Ballard Playground Athletic Field Improvements
Updated: February 3, 2025
Early 2025
Due to unfavorable weather conditions in winter, we are making slow progress in completing the remaining fieldwork, including irrigation, soil amendment, and planting. We anticipate partial reopening at both of the infields to accommodate for team practices in late March. The outfield will remain closed until new grass is fully established.
Construction Impact:
- The entire field will be closed during construction, including exterior women's/men's restrooms, backstops/bleachers area, walkways, drinking fountain, and the table tennis area.
- The parking lot is open except for the new accessible walkway area. It is still fenced off until we complete the installation of the handrails.
- The exterior space near the south building entrance is now fenced off for paving and drainage work in this area. Outdoor preschool space is available through the south entrance or walkway near the exterior women's/men's restrooms behind the community center building.
Both the community center and the play area will remain open during the construction.
Ballard Playground; 2644 NW 60th St., Seattle, WA 98107
The project budget is $1.1M, funded by the Real Estate Excise Tax (REET II) and General Bond Interest and Redemption Fund.
Planning and Design: 2018 – Winter 2024
Bidding: Spring 2024
Construction: Summer – Early 2025
Project Description
Seattle Parks and Recreation is renovating the Ballard Playfield. Improvements include:
- Replacing existing fields with new synthetic turf baseball infield
- Replanting outfield athletic field turf
- Retrofit, repair, and renovate existing field facilities including under-drainage, irrigation, and asphalt paving
- New concrete for accessible pathways
- Modify the existing parking lot to meet accessibility standards
- Add stormwater filtration system and bio-retention planter
- Modify existing stormwater drainage