Chinatown International District (CID) Resource Guide

Note: This webpage was last updated on 3/29/2024

If you would like to suggest a resource to add or you see information that is out of date for any resources listed in this guide, call (206) 437-3735 or e-mail

Here is the 2024 Chinatown International District (CID) Resource Guide! This guide provides resources information for unhoused people and people with low and fixed income in the CID. Please share with your networks. All listed addresses are in Seattle unless otherwise noted.


*You will need to say the language name in English when you contact an organization with the free interpretation icon next to it.

**Graphic icons may identify services under more than one of the headings below.

Phone Numbers to Help Navigate Resources & Services

Line graphic of a globe with a roman alphabet character switching to a kanji alphabet characterREACH Staff

As an outreach and case management organization, REACH builds relationships with people experiencing homelessness and connects them to the help that they need.
Outreach Care Coordinators:

Line image of globe with roman alphabet character switching to kanji alphabet character211

  • Phone Number: 2-1-1
  • Hours: Mon - Fri, 9am - 5pm
  • 211 provides information on all health and human services in King County, such as food, housing assistance, financial needs including utilities, and legal assistance.
  • Spanish interpretation available. For interpretation in other languages, press 7. The system will ask you to enter your zip code or press the # key to be connected to an operator.
  • Wait times may exceed 20 minutes.

Line graphic of a globe with a roman alphabet character switching to a kanji alphabet characterCity of Seattle Customer Service Bureau

  • Phone Number: (206) 684-2489
  • Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm
  • You can contact the Customer Service Bureau or download the Find It, Fix It Mobile App to request a service such as graffiti removal, illegal dumping clean-up, or make a suggestion, compliment, complaint, or comment.

Community Resource Center at Seattle Municipal Court

  • Phone: (206) 684-9291
  • Address: 600 5th Avenue, 2nd Floor, Room 235
  • Hours: Mon, Wed, 8:30am - 4pm (closed: 12pm - 1pm)
  • Walk-ins welcome, open to the public
  • You could receive supplies and resources at the Community Resource Center including:
    • Food and clothing
    • Housing/shelter referrals
    • Health and hygiene
    • Food benefits and other Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) resources
    • Employment referrals and more

Neighborhood Non-Emergency Safety Contacts

For emergencies or threats to life, call 911.

CID Community Safety Coordinator: Natalie Hutson

  • Phone Number: (206) 491-7327
  • Email Address:
  • The CID Community Safety Coordinator helps community members connect with City departments, community-based organizations, and service agencies to address and answer their public safety concerns and questions, and provide updates about crime-related trends and hot spots.

Line graphic of a globe with a roman alphabet character switching to a kanji alphabet characterHate or Bias Incident Reporting Line – Chinese Information and Service Center

  • To anonymously report hate and bias incidents, community members can contact Chinese Information and Service Center (CISC) staff at:
  • Hours: Mon-Fri, 8:30am-5:30pm. Leave a message during off hours. It may take one business day to get back to a caller.

CISC and the Coalition Against Hate and Bias are not an emergency service. If community members are in danger, call 911.

Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD)

  • LEAD works with individuals whose unlawful or problematic behavior stems from unaddressed behavioral health issues and/or chronic poverty. LEAD uses long-term intensive case management in order to help clients garner appropriate supports and behavior change. LEAD is currently able to accept community referrals if there is capacity after law enforcement referrals.
  • Please email for more information on how to refer.


CID Public Safety Liaison: Monica Ly

  • Phone Number: (206) 369-0489
  • Email Address:
  • Monica assists in the implementation of CID Public Safety Action Plan and facilitates communication between Seattle Police Department and the community. Contact Monica if you would like to schedule a safety training in language, need help with online 911 reporting, or with general safety concerns.

Crime Prevention Coordinator: Barb Biondo

  • Phone Number: (206) 233-0015
  • Email Address:
  • Barb provides free crime prevention services for community residents, businesses and property owners. Contact Barb for information including Building Security Assessments, Training on Personal Safety, calling 911, and starting a Neighborhood Watch.

Bias Crimes Coordinator: Detective Beth Wareing

  • Phone Number: (206) 684-5621
  • Email Address:
  • Call 911 to report a bias crime to the Seattle Police Department. Once you receive a report number after calling 911, you can contact Detective Wareing for updates about the investigation of your case.
  • The Bias Crime Unit provides education about what to expect when calling 911, resources that are available through the police department, personal safety, and hate crime and incident information.

Mental Health Crisis Phone Lines

Line graphic of a globe with a roman alphabet character switching to a kanji alphabet character988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

  • Phone Number: 9-8-8
  • Hours: 24 hours a day
  • Available via call, text, or chat, to care and support for anyone experiencing mental health-related distress.
  • Text and chat services are available in English only. For chat services go to:

Line graphic of a globe with a roman alphabet character switching to a kanji alphabet characterCrisis Connections Line

  • Phone Number: (866) 427-4747
  • Hours: 24 hours a day
  • Crisis Connections connects people who are in physical, emotional, and financial crisis to services that will be of help.
  • Interpretation available upon request.

