N 40th St and Bagley Ave N Improvements

Last updated: January 3, 2024

We completed this project in 2020 in coordination with the Green Lake Area Paving & Safety Projects.

Project Overview

In 2016, the N 40th St and Bagley Ave N Improvements project was one of 12 selected by the Levy to Move Seattle Oversight Committee to be funded through SDOT’s Neighborhood Street Fund (NSF) program. The NSF program funds projects requested by the community. In order to save money and reduce construction impacts, some of the elements of this NSF project have been wrapped into the Green Lake Area Paving & Safety project.

This project will improve safety at this intersection for people walking and biking.


  • Marked crosswalks (installed in August 2017)
  • New curb ramps
  • Pedestrian lighting (if funding allows)
  • Sidewalk repair
  • Consolidated westbound bus stop


  • Safer, more comfortable crossings for people walking and biking
  • Increased accessibility
  • Improved visibility of people walking and biking
  • Improved sidewalk conditions


Early Design Concept


2017-2018: Project design
2019/2020: Construction with N 40th St repaving project


Funding comes from the 2015 voter-approved, 9-year Levy to Move Seattle, which will improve safety for all travelers, maintain streets and bridges, and invest in reliable, affordable travel options for a growing city. The levy includes $24 million to continue the Neighborhood Street Fund program over the 9 years.

Get Involved

Please contact the Green Lake Area Paving & Safety Projets team with questions about this project.

For project updates, please sign up to receive email updates from the Green Lake Area Paving & Safety Project.

Project Library

Fact Sheet April 2017
SDOT Project Review Document

To request information in another format:

We are designing and building a transportation project proposed by your neighbors to make it safer for people walking and biking and to strengthen community. To learn more about the project or request translations call (206) 508-1450

Estamos disenando y construyendo un proyecto de transporte propuesto por nuestros vecinos a fin de que sea mas seguro para que las personas caminen y monten bicicleta y asimismo fortalecer a la comunidad. Para obtener mayor informacion acerca del proyecto o para solicitar transporte llamar a: (206) 508-1450

Chúng tôi đang thiết kế và xây dựng một dự án giao thông đề xuất bởi chính những người hàng xóm của quý vị nhằm làm cho việc đi bộ và đi xe đạp trở nên an toàn hơn và cộng đồng vững mạnh hơn. Để tìm hiểu thêm về dự án hoặc yêu cầu các bản dịch, hãy gọi  (206) 508-1450

我們正在設計並建造一個由您的鄰居提議的交通計畫,這個計畫旨在改善人們的步行及騎車安全,並強化社區。 如需進一步瞭解這項計畫,或是申請翻譯服務,請撥打  (206) 508-1450

我们正在设计并建造一个由您的邻居提议的交通计划,这个计划旨在改善人们的步行及骑车安全,并强化社区。如需进一步了解这项计划,或是申请翻译服务,请拨打  (206) 508-1450

በእግራቸው ለሚጓዙ እና ብስክሌት ለሚጋልቡ ሰዎች ይበልጥ ለደኅንነታቸው አስተማማኝ እንዲሆን በእርስዎ ጎረቤቶች በቀረበ ንድፈ ሐሳብ ላይ በመመርኮዝ የትራንስፖርት አገልግሎት ፕሮጄክትን በመንደፍ እና በማዘጋጀት ላይ ነን። ስለ ፕሮጄክቱ የበለጠ ለማወቅ ወይም ትርጉም አገልግሎት ለማግኘት ጥያቄ ለማቅረብ ወደዚህ ይደውሉ  (206) 508-1450

በእግሮም ንዝጓዓዙን ብሽክልታ ንዝጥቀሙን ሰባት ውሑስንኦም ንምሕላውን እቲ ማሕበረሰብ ንምጥንኻርን ብጎረባብትኻ ዝተተለመ ናይ መጓዓዝያ ፕሮጀክት ዲዛይን ነውጽን ንሃንጽን ኣሎና፡፡ ብዛዕባ እቲ ፕሮጀክት ዝበለጸ ሓበሬታ ንምርካብ ወይ ናይ ናብ መጓዝያ ንምድዋል ሓገዝ ንምርካብ  (206) 508-1450

Nuti Pirojektii geejjibaa ollaawwan keessaniin gaafataman kan wixineessinuu fi ijaarruuf, namoota deemaniifi isaan bishikilitii ofaniif daandii nagaa taasisuufi hawaasichas cimsuudhaaf. Waa’ee pirojektichaa caalaa baruuf ykn geejjiba gaafachuuf nuuf bilbilaa  (206) 508-1450

Waxaynu nakhshadaynaynaa oona dhisaynaa mashruuc gaadiid ay soo jeediyeen dadka deriskaaga ah si aynu ugaga dhigno mid ammaan ah dadka soconaya iyo kuwa baaskiilada wata iyo si aynu u xoojino jaaliyada. Si aad u oggaatid inbaddan oo ku saabsan mashruuca ama u codsatid waxyaabo turjuban soo wac  (206) 508-1450

Kami ay nagdidisenyo at nagtatayo ng isang proyekto para sa transportasyon na namungkahi ng inyong mga kapitbahay para gawing mas ligtas para sa mga taong naglalakad at nagbibisikleta at para mapatatag ang komunidad. Upang higit pang matutunan ang tungkol sa proyekto o humiling ng mga pagsasalin-wika, tumawag sa  (206) 508-1450


Adiam Emery, Interim Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is on a mission to deliver a transportation system that provides safe and affordable access to places and opportunities for everyone as we work to achieve our vision of Seattle as a thriving, equitable community powered by dependable transportation.