Dog Off-Leash Areas & Map

The results of our Off-Leash Area Expansion Study are in! New Off-Leash Areas (OLA's) will be built at West Seattle Stadium and Othello Playground.  These add to 3 other planned OLA's at Smith Cove, Georgetown Flume, and South Park Community Center.

Please visit the respective project pages to learn more and how to participate in the community process! 

We want to keep our furry friends safe along with everyone else. In the video below, meet Buddy the dog and learn where he can roam on and off leash in Seattle, and about the importance of following leash and poop scoop rules to ensure a positive, safe park experience for all, and to support a healthy environment!

Pups, Poop & Parks - here's the scoop

In Seattle, pups are welcome in parks as long as they are on a leash; but even better are the 14 exciting exceptions!  At these designated off-leash areas, Fido is free to run, roll over, meet new friends, work out, play with his owners and socialize with his canine friends.

Dogs are not allowed at any time on organized athletic fields, beaches, or children's play areas in Seattle parks, per the Seattle Municipal Codeexternal link. Dogs must be on a leash at all times, unless inside the boundaries of our designated off-leash areas. 

Interested in volunteering to support off-leash areas in Seattle? Contact our Off-Leash Area Coordinator using the info near the top right of this page. 

Report an off-leash dog or other animal issues by contacting Seattle Animal Control. Animal control officers at the Seattle Animal Shelter are responsible for enforcing the laws and codes involving animals within the city of Seattle. Officers work seven days a week to ensure human and animal safety within our city.   

Off-Leash Area Expansion Study

During summer and fall 2023, Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) staff conducted the Off Leash Area Expansion Study to collect public feedback and help determine the department’s strategy for expanding Seattle’s OLA system in the coming years. The 2023-2029 Seattle Park District funding cycle provides funding for the design and construction of two new OLAs, as well as the design of a third OLA (additional funds will need to be secured for construction). After months of outreach and engagement, and analysis of survey responses, SPR staff presented their recommendations to the Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners on March 28, 2024, and they were unanimously approved by members of the Commission. To learn more about the study and the sites selected to be prioritized for the available funding, please visit the Off Leash Area Expansion Study webpage.

People, Dogs and Parks Strategic Plan

In 2017, Seattle Parks and Recreation released the final draft of the People, Dogs, and Parks Plan. See an overview on this page or read the plandownload and learn more about the future of Off-Leash Areas.

Off-Leash Areas

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