Line graphic of a globe with a roman alphabet character switching to a kanji alphabet characterCrisis Text Line

  • Phone Number: Text HOME to 741-741
  • Crisis Text Line serves anyone who is in any type of crisis and provides access to free, 24/7 support via text.
  • English and Spanish supported.

Never Use Alone - Overdose Prevention Lifeline

  • Phone Number: (877) 696-1996
  • Hours: 24 Hours
  • Never Use Alone is a toll-free number that provides overdose prevention, detection, life-saving crisis response and medical intervention services for people who use drugs while alone.

Trevor Project Lifeline

  • Phone Number: 1 (866) 488-7386
  • Hours: 24 hours a day
  • Call this number to connect with trained counselors who understand the challenges LGBTQ young people face. All conversations are confidential, and you can share as much or as little as you’d like.

Day Centers

These Day Centers provide space for unhoused people to rest during the day. Hours and services (including meals, showers, referrals to housing) vary by location. Call phone numbers listed for more information.

A graphic image of a toilet and bathtub with shower curtainCompass Day Center 

  • Address: 210 Alaskan Way (look for the orange archway)
  • Phone Numbers:
  • Hours:
    • Day Center: Mon - Fri, 9am - 4:30pm
    • Hygiene Center: Mon - Fri, 7am - 4pm and Sat, 8am - 2pm
    • Closed on Washington State holidays
  • This center offers mail services, case management, shelter and housing referral, showers and laundry, access to medical professionals, free lunch and dinner from Mon to Fri, free lunch on Sat, and more for people experiencing homelessness or housing instability.

DESC's Lew Middleton Drop-In Center (216 James clinic) 

  • Address: 216 James St
  • Hours: Mon - Fri, 9am - 2pm
  • The Drop-in Center offers a warm meal, access to laundry, shower, and hygiene services for individuals experiencing homelessness who are enrolled, or wish to enroll, in one of DESC's mental health or substance use disorder programs.
  • You can enroll in DESC's Support, Advocacy, Growth and Employment (SAGE) mental health program or Opioid Treatment Network here.

Line graphic of a globe with a roman alphabet character switching to a kanji alphabet characterInclement/Extreme Weather Shelters

  • Phone Number: Call 2-1-1 for additional information
  • Address and Hours vary
  • King County Regional Homelessness Authority provides information on severe weather planning and temporary shelters.

Line graphic of a toilet and a bathtub with a shower curtainLine graphic of a globe with a roman alphabet character switching to a kanji alphabet characterInternational District / Chinatown Branch Library

  • Address: 713 8th Ave S
  • Phone Number: (206) 386-1300
  • Hours: Mon and Tues, 1-8pm; Wed-Sat, 11am-6pm; closed Sunday
  • Amenities: free public computers, Wi-Fi, color copier, scanner, and printing, and single-occupant all-gender restrooms

Graphic image of a toilet and a bathtub with a shower curtainLine graphic of a globe with a roman alphabet character switching to a kanji alphabet characterMary's Place Day Center for Women

  • Address: 1830 9th Ave
  • Graphic image of a doctor's stethoscopeGraphic image of a carrot and a tomatoPhone Number: (206) 812-8559 extension 119
  • Day center Hours: Mon–Fri, 7am-3pm; Sat, 9am-1pm
    • Breakfast: 7:30-8:30am
    • Lunch: 11:30-12:30pm
    • No additional services are available on Saturdays besides breakfast, church service, and lunch.

Real Change

  • Address: 96 S Main Street
  • Phone Number: (206) 441-3247
  • Mon, Tues, Thu, 8:30am - 2pm; Wed and Fri, 8:30am - 4pm

  • Real Change provides a work opportunity for all. You can earn an income immediately by selling the weekly newspaper. No identification is required.

Line graphic of a globe with a roman alphabet character switching to a kanji alphabet characterLine graphic of a toilet and a bathtub with a shower curtainLine graphic of two hands clasped in prayerSalvation Army Jefferson Day Center

  • Address: 420 4th Ave
  • Phone Number: (206) 338-5707
  • Hours: Daily, 7am–5pm (including Holidays)
  • Visit in person for first-come, first-served referrals to various Salvation Army enhanced shelters. Enhanced shelters provide case management, housing navigation, and meal services (which the day center does not offer).
  • Shower, laundry, and shelter navigation services available during day center hours. Interpretation available only in person.

Graphic image of a carrot and a tomatoLine graphic of a toilet and bathtub with shower curtainYWCA - Angeline's Day Center

  • Address: 2030 3rd Ave
  • Phone Number: Front Desk: (206) 436-8650
  • Hours: Mon-Fri, 10am-4pm; closed Saturday and Sunday
  • Angeline’s Day Center offers showers, laundry, and lunch. Walk-ins welcome on a first-come first-served basis.
  • You may be able to access overnight program depending on availability.

Night Shelters

Line graphic of a globe with a roman alphabet character switching to a kanji alphabet characterKing County Family Emergency Shelter Community Intake Line

  • Phone Number: (206) 245-1026
  • Hours: Daily, 8am-11:30pm
  • Shelter locations vary
  • This line offers intakes for emergency shelter for people who are pregnant or with children under the age of 18 living outside or in a car.

