Hiring Process

Apprentice Photo

Apprenticeships are an excellent way to earn a living wage while preparing for a career in the energy industry. Opportunities are typically presented two times a year:

  • February: Cable Splicer & Electrician Constructor – For 2025 we are only accepting internal employee applications. Generation Electrician Constructor and Meter Electrician are not yet determined.
  • Late Summer/Early Fall: Pre-Apprentice Lineworker - Keep checking our website for 2025 application updates.

Sign up to receive a notification for when applications open:

  1. Visit City of Seattle Job Opportunities.
  2. Click on “menu” in the upper left-hand corner of the page and select “Job Alerts.”
  3. Place a check in the box next to "Construction Trades" and “Utilities” to receive email notifications.
  4. Click the 'Subscribe' button and fill out the information.
  5. Click the 'Submit' button.

Steps in the Process

If you are eligible for a City Light apprenticeship, we invite you to participate in the hiring process, which includes the following:

  • Construction And Skilled Trades (CAST) aptitude assessment: This measures abilities in the following areas:
    • Graphic Arithmetic: solving math problems using prints or drawings.
    • Mathematical Usage: solving basic math problems from written instruction.
    • Mechanical Concepts: understanding mechanical principles through pictures or written text.
    • Reading for Comprehension: understanding concepts in written material and applying your understanding.
    • CAST Testing Centers are located throughout WA State in the following Cities: Bellevue, Ellensburg, Everett, Federal Way, Liberty Lake, Olympia, Spokane, Tacoma, Yakima
  • Apprentice Lineworker physical capacity test: To evaluate your physical capacity in upper body strength you will be asked to perform three physical tests, including chin-ups, upright rows, and a measurement of your hand's grip strength. You must successfully pass each physical test to continue on to the working test.
  • Working test: This is a hands-on test to demonstrate your mechanical aptitude, knowledge of tools and electrical equipment, typical working skills, safety, work speed, and the ability to follow directions. The most competitive candidates passing this test will be invited to the oral panel interview.
  • Oral panel interview: In this interview, you will answer questions from a City Light panel that includes skilled trade representatives and management. Questions about your work experience and background, as well as hypothetical situations you could encounter on the job will be asked.
  • Reference check: After the interview, the references you have provided will be contacted.
  • Conditional job offer: Candidates chosen for the program will receive a conditional job offer pending the following:
    • A pre-employment medical examination to determine whether you can perform the mental and physical functions of the job
    • A drug test if your apprenticeship position requires a Class "A" Commercial Driver's License (federal law requires random drug tests throughout your career for this license)
    • A background check that includes criminal history, driving record, education, and employment verification

City Light

Dawn Lindell, General Manager and CEO
Address: 700 5th Ave, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34023, Seattle, WA, 98124-4023
Phone: (206) 684-3000

Seattle City Light was created by the citizens of Seattle in 1902 to provide affordable, reliable, and environmentally responsible electric power to the City of Seattle and neighboring suburbs.