All Our Services
Below is a full list of all services provided by Seattle Public Utilities, separated by topic. You can also view services specifically for residents, commercial businesses, or multi-family property tenants, owners, and managers. For details about electrical service, visit Seattle City Light.
Collection & Disposal
The basics:
- Residential Garbage
- Residential Food & Yard (Compost)
- Residential Recycling
- Business & Commercial Garbage
- Business & Commercial Compostables
- Business & Commercial Recycling
Disposing of things:
- Transfer Stations (Dumps/Landfills)
- Special Item Collections
- Hazardous Waste Items
- Backyard Pickup Service
- Recycling/Compost Drop-Off Events
- Where Does It Go? Lookup Tool
Sustainability help:
- Waste Reduction Assistance
- Training & Certification for Landscape Professionals
- Waste-Free Communities Matching Grant
- School Recycling & Waste Reduction
Caring for our city:
- Graffiti Prevention & Removal
- Sharps Collection Program
- Public Garbage & Recycling Cans
- Adopt-a-Street
- Spring Clean
Sewer & Drainage
The basics:
Stopping pollution:
Sustainability help:
The basics:
Sustainability help:
Cedar River Watershed
Discounts & Incentives
Construction Resources
The basics:
- Collection & Disposal for Developers
- Development Services Office
- Sewer & Drainage Service for Developers
- Water Service for Developers
Other services:
- Design Standards & Guidelines
- Fire Hydrants
- Land Surveys (Public Property Only)
- Records Vault/GIS Data