Report an Outage: Call (206) 684-3000. You will need your City Light account number or the phone number associated with your account.
Report a Downed Power Line: Stay at least 30 feet away and Call 911.
Report a Streetlight Issue: Complete the form on our Streetlight Maintenance page.
This outage map does not include the underground network distribution areas in downtown Seattle, First Hill, and the University District. Information is updated every 5 minutes.
Disclaimer: The outage data posted on this web site is based on estimates and projections, and no representation is made that the posted materials are comprehensive or free from error or fit for any particular purpose or use. Please note that during emergency or large outage situations, the data available may be limited, delayed, or not totally accurate, as circumstances are constantly changing. Although Seattle City Light will post the best data that is readily available, the outage information is provided "as is" without any guarantee or warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. City Light does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the reliance, use, accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information. Use of this website is permitted subject to the above disclaimers.