Get Moving Fund
Video by White Noise Productions
2025 Grant Information
Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) and the Seattle Municipal Park District is pleased to announce the 2025 Get Moving and Recreation for All grants. Community members, organizations, community groups, and small businesses can apply to receive up to $15,000 to provide recreation programming throughout Seattle.
Application Dates
- January 14, 2025 - application window opens at 8:00AM PST
- February 11, 2025 - application window closes at 11:59PM PST
How to Apply
- Please read the grant guidelines carefully: 2025 Guidelines
- When you are ready to apply, visit and create an account using the link on the top right of that page. GO Smart will then present the option to fill out an application. If you have any questions about the application process, please email
Award announcements will be made approximately four weeks from the review date. The review timeline will be dependent on the number of applications the community panel has to read and score. Applicants will receive additional information about an award timeline once their application has been sent to the community review panel.
Information Sessions Available
Learn more at a drop-in information session! We can make interpreters available with 72 hours’ advance notice. Please contact for more information.
General information sessions:
- January 16 from 12:30pm-1:30pm. This will be a Virtual Session held on Microsoft Teams:
Video recording from January 16 session is embedded in the right sibedar.
- January 25 from 10:00am-12:00pm at Rainier Beach Library: 9125 Rainier Ave S, Seattle, WA 98118
- January 29 from 6:30pm-7:30pm. This will be a Virtual Session held on Microsoft Teams:
Microsoft Teams
Click here to join the virtual meeting on 1/29/2025 @ 6:30PM PST
Meeting ID: 296 837 131 658
Passcode: S9pn9iA3
Download Teams | Join on the web
- February 6 from 6:00pm-8:00pm at Garfield Community Center: 2323 E Cherry St, Seattle, WA 98122
About the Get Moving Initiative
The Get Moving Initiative allows Seattle Parks and Recreation to provide, through funding, culturally relevant physical activities, events and programs in neighborhoods and for communities that have Health Disparity Indicators of 20% or higher in the categories of "no physical activity" and "rates of obesity", as defined in the 2014 King County Public Health Survey.
Several strategic goals support the cornerstones of the Get Moving Initiative, which can be summarized by the topics of Resources, Access, Opportunity and Equity. The result is a mix of programs and funding that support the Initiative's vision: to ensure that people from communities and neighborhoods afflicted by health disparities are accessing and participating in Seattle Parks and Recreation's equitably distributed health and fitness programs. (click the graphic for a larger view)
The Get Moving Fund
The Seattle Park District-funded Get Moving Fund supports local nonprofit organizations, small businesses, and community groups in offering innovative and culturally relevant events and/or projects to increase participation in community sports, recreation and physical fitness activities that serve under-resourced communities (such as immigrant populations, people of color, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ etc.). The goal of the Get Moving Fund is to increase participation and opportunities for physical activities, prioritizing neighborhoods and communities afflicted by health disparities.
Big Day of Play
Big Day of Play is an amazing annual event that showcases Seattle Parks and Recreation's Get Moving Initiative and reflects the diversity of our vibrant community. The day features demonstrations and information that highlight the range of health and wellness programs and activities available through Seattle Parks and Recreation. Big Day of Play is an event that provides educational resources, family activities, entertainment, and healthy food. Download the Sponsorship Packet here, and learn more about the event by watching this video.
Community Engagement Ambassadors
Community Engagement Ambassadors, or CEAs, engage underrepresented Seattle residents and reduce barriers for them to access City programs and resources. By building awareness among hard-to-reach audiences about opportunities, services and programs, they help to increase physical activity and health awareness within high health disparity populations, including people of color, immigrants and refugees, persons with disabilities, and LGBTQ communities. CEAs provide support for individuals who may need help navigating City and application processes, and assist community members in planning and implementing physical programs, special events and athletic activities in their respective communities.
Rec'N the Streets
Bringing recreation directly to the people who need it, Rec'N the Streets offers "pop-up" scalable fun and play for all ages. Whether it's a small park with ten kids or a festival of 150, the program fits the environment. In 2018 Rec'N the Streets partnered with Kaiser Permanente and other sponsoros to to participate in Big Day of Play, neighborhood block parties and festivals like Umoja Fest, Festival CentroAmericano, and the United Way/City of Seattle Summer Meals program.
Free Health and Wellness Classes
When community centers reopen post-pandemic, these classes for all ages provide regular outlets for fun, fitness and togetherness at four community centers in Seattle. All classes are drop-in. Advance registration is not available.
- Soul Line Dance at Garfield Community Center, Saturdays from 10am-12pm
- Hip Hop Spin at Rainier Beach Community Center, Mondays 6-7pm
- Hip Hop Spin at Rainier Community Center, Tuesdays 6-7pm
- Family Zumba (age 14+) at Rainier Beach Community Center, Wednesday 6:30-7:30pm
- Women's Zumba at Van Asselt Community Center, Tuesday & Thursday, 6-7pm
Please see the Recreation for All page for information about our program that provides financial support to local nonprofit organizations, small businesses, community groups, and individuals to provide culturally relevant programs and events throughout the City of Seattle