Hubbard Homestead Play Area
Updated: September 9, 2024
Fall 2024
The play area is in construction and the play equipment installation is in process. Following the installation of the play equipment, additional site furnishings, play area safety surfacing, trees and vegetation, and concrete pathways will be installed. Seattle Parks and Recreations (SPR) is continuing to work with the contractor to completion and will provide an updated construction schedule when available.
Modifications to play equipment foundation design in the course of construction necessitated additional design documentation, review, and oversight. To ensure changed footing conditions provide adequate stability it was determined that field inspections by Geotech of record were required. Special inspections were conducted in September with directions to the contractor for the next steps.
SPR awarded the construction contract to LW Sundstrom Construction for the addition of the play area to Hubbard Homestead Park. Portions of the park adjacent to the new play area will be closed. The majority of the park will remain open for public use.
The Hubbard Homestead play area project site will be located on the east end of Hubbard Homestead Park. The scope of the project will include minor site improvements and a play area that's in compliance with current play area safety standards and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) access. Funding for this park improvement is provided by the Seattle Park District.
View three vendor renderings of the play equipment here and please note the color of the play area surfacing will be green and not black.
Hubbard Homestead Park, 11203 5th Ave NE, 98125
The Seattle Parks District provides $600,000 in funding for this project.
Planning and Design: Summer 2018 - Fall 2021
Bidding: Fall 2021
Construction: Fall 2022 - TBD
Project Description
This project will develop a play area within the existing Hubbard Homestead Park. The goal is to provide playground equipment which will include play elements and access for children of all ages and abilities. Improvements will include fall surfacing, seating, storm water mitigation and limited landscape improvements.
As part of this project, we decommissioned the playground at Victory Creek Park, 1059 NE Northgate Way, Seattle, WA 98125. Unfortunately, playgrounds are not designed and constructed to last forever and this playground was no exception. Under Parks and Recreation policy number 060-P 5.12.1, decommissioning is necessary because it is substantially out of code compliance. The decommissioning of this playground allowed for maintenance resources for a new play area at Hubbard Homestead Park.
Community Participation
Public Meeting - 2/28/2019
January 2019
Public Meeting - 12/4/2018
- Meeting Agenda
- Meeting Presentation
- Meeting Notes
- Meetings Poster (English)
- Meetings Poster (Spanish)
Public Meeting - 10/16/2018