  • You can call the intake line number to be added on a daily waiting list for a callback from a King County Shelter. ID and documentation requirements vary depending on the shelter location.

  • Beds are never guaranteed as spaces are limited. Visitors do not need social service connection to initiate the waitlist and intake process.
  • Interpretation available upon request.

Operation Nightwatch

  • Address: 302 14th Ave S
  • Phone number: (206) 323-4359
  • Hours:
    • Dinner: 8 - 9:30pm every night
    • Shelter referrals: 7:30 - 10:30pm in person every night
  • Operation Nightwatch offers nightly shelter referrals for men with valid state ID and full Covid vaccination.
  • They also offer a nightly meal for up to 150 people and permanent housing for seniors aged 62 or older of all genders.
  • Shelter and meal services are free. Permanent senior housing costs a low monthly rent.

Seattle's Union Gospel Mission 

  • Intake Phone Number: (206) 501-4357, call this line for screening and potential referral to shelter
  • Hours: Mon - Fri, 8am - 5pm

Hope Place Shelter – Women and Children’s Shelter

  • Address: 3802 S Othello St
  • Phone Number: (206) 628-2008
  • For women and women with children who are in recovery or have experienced domestic violence.

Union Gospel Mission – Men’s Shelter


Pioneer Human Services - King County Diversion Center

  • Address: 400 Yesler Way
  • Phone Number: (206) 349-0165
  • Hours: Daily, 5pm-7am; self-referrals and hospital referrals stop at 1:30am
  • This center provides a place for people who are chronically homeless and inebriated to get sober and sleep. There is no application process. Services include medically monitored diversion center, place to sleep, food, substance use disorder and mental health assessment referrals, referrals for counseling offsite, intensive case management, and housing.

Domestic Violence/Survivor Support Services

Line graphic of a globe with a roman alphabet character switching to a kanji alphabet characterAPI Chaya

  • Help line: 1 (877) 922-4292 or (206) 325-0325
  • Hours: Mon-Fri, 10am–4pm
  • API Chaya serves survivors of sexual abuse, assault, and human trafficking and works with each individual within their own cultural context, including Asian and Pacific Islander communities.

Line graphic of a globe with a roman alphabet character switching to a kanji alphabet characterHarborview Abuse and Trauma Center

  • Address: 401 Broadway, Suite 2075
  • Phone Number: (206) 744-1600
  • Hours: Mon-Fri, 8:30am-5pm
  • This center offers free services for children and adults including crisis assistance, support, medical and legal advocacy, brief supportive counseling, information, and referral. Can meet in our office, in the community, on the phone or through ZOOM.
  • If you call after hours, you will be given information to help you with next steps.

Line graphic of a globe with a roman alphabet character switching to a kanji alphabet characterKing County Sexual Assault Resource Center

  • Phone Number: (888) 998-6423
  • Hours: 24 hours a day
  • This resource center provides crisis intervention, information and referrals, and support for anyone who has experienced sexual assault, their families or friends, or anyone who is concerned about sexual assault or child abuse and safety in their community.
  • Ayuda en Español: (425) 282-0324, Gratis y confidencial, Llame de lunes a Viernes: 8am-5pm

Line graphic of a globe with a roman alphabet character switching to a kanji alphabet characterNew Beginnings

  • Phone Number: (206) 737-0242
  • Hours: 24 hours a day
  • New Beginnings offers services including helpline, legal advocacy, counseling, support groups, and safety planning. The organization serves survivors with or without children, who are abused by partners in intimate relationships.

Social Service Organizations

These organizations provide a variety of culturally appropriate services that may include meals, behavioral health and wellness, healthcare, case management, housing assistance, counseling, and more. Contact an organization for more information on specific programs and services they offer. Services are free unless otherwise noted.

Graphic image of a carrot and a tomatoLine graphic of a globe with a roman alphabet character switching to a kanji alphabet characterAsian Counseling and Referral Service (ACRS)

  • Address: 3639 Martin Luther King Jr Way S
  • Phone Number: (206) 695-7600
  • Hours: 9am-4pm, Mon-Fri by appointment only
  • ACRS hosts services and programs for the entire Asian American and Pacific Islander community that provide job training service, mental health, youth services, and a food bank.
  • Asian Counseling and Referral Service Food Bank
    • Address: 800 S Weller St
    • Hours: Wed and Fri, 10am - 1pm

Graphic image of a carrot and a tomatoGraphic image of a crescent moon and two starsLine graphic of two hands clasped in prayerLine graphic of sun as circle with straight lines arranged around itBread of Life Mission Shelter

  • Address: 97 S Main St
  • Phone Number: (206) 682-3579
  • Hours:
    • Day Center open Mon - Fri, 9:30am - 2:30pm, open to all genders
    • Hot coffee and pastries daily at 9:30am
    • Lunch: Mon - Fri, 12:15 - 1pm
    • Dinner: Mon - Fri, 7 - 7:45pm
    • Women’s clothing distributed: Tues, 1 - 2pm
    • Men’s clothing distributed: Fri, 1 - 2pm
    • Men's shelter is available with valid ID, $5 shelter fee.
  • Bread of life Mission is a social services organization which provides critically needed goods and services to the unhoused.

