Prevent Water Pollution
Green businesses can help avoid polluting Seattle's waterways by using the following guidelines for managing stormwater outside their buildings, keeping trash out of toilets, and properly handling fats, oils, and grease in the kitchen.
When it rains, stormwater runoff picks up harmful substances from parking lots, roofs, streets, sidewalks and construction sites. These pollutants flow directly into our waterways. Our laws require Seattle businesses are required to implement practices to help protect our region's waterways.
- Watch a short video on stormwater best management practices in multiple languages.
- Get free pollution spill kits, plans, and training.
- Then watch a short video about how to use your spill kit (translations available).
- Read stormwater publications to help you prevent pollution and comply with the law.
- Learn how your business you could save money through the Stormwater Facility Credit Program.
- Access stormwater code (Seattle Municipal Code 22.803.030).
Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG)
Fats, oils, and grease from kitchens can cause sewage backups into your building and sewage overflows into waterways. Learn how to manage your business's fats, oils and grease (FOG) in compliance with City laws. There, you can also find kitchen posters to download and use a list of FOG Service Providers to find businesses to help you deal with FOG.
Keep Trash Out of Toilets
Flushed trash, such as wipes and disposable menstrual products, can cause sewer backups into your building and sewer overflows into waterways. Customers and employees flush trash if...
- Trash cans are full, overflowing, or not easily accessible.
- Toilet paper is not stocked.
- Restrooms are not clean enough.
What can you do?
- Provide a trash can in every stall.
- Post signs in every stall to train your employees on what is safe to flush.
- Inspect restrooms often, make sure toilet paper is stocked, and empty trash cans on a regular basis.
- Watch a short video about garbage in the sewage system.
For free assistance, contact us at (206) 343-8505 or As you become a green business, get recognized for your efforts with EnviroStars.