Seattle resident researches energy efficient heat pumps with daughter. Photo credit: Marcela Gara, Resource Media. Source:

Electrification – shifting away from using gas and other fossil fuels toward clean electricity to power our needs such as transportation and heating – is one of the most important things we can do to help reduce pollution and manage climate change.

The ongoing energy transition is a once-in-a-century opportunity to benefit the health and wellbeing of our communities. Customers, public and private organizations, and Seattle City Light – as a provider of reliable, affordable, net-carbon-neutral electricity – are collectively leading the changes that are underway.

As a public utility, Seattle City Light makes the connections and investments needed to bring the benefits of electrification to everyone. Equitable economic opportunity, improved health in communities harmed by pollution, and more resilient places to live, work, and play are all part of our shared energy future.

Where Does Your Power Come From?

Seattle City Light Power Mix

Over 80% of the power we deliver is generated from clean, carbon-free hydroelectricity. In a typical year, about 40% of our power comes from our fully owned hydroelectric projects on the Skagit and Pend Oreille Rivers. The remaining power is generated from a mix of power sources purchased from the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) and other renewable sources.

*City Light does not have coal or natural gas resources in its power supply portfolio. It does make market purchases to balance or match its loads and resources. These purchases, along with market purchases made by Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), may incidentally include coal or natural gas resources, which are assigned to the utility. Any emissions associated with unspecified market purchases are offset through our greenhouse gas (GHG) neutrality policy.
**This fuel represents a portion of the power purchased from BPA.

City Light

Dawn Lindell, General Manager and CEO
Address: 700 5th Ave, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34023, Seattle, WA, 98124-4023
Phone: (206) 684-3000

Seattle City Light was created by the citizens of Seattle in 1902 to provide affordable, reliable, and environmentally responsible electric power to the City of Seattle and neighboring suburbs.