  • Ask about King County Metro bus passes at no cost, lockers for a small monthly fee, and mail service

Graphic image of a toilet and a bathtub with a shower curtainGraphic image of a carrot and a tomatoChief Seattle Club

  • Address: 410 2nd Ave Extension S
  • Phone Number: (206) 715-7536
  • Hours:
    • Drop-in services: Daily, 7am-2pm
    • Breakfast: Daily, 8 - 9am
    • Lunch: Daily, noon–1pm
    • Hygiene services: Daily: 7am - 1:45pm
  • Chief Seattle Club is a Native-led agency supporting American Indian and Alaska Native people.

Line graphic of a globe with a roman alphabet character switching to a kanji alphabet characterChinese Information and Service Center (CISC)

  • Address: 611 S Lane St
  • Phone Number: (206) 624-5633
  • Hours:
    • Office: Mon-Fri, 8:30am-5pm
    • Legal clinic: Tues, 5:30-7:30pm by phone at (206) 957-8548
  • CISC offers Family Support Program, immigrant support and education, after school youth programs, and more.

Line graphic of a globe with a roman alphabet character switching to a kanji alphabet characterCommunity Health Access Program (CHAP) - King County

  • Address: Public Health — Seattle and King County; 401 5th Ave, Suite 1000
  • Phone Number: 1 (800) 756-5437 or (206) 284-0331
  • Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-6pm
  • CHAP is a telephone assistance program serving King County residents. CHAP enrolls people into health insurance, discounted transportation, food, and other programs.

Graphic image of a carrot and a tomatoLine graphic of a globe with a roman alphabet character switching to a kanji alphabet characterInternational Drop-In Center (IDIC) Filipino Senior and Family Services

  • Address: 7301 Beacon Ave S
  • Phone Number: (206) 587-3735
  • Hours:
    • Office: Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm
    • Food Bank: Fri, 1-2pm
    • Hot Meals: Wed, Fri, 11am-1pm
  • IDIC is a Filipino organization that provides advocacy in healthcare and social services to people over 55 and immigrant families. Also serves adults with disabilities.

Line graphic of a globe with a roman alphabet character switching to a kanji alphabet characterKorean Women’s Association Victims of Crime Advocacy Program

  • Address: 123 E 96th St, Tacoma, WA 98445
  • Phone Number: (253) 441-4065
  • Hours: Mon-Fri, 8:30am-5pm
  • Korean Women’s Association Victims of Crime Advocacy Program serves all victims of crime in Washington excluding Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence crimes. They provide advocacy and emergency financial assistance.

Graphic image of a heart shapeGraphic image of a carrot and a tomatoLine graphic of two hands clasped in prayerSalvation Army Women’s Shelter

    • Address: 1101 Pike St
    • Phone Number: (206) 442-8389
    • Hours:
      • Food Bank Hours: Mon, 11am-12pm and 1-3pm; Tues-Fri, 10am-12pm
      • Emergency Financial Assistance Hours: 1st – 3rd of the month, 8am-4pm
      • Domestic Violence Advocacy Hours: Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm
    • You do not need a referral to receive financial assistance, domestic violence advocacy, or food bank services. You can go to the client services building to receive services. Calling ahead is recommended. The enhanced shelter is open by referral only.

Line graphic of sun as circle with straight lines arranged around itGraphic image of a carrot and a tomatoSeattle Indian Center

  • Address: 624 S Dearborn St
  • Phone Number: (206) 329-8700
  • Hours:
    • Office: Mon-Fri, 9:30am-5:30pm
    • Lunch: Mon-Fri, 12:15-1pm
    • Food Bank: Tues and Thurs, 1-3pm
    • Hot meals offered Mon to Fri

      • Breakfast 9:30 -10:30am

      • Lunch 12 - 1pm

    • Snack: Mon - Fri, 3 - 3:30pm

  • This center offers day center, food, and other support. Focuses on serving American Indian/Alaska Native community, people of color, as well as anyone in need.

Line graphic of two hands clasped in prayerSolanus Casey Center

  • Address: 804 9th Ave
  • Phone Number: (206) 223-0907
  • Hours: Mon-Thurs, 12-3pm
  • The Solanus Casey Center helps people acquire WA State ID, birth certificates, and vouchers for eyeglasses with prescription. There are telephones and computers are available for use.

Line graphic of two hands clasped in prayerSt. Vincent de Paul Helpline

  • Phone Number: (206) 767-6449
  • Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-3pm
  • Call this phone number for one-on-one support, rent assistance, utility assistance, and referrals for additional support. St. Vincent de Paul can often provide free vouchers for gasoline, clothing, food, and basic supplies. Call first to check on available vouchers and assistance.
  • Wait times may exceed 30 minutes. Interpretation available in Spanish.

