Contracting Equity

Program and Key Principles

SDOT prioritizes the use of women- and minority-owned businesses (WMBEs) as part of our broader contracting equity goals. Specifically, we support WMBE inclusion and contracting equity in the following ways: 

  • Facilitating opportunities for WMBE and small businesses in SDOT work, by sharing resources and information with firms. 
  • Making SDOT contracting and purchasing more transparent and accessible by promoting equitable policies and practices.  
  • Instilling the vision for WMBE inclusion within SDOT and throughout the community; creating, tracking, and holding each other accountable for WMBE inclusion goals.   
    Contact us at: 

WMBE and Transportation Equity

SDOT uses the Transportation Equity Framework (TEF) to achieve the department’s mission, vision, and core values. We believe transportation must meet the needs of communities of color and those of all incomes, abilities, and ages. Implementing TEF tactics is critical to SDOT’s WMBE and contracting equity program. 
 The TEF acts as a roadmap for SDOT to collaboratively create an equitable transportation system.  
The TEF and Contracting Equity 

  • TEF outlines how SDOT’s decision-makers, employees, stakeholders, and community members work collaboratively to create an equitable transportation system.
  • Contracting equity and WMBE use specific TEF tactics to work toward ensuring all communities have access to SDOT opportunities and resources. 
    Learn more about Seattle’s Transportation Equity Framework: Seattle's Transportation Equity Framework - Transportation | 

Supporting Documents 

The City of Seattle has developed its WMBE program based on the Equity in Contracting Ordinance and subsequent mayoral executive orders. SDOT’s WMBE program and goals contribute to a citywide commitment to contracting equity. 
Economic Inclusion and Contracting Equity

Executive Order 2023-07 expands opportunity and equity in City contracts, with emphasis on WMBEs. 

Executive Order 2019-06 reaffirms mayoral commitment to advance the City’s mission for economic inclusion and equity in contracting. 

Equity in City Contracting 
Executive Order 2014-03 affirms mayoral commitment to race and gender equity in City contracting administration, data & compliance, and accountability & reporting. 
Outreach to Women and Minority-Owned Businesses 
Executive Order 2010-05: Executive order for City departments to increase contracting and purchasing efforts with WMBE’s by creating new opportunities, expanding outreach, and establishing direct accountability. 
Equity in Contracting Ordinance
Seattle Municipal Code 20.42 establishes the need for WMBE’s to be targeted in city contracting efforts, as a result of discrimination and historic under-representation. 


Adiam Emery, Interim Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is on a mission to deliver a transportation system that provides safe and affordable access to places and opportunities for everyone as we work to achieve our vision of Seattle as a thriving, equitable community powered by dependable transportation.