Bitter Lake
- Giving Garden(s)
- Accessible Raised Beds
About The P-Patch
Bitter Lake P-Patch
(submitted by a Bitter Lake P-Patch community gardener)
Bitter Lake P-Patch provides us with a lot of adventures and opportunities to learn about gardening. We gain insights from our neighboring gardeners, our plants, our soil, even our weeds, but most of all, we learned that there is nothing so thrilling, as gathering, eating, and giving away the vegetables we grow.
Many volunteer hours are put in annually and several P-Patchers had an expansive learning experience - the Bitter Lake P-Patch Great Pumpkin Experiment. An area was fenced in, the pumpkin seeds were planted, and then tenderly cared for by fellow gardeners. The pumpkin did not grow so giant, but did get giant enough to get "oohs" and "awes" from preschoolers and after school program students. We thank Gloria for donating a section of her plot for this endeavor.
Get Involved!
If you are interested in designing, building, or gardening in this or any other P-Patch, find out more about the P-Patch sign-up process here. To sign up as a P-Patch participant, follow these sign-up instructions, call (206) 684-0264, or email