Healthcare and Medical Resources

Line graphic of a globe with a roman alphabet character switching to a kanji alphabet character

Carolyn Downs Family Medical Center

  • Address: 2101 E Yesler Way
  • Phone Number: (206) 299-1900
  • Hours:
    • Primary Care Clinic: Mon, Thurs, Fri, 9am - 5pm; Tues - Wed, 9am - 8:30pm
    • Urgent Care/After Hours Clinic: Mon - Fri, 6pm - 9pm; Sat, Sun, 11am - 5pm. Walk-ins are welcome.
  • This community health center offers primary care services and an on-site pharmacy. Depending on your income, you may receive a discount. Accepts Medicare, Apple Health (Medicaid) insurance, and uninsured patients.They use a sliding scale to charge for fees based on income.

Line graphic of a globe with a roman alphabet character switching to a kanji alphabet characterEntre Hermanos

  • Address: 1621 S Jackson, Ste. 202
  • Phone Number: (206) 322-7700
  • Hours: HIV and STI testing: Mon-Wed, 10am - 5pm
  • Entre Hermanos promotes the health and well-being of the Latino LGBTQ community in a culturally appropriate environment.

Line graphic of a globe with a roman alphabet character switching to a kanji alphabet characterInternational Community Health Services (ICHS) Medical and Dental Clinic

  • Address: 720 8th Ave S
  • Phone Numbers and Hours:
  • New patients are welcome. ICHS offers culturally and linguistically appropriate health services for patients in more than 70 languages.
  • Call to schedule an appointment (same-day appointments available).
  • ICHS accepts Apple Health (Medicaid), Medicare, and offers a sliding scale to charge for fees for uninsured patients depending on your family income. Photo ID and proof of insurance will be required for billing insurance.

Line graphic of a globe with a roman alphabet character switching to a kanji alphabet characterNeighborcare Health at Pike Place Market

  • Address: 1930 Post Alley
  • Phone Number: (206) 728-4143
  • Hours:
    • Mon-Thurs, 8am-5pm (every 1st and 3rd Wed, 9:30am-5pm); Fri, 8am-4pm
    • Drop-in hours for unhoused people or people in permanent supportive housing: Mon and Thurs, 1-3:30pm
  • Neighborcare at Pike Place Market provides adults with primary medical care, behavioral health services, substance use disorder services, and pharmacy. They can help you enroll in insurance and other assistance programs.
  • They offer a sliding scale to charge for fees based on household size and income.

Line graphic of a globe with a roman alphabet character switching to a kanji alphabet characterPublic Health - Seattle & King County – Downtown Public Health Center

  • Address: 2124 4th Ave
  • Phone Number: (206) 477-8295
  • Phone Number Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am to 5pm. Call phone number to verify hours for in-person services.
  • The Downtown Public Health Center offers services including adult and child healthcare, urgent dental care, Bupe Pathways (aka Suboxone or buprenorphine) clinic, maternity support services, and pharmacy.

Line graphic of a globe with a roman alphabet character switching to a kanji alphabet characterPublic Health - Seattle & King County Mobile Medical Van

Line graphic of a globe with a roman alphabet character switching to a kanji alphabet characterPioneer Square Medical Clinic

  • Address: 206 3rd Ave S
  • Phone Number: (206) 744-1500
  • Hours: Tues, Thurs, Fri, 8:15am-4pm; Wed, 9am-4pm
  • Pioneer Square Medical Clinic’s services include podiatry/foot care, social services, dietician consultations, and health education. There is an on-site pharmacy that fills prescriptions. The clinic serves adults 18 and older who are low income, homeless, or without health insurance. Free for people experiencing homelessness.
  • You can request an interpreter when you make the appointment.

Graphic image of a heart shapeLine graphic of a globe with a roman alphabet character switching to a kanji alphabet characterSeattle Indian Health Board (SIHB) 

  • Addresses:
    • International District Clinic: 611 12th Ave S
    • Pioneer Square Clinic: 410 2nd Ave Ext S
  • Phone Number: (206) 324-9360
  • Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm
  • SIHB is a community health center that provides health and human services to its patients and specializes in the care of Native people. Medical, dental, mental health, substance use disorder services, Traditional Indian Medicine, Native Elders Program, and outpatient services. Offers maternal and infant health services as well as the Women, Infants, and Children Nutrition (WIC) Program. Depending on your income, you may receive a discount.

Seattle/King County Clinic

  • 2024 clinic dates: February 15 - 18
  • Address: 305 Harrison St, Fisher Pavilion at Seattle Center
  • Seattle/King County Clinic is a free health clinic that occurs for four days each year at Seattle Center. The Clinic welcomes anyone in the region who struggles to access and/or afford healthcare.
  • Limited admission tickets are on a first come, first served basis
  • Distribution of tickets starts at 5:30 AM
  • All services are free including dental, vision, and medical. No identification is required.
  • For more information, you can call (206) 684-7200 or visit


Line graphic of a globe with a roman alphabet character switching to a kanji alphabet characterNeighborcare Health at Pacific Tower

  • Address: 1200 12th Ave S, 4th floor (Suite 401)
  • Phone Number: (206) 548-5850
  • Hours: Mon-Fri, 7am-6pm
  • Neighborcare at Pacific Tower offers comprehensive general dentistry and emergency dental care to patients of all ages.
  • They can help you to enroll in insurance and other assistance programs. They offer a sliding scale to charge for fees based on household size and income.

