Flooding Response
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Flooding is an overflowing of water onto land that is normally dry. It can be caused by wet weather, rivers, human activities and/or coastal events. SPU responds to urban flooding (stormwater flooding), sewer backups, and high tide inundation in South Park.
For all emergencies, always call 911. For urgent flooding, sewer backups or overflows, or high tide inundation call the SPU 24/7 Operations Response Center at (206) 386-1800.
Report concerns rather than trying to remove debris yourself. During heavy storms, you may not be contacted directly by or see the crew working on the problem. The City will activate the Emergency Operation Center during severe storms or other disasters to help coordinate the response efforts. Safety and emergency information will be shared with residents via AM/FM radio, TV broadcast, AlertSeattle, and social media.
Please visit the City’s webpage about Flood Safety and sign up for Alert Seattle— the City of Seattle’s official emergency alert system. It will help you protect your home, family or business during emergencies, including severe flooding. Sign-up to receive text, email, and phone alerts: https://alert.seattle.gov/
Get Help in Your Language
¿Hay agua de la calle o de las alcantarillas entrando en su casa, o inundando la calle? De ser así, llame al (206) 386-1800 las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana. Si lo necesita, la traducción está disponible.
Nước từ đường phố hoặc cống rãnh có chảy vào nhà quý vị hay gây ngập lụt đường phố không? Nếu có, hãy gọi số (206) 386-1800 24 giờ một ngày, 7 ngày trong tuần. Có dịch vụ thông dịch.
是否有水從街上或下水道流進您的家裡,或者大水淹沒了街道? 如果有這樣的情形,請電(206) 386-1800,每週七天,每天24 小時。 提供翻譯服務。
Gurigaada ma waxaa soo gala biyo ka yimaada waddada ama bulaacada, ama biyo miyaa ku soo fataha waddadaada? Haddii ay sidaas tahay, wac tel. (206) 386-1800 24 saac halkii maalin, 7 maalin halkii todobaad. Waxaa la heli karaa tarjamo.
Pumapasok ba sa inyong bahay ang tubig na galing sa kalye o sa imburnal, o bumabaha ba sa inyong kalye? Kung gayon, pakitawagan ang (206) 386-1800 24 oras sa isang araw, 7 araw sa isang linggo. Mayroong pagsasalin.
공공하수도 또는 외부로부터 집안으로 물이 들어오거나, 집앞이 침수 되었나요? 그렇다면, (206) 386-1800 으로 연락주시기 바랍니다. 주 7 일 24 시간 전화를 받습니다. 한국어 통역도 가능합니다.
Bishaan daandii irraa ykn kosii dhangala'u irraa mana kee keessa lixaa jiraa, ykn daandii kee lolaasaa jiraa? Yoo akkas ta'e, bilbili (206) 386-1800 guyyaatti sa'a 24, guyyaa 7 torbanitti. Kan afaan hiku ni jira.
น้ำที่ไหลเข้าบ้านของท่านมาจากถนน หรือท่อน้ำเสีย หรือไหลท่วมถนนของท่าน ใช่หรือไม่ หากใช่ โทร (206) 386-1800 ได้ตลอด ชั่วโมง 24ทุกวัน มีบริการแปลภา
В ваш дом попадает вода с улицы или из коллектора, или она заливает вашу улицу? Если это так, звоните по номеру (206) 386-1800 круглосуточно, 7 дней в неделю. Предоставляются услуги переводчика.
Additional Resources
- Citywide Flooding Safety and Response
- Frozen drinking water pipes
- Landslides - Get information on how to reduce landslides and damage from stormwater erosion.
- Snow and Ice Storms - Links to bus reroutes, school closure announcements, and checklists to get prepared.
- When the Power Goes Out
- Clean Up the Backup (PDF) - Consult SPU's guide to helping you safely clean up sewage spills.
- Adopt a Drain