Barton Street
Address: SW Barton St & 34th Ave SW
- Pizza/Bread Oven
- Public Art
About The P-Patch
Number Of Plots: 45
Established: 2012
Size: 12,000 sq. ft.
Wait Time: 1-2 years
Barton Street P-Patch
The Barton Street P-Patch was developed with the effort of many volunteers and funding support from the Parks & Green Space Levy. It is located on the corner of SW Barton St and 34th Ave SW in West Seattle, which was formally a vacant grassy lot.
The best way to stay up to date on the Barton Street P-Patch is through our Facebook page. You can also email Kate or Karen with questions regarding the Barton Street P-Patch.
Get Involved!
If you are interested in designing, building, or gardening in this or any other P-Patch, find out more about the P-Patch sign-up process here. To sign up as a P-Patch participant, call (206) 684-0264, email, or sign up online.