Line graphic of two hands clasped in prayerSeattle's Union Gospel Mission, Dental Clinic

  • Address: 205 3rd Ave
  • Phone Number: (206) 621-7695
  • Hours: Mon-Fri, 9am-3pm
  • They offer dental services serving adults 18 and older with income at or below 200 percent of the Federal Poverty Level.
  • Call for an appointment. Documents required: Photo ID, food stamp award letter, or documentation of income for the last two months. Fees are $20 per visit, debit or credit card only.
  • Staff speak these languages: English and Spanish.


Evergreen Treatment Services

  • Address: 1700 Airport Way S
  • Phone Number: (206) 223-3644
  • Hours: Mon-Sat, 5:30am–12:45pm, closed Sunday
  • They offer medication-assisted treatment (MAT) to patients for opioid use disorders. Services include daily dispensing of methadone or buprenorphine with counseling and medical provider engagement. Make appointments in person.

Line graphic of a globe with a roman alphabet character switching to a kanji alphabet characterHarborview Medical Center - Mental Health and Addiction Services

  • Address: 401 Broadway, 1st Floor
  • Phone Number: (206) 744-9600
  • Hours: Mon– Fri, 8am-5pm
  • Mental Health and Addiction Services offers services including crisis intervention, psychiatric evaluation, psychotherapy, group treatment, case management, and geriatric psychiatry services, as well as treatment for individuals for co-occurring chemical dependency and mental health disorders and patients with comorbid medical issues.

Line graphic of a globe with a roman alphabet character switching to a kanji alphabet characterHepatitis Education Project

  • Address: 1621 S Jackson St, #201
  • Phone Number: (206) 732-0311
  • Hours:
    • Testing for Hepatitis B and C: Mon - Thurs, 12:30 - 4:30pm
    • Buprenorphine and Syringe Services Program: Mon-Thurs, 12:30-5:30pm
    • Suboxone Clinic: Tues-Thurs, 1-4:30pm
  • The Hepatitis Education Project offers syringe services, clean injection supplies, overdose prevention training, and harm reduction services for everyone. Visit in person. Call ahead to confirm there is a provider available. No fees.

Public Health - Seattle & King County Needle Exchange 

  • Address: 2124 4th Ave
  • Phone Number: (206) 477-8300
  • Hours:
    • Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri, 9am - 5pm; Tues, 1-5pm; Sat, 2-5pm
    • Downtown Needle Exchange Medical Clinic: Walk-ins welcome! Mon, 1 - 4:30pm; Wed, Fri, 9am - 4:30 pm
  • They offer:
    • HIV, sexually transmitted infection (STI) and Hepatitis testing
    • Hepatitis C treatment
    • Abscess treatment and wound care
    • Antibiotics
    • Care for colds and upper respiratory infections
    • Connection to primary care
    • Resources and referrals (example: detox)
    • Narcan available (an antidote medicine to opioid drugs)

Seattle Public Utilities Sharps Collection Program 

  • Chinatown International District (CID) Disposal Box Address: S King St and 10th Ave S
  • Hours: Available outdoors, 24 hours a day
  • Seattle Public Utilities Sharps Collection Program provides safe disposal of "sharps" (syringes, needles, and lancets).

Food Assistance and Supplies

Basic Food in Washington

  • Phone: (877) 501-2233
  • Address: 2106 2nd Ave
  • Hours: Mon - Fri, 8am - 5pm
  • The U.S. Department of Agriculture Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) known as Basic Food in Washington, helps people with low incomes make ends meet by providing monthly benefits to buy food. Benefits are based on your family size and income. To apply, call or visit the location listed above during open hours.
  • You can also apply for Basic Food Assistance online at at any time.

Public Drinking Fountain Locations 

  • Hing Hay Park - Maynard Ave S and S King St
  • Donnie Chin International Children’s Park - 7th Ave S and S Lane St


Line graphic of a globe with a roman alphabet character switching to a kanji alphabet characterChuMinh Egg Rolls Weekly Meal 

  • Address: 1043 S Jackson St
  • Hours: Weekly meal every Sunday from 10:30am-12:30pm
  • Email Address:
  • Usually there are volunteers who speak either Vietnamese, Mandarin, or Cantonese.

Line graphic of a globe with a roman alphabet character switching to a kanji alphabet characterPike Market Senior Center

  • Address: 85 Pike St #200
  • Phone Number: (206) 728-2773
  • Hours: Mon-Fri, 8:20am-4pm; Sat-Sun, 8:20am-2pm, Closed the first Thursday of each month
  • Meals served daily - Breakfast 8:20–9am; Lunch noon–1pm, (weekends 11:30am - 12:30pm)
  • Services and activities for people age 55 and up.
  • Call or visit in person.Services available in Spanish and Tagalog.

