years of outreach and engagement—we shared the updated, final designs for construction in 2024 that included many elements requested by the community—including an additional 10-foot walking, rolling, and biking area along the beachfront that is separated from cars, and we identified other public rights-of-way nearby that could be formally striped and signed as public parking spaces.

Project Map

Map of locations around the Healthy Street Greenway

Design Elements

Below are maps and diagrams of the entire project area, and four (4) location-specific improvements. The design elements are also listed for each location, including:

  • 0.25 miles (approx) of new walking/biking space
  • 3 new ADA-accessible parking spaces
  • 3 new speed humps 

Construction was completed in Spring 2024. Existing public parking was also identified on Benton Pl SW and Alki Ave SW for re-striping, improved signage, or other updates to indicate its availability for visitors better.

Location 1: Alki Ave SW & 64th Pl SW 

  • Paint & post cul-de-sac to give drivers an opportunity to turn around before the “street closed” sign
  • “Street closed” sign on durable concrete cylinders to reduce cut-through driving on the Healthy Street
  • Wayfinding pavement markings for a smooth transition from existing bike path to the Healthy Street 
  • Approximately 6 parking spaces removed in Cul-de-sac area – raised crosswalk to 64th Pl SW 

Design plan for the Alki Point Healthy Street at the intersection of Alki Ave SW and 64th Pl SW and completed photo

Location 2: Alki Ave SW and Point Pl SW 

  • Speed humps to reduce traffic speeds
  • Sharrow pavement markings to enhance wayfinding for people biking, rolling, and walking
  • Stop signs at intersecting streets 

Design plan for the Healthy Street along Alki Way SW and completed photo

Location 3: Alki Ave SW and Beach Dr SW 

  • Concrete wheel stops (instead of earlier designed paint and post) to delineate 10’ of additional space for people biking, rolling, and walking next to the existing sidewalk adjacent to the beach
  • Sharrow pavement markings to enhance wayfinding for people biking, rolling, and walking
  • Stop signs at intersecting streets
  • Designated ADA-accessible parking spaces along Beach Dr SW 

Design for the Alki Healthy Street along Alki Ave SW into Beach Dr SW and completed photo

Location 4: Beach Dr SW and 64th Ave SW 

  • Concrete wheel stops (instead of earlier designed paint and post) to delineate 10’ of additional space for people biking, rolling, and walking next to the existing sidewalk adjacent to the beach
  • Sharrow pavement markings to enhance wayfinding for people biking, rolling, and walking 
  • Stop signs at intersecting streets
  • Approximately 58 parking spaces removed on Beach Dr SW, from 3300 Beach Dr SW to 64th Ave SW
  • Approximately 46 parking spaces to remain available on Beach Dr SW, from 3300 Beach Dr SW to 64th Ave SW 

We are still evaluating additional design work and crossing improvements for one block of the permanent Healthy Street on Beach Dr from 63rd Ave SW to 64th Ave SW. We will share an update about these options at a later date, in order to coordinate with a King County stormwater treatment project that is expected to begin as early as Spring 2025 and continue until 2026.

Design for the Alki Healthy Street along Beach Dr SW and completed photo


People gather at an open house and view proposed designs and materials on tables


Adiam Emery, Interim Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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