Using Compost

Boys and mother spreading compost for healthy gardens.
Compost feeds the soil creatures that keep soil loose and fertile. Soil life also protects plants from diseases, and helps hold water and nutrients. You’ll save money on water, fertilizer and pesticides, and have a healthier yard too.
- Use Compost as a “mulch.” - Spread a 1-2 inch layer around plants and trees, to fertilize the soil and help hold moisture.
- Dig Compost into soil when planting - Mix 2-4 inches of compost into the upper 8 inches of soil for vegetable gardens, or when replanting landscape beds.
- Spread a thin layer on lawns - Rake 1/4 inch of compost into lawns, in spring or fall.
Print material
Growing Healthy Soil Guide (pdf) - Has more information on using compost and mulches for a healthy, easy-care yard.
Compost Resource List (pdf) - Lists bin suppliers, tools, and more.
Composting Questions & Answers (pdf) - Answers to some common questions.
Links on other sites
Tilth Alliance - Sells red worms, and offers classes in composting and organic gardening.