Recovery Café, SODO

  • Address: 4202 6th Ave S
  • Phone Number: (206) 374-8731
  • Hours: Mon-Fri, 9am-3:30pm
  • Recovery Café Members receive meals, recovery classes, peer support, and referrals. Visit to sign up for a New Member Introduction. Anyone can become a member.

Line graphic of two hands clasped in prayerSt. James Cathedral Day Center

  • Address: 907 Columbia St
  • Phone Number: (206) 264-2091
  • Meal Hours: Mon-Fri, 4:15pm; Meal line starts at 3pm


Line graphic of a globe with a roman alphabet character switching to a kanji alphabet characterDanny Woo Community Garden 

  • Address: 620 South Main St
  • There is a free produce box located near the center of the garden, behind shed. Must use stairs. All stairs have handrails.
  • Hours: Daily, 6am-9pm
  • Volunteers speak these languages: English, Mandarin, and Cantonese.

Line graphic of a globe with a roman alphabet character switching to a kanji alphabet characterFilipino Community Seattle

  • Address: 5740 MLK Jr Way S
  • Phone Number: (206) 722-9372
  • Hours:
    • Food Bank: Mon, Tues, Thurs, 12:30 - 1pm 
    • Senior Lunch and Food Bank: Mon, Tues, Thurs, 11:45am-12:30pm
  • Languages: English, Tagalog.

Pike Market Food Bank

  • Address: 1531 Western Ave, Level 5 of Parking Garage
  • Phone Number: (206) 626-6462
  • Walk-In Grocery Hours: Tues, 12 - 3pm (11am - 12pm pre-packed bags only); Wed, 3 - 7pm; Thurs, 12 - 3pm. Please do not come early.
  • The Pike Market Food Bank serves any resident of 98101, 98104, or 98121 zip codes and people who are homeless living in Downtown Seattle. Identification is optional.
  • You can only come for groceries once per week during open hours. Notify staff or volunteers if you have mobility issues and cannot stand in line.

SODO Community Market – Northwest Harvest

  • Address: 1915 4th Ave S, near the corner of 4th Ave S and S Holgate St
  • Hours: Mon, 1:30-7:30pm; Wed, 8am-2pm; Fri, 8am-2pm (hours subject to change)
  • SODO Community Market is a no-cost grocery store that provides fresh produce, grocery staples, and a variety of food options to those in need. No ID, proof of income, or residency information is required to shop with us.

Line graphic of two hands clasped in prayerSt. Francis House

  • Address: 169 12th Ave
  • Phone Number: (206) 268-0784
  • Hours: Mon-Fri, 10am-2pm
  • St. Francis House distributes care packages with toiletries, snacks, underwear, hats and gloves. They also have clothing for men, women and children, and household items (not furniture), that clients can shop for once every 30 days. They offer coffee and sandwiches in the hospitality room. You must have some form of ID.

Bathrooms and Showers

City of Seattle Shower Hotline

  • Phone Number: (206) 386-1030 – Call phone number first for instructions and weekly updated locations.
  • Hours: 9am-4:30pm, days vary by location. You can call the phone number above for more information.
  • Come to site starting at 8am for appointments. Appointments are provided on a first-come first-served basis.
  • City of Seattle provides free hot showers in shower trailers for 45 minutes. Single occupancy, sanitized between each use, secure storage while using, pets secured while using.

Low Income Housing Institute (LIHI) Urban Rest Stop, Downtown

  • Address: 1924 9th Ave
  • Phone Number: (206) 332-0110
  • Hours: Mon-Fri, 6:30am - 5pm; Sat-Sun, 8:30am - 4pm
    (closed 12 - 1pm)
  • The Urban Rest Stop offers restrooms, showers, laundry facilities and limited haircuts for adults and youth of all genders. Showers are wheelchair accessible. No intoxication allowed. Patrons receive free toiletries. No fees.

Seattle Public Utilities RV Wastewater Pump-out Program 

  • Phone Number: (206) 641-6991
  • The Pump-out Program offers collection service to dispose of toilet water and grey water from Recreational Vehicles (RVs). Once enrolled, the collection truck will come to your RV regularly. Call to schedule appointment.

Pet Care

Seattle Animal Shelter Spay and Neuter Clinic 

  • Address: 2061 15th Ave W
  • Phone Number: (206) 386-4260
  • Hours: Mon-Fri, 9am-5:30pm
  • Seattle Animal Shelter Spay and Neuter Clinic provides low-cost spay and neuter surgeries to any dog or cat in need.
  • Financial assistance is available with the Pet Population Control Fund.
  • To schedule an appointment, call the number listed above or email
  • In 2024, free monthly vaccine pop-ups at different community centers will be announced on their website:

Line graphic of a globe with a roman alphabet character switching to a kanji alphabet characterSeattle Veterinary Outreach

  • Phone Number: (206) 659-9810; leave a message if no one answers and staff will return call within two business days
  • Address: Rotating locations – call phone number or visit for information
  • Hours: 11am-2pm
  • Seattle Veterinary Outreach provides free basic veterinary care, including vaccination, de-worming, flea control, microchips, and care for sick pets. Free services for unhoused individuals, including those living in vehicles.
  • Call the number listed above to make a request for interpretation.


