Illegal Dumping

It is considered illegal dumping when any junk, garbage or debris is left on public property, including roadsides, open streets, and paved alleys. The items most commonly reported are TVs and computers, furniture, paints, solvents (and other potentially hazardous liquids), tires, garbage, yard waste, and construction debris.

The following map shows reports of illegal dumping on public property that are currently under investigation. The map does not show reports made for private property.

Data on this map is updated weekly and may not show recent reports you've made. If you reported illegal dumping over a week ago and do not see it on this map, the report has been closed and you should receive an email notification.


Report illegal dumping

You have several options. You can submit the online illegal dumping report formexternal link or use the Find It, Fix It mobile app. You can also call (206) 684-7587 to report problems on public property. For language interpretation, call (206) 684-3000. For historic landmark graffiti removal, call (206) 684-0228. Reports will be resolved in 10 business days.


Issues on private property

To report junk stored in or around private property, contact the Seattle Department of Construction & Inspections Code Compliance Division through their Code Violation Complaint Form or Violation Complaint Line at (206) 615-0808.


Why you should report illegal dumping

Accumulation of rotten, decaying garbage attracts rats and other disease-carrying creatures. Dumping hazardous waste puts people's health at risk and can harm the environment. Illegal dumping can be associated with other forms of illegal activity. If tolerated, it sends a message to violators that it is allowable to dump garbage in your neighborhood or community.


Solving related problems