City Hall Park and Vicinity

Updated: November 15, 2024

Fall 2024

The City Hall Park and Vicinity study builds from the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT), Public Life Action Plan. The design study includes a collection of public spaces in Pioneer Square, including City Hall Park (downtown Seattle's second largest green space), Prefontaine Place (a key entrance to the Sound Transit Pioneer Square light rail station), and a portion of 3rd Avenue.

In March 2023, Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) hired Berger Partnership to further the Phase 2 community engagement and design process for City Hall Park in coordination with preliminary technical investigations and studies required for Prefontaine Park.

The project aims to have an approved Schematic Design by the end of 2024 that identifies the community's preferred upgrades to the park along with a phasing plan and budget.

In late June 2021, SPR hosted a design charrette for the project. The charrette brought together community groups and design team to discuss big vision ideas with other agencies that are currently working on projects around City Hall Park, Prefontaine Place, Fortson Square, and surrounding streets. The project is a continuation of the Yesler Crescent Public Life Action Plan and is in partnership with the Alliance for Pioneer Square's NE Framework plan. Attendees included SPR, SDOT, the Alliance for Pioneer Square, OPCD, Chief Seattle Club, Berger Partnership, SVR/MIG, Third Place Design Coop and Broadview planning. 


Planning & Design: 2023 - 2024

Implementation of Phase 1 (activation plan): June 2023

Implementation of Phase 2 (capital improvement plan): 2025-2026

Current Park

City Hall Park re-opened on June 13, 2023, with a fun day in the park including buskers, food trucks and much more. For more information contact Monica Haugen, Sr. Recreation Program Coordinator (SPR) at, or visit for a current calendar of events.

Parks and Recreation

AP Diaz, Superintendent
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