SHARE/WHEEL, Storage Lockers

  • Address: 711 Cherry St
  • Phone Number: (206) 448-7889
  • Hours: Tues and Thurs, 7-9am; Sat and Sun, 8-10am
  • SHARE/WHEEL provides day and long-term storage lockers that can fit a large duffle bag for anyone who is homeless and can provide labor.
  • You will be required to complete one 2-hour labor shift and attend a Sunday meeting every month.
  • Apply in person during operation hours. No fees. No ID required.

Transportation Assistance

Line graphic of a globe with a roman alphabet character switching to a kanji alphabet characterHope Link - to medical appointments

  • Reservation Phone Number: (800) 923-7433; TDD/TTY Line: (800) 246-1646
  • Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm
  • Hope Link provides rides (bus fare, gas reimbursement, or vehicle depending on situation) to and from places where individuals receive Medicaid-funded services.
  • To schedule a ride, call one of the numbers above 48 hours prior to appointment and have the following information readily available: Provider One Number (Medicaid), name of medical provider, name, address and phone number of medical facility, appointment date and time, and reason for the appointment.
  • For languages other than Spanish, press 3 and then press 1. When you call, say the English language name that you need for interpretation. Wait times may exceed 15 minutes before a representative answers your call.

Line graphic of a globe with a roman alphabet character switching to a kanji alphabet characterHyde Shuttle - Sound Generations

  • Phone Number: (206) 727-6262
  • Scheduling hours: Mon-Fri; 8am-4:30pm, Rides provided: Mon-Fri; 8am-4pm
  • The Hyde Shuttle is a free lift-equipped, door-to-door transportation service for people 55 and older; and also younger persons with disabilities. Residential address required (includes shelters, churches, etc.).
  • Callers will need to press the 1 button twice to get connected with a live representative to request interpretation.

King County Emergency Service Patrol

  • Phone Number: 911, request for Detox Van
  • Hours: 24 hours a day
  • Emergency Service Patrol (ESP) offers transportation for inebriated people seeking services such as sobering services, transportation to supportive housing, to and from hospital facilities (non-emergency) and crisis care centers. ESP operates in the downtown Seattle area.
  • The transportation services are for people who are under the influence of alcohol and or substance use. ESP staff will screen individuals and determine appropriateness of transport.

Line graphic of a globe with a roman alphabet character switching to a kanji alphabet characterKing County Metro Transit Regional Reduced Fare Permit (RRFP),subsidized annual pass, and ORCA Lift

  • Phone Number: (206) 477-4200
  • Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm, closed 1-2pm for lunch
  • Address: 201 S Jackson St; Hours: Mon-Fri, 8:30am-4:30pm
  • RRFP entitles senior riders (age 65 or older), riders with a disability, and Medicare card holders to reduced fares on public transportation.
  • Residents of King County, who are enrolled in one of six state benefit programs, qualify for a subsidized annual pass to ride local transit at no cost.
  • ORCA Lift provides reduced transit fare for low-income adults. Citizenship is not required. Save up to 50 percent or more on public transportation. Apply in person, online, or call for more information on enrollment locations and documents required.

Solid Ground - Transportation Services

  • Phone Numbers:
  • Downtown Circulator Route: Mon-Fri and is free for people living on low incomes and ADA accessible. , first bus departs stop 1 at 7am, last bus departs stop 1 at 4pm, Arrives approximately every 30 minutes.
    • Stop 1: 9th Ave and Alder
    • Stop 2: 4th Ave and Yesler
    • Stop 3: 1st Ave and Marion
    • Stop 4: 1st Ave and Pine
    • Stop 5: 1st Ave and Bell
    • Stop 6: 9th Ave and Virginia
    • Stop 7: Boren and Seneca
  • Solid Ground ACCESS provides door to door service available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day for people not able to ride the regular bus.

Other Neighborhood Resources

Line graphic of a globe with a roman alphabet character switching to a kanji alphabet characterInternational District / Chinatown Community Center 

  • Address: 719 8th Ave S
  • Phone Number: (206) 233-0042
  • Hours (effective April 1, 2023): Mon, Wed, Fri 11am-9pm; Tue and Thu, 9:30am - 6pm; Sat, 9am-5pm; closed Sunday
  • Amenities: Free health and well-being scheduled programs for teenagers, adults, and people age 50 and older, and air conditioning.

Crime Prevention/Safety Tips for Your Business:
English | Español | 日本語 | 한국어 | Tagalog | Tiếng Việt | 简体中文 | 繁體中文

City of Seattle Customer Information Guide

  • This guide is a list of people, organizations, and programs in the City of Seattle. It includes websites and phone numbers you can use to help find the services you need. 

Find It, Fix It – Service Request Mobile App

  • "Find It, Fix It" is a smartphone app that offers mobile users one more way to report issues to the City of Seattle. With Find It, Fix It, reporting an issue is as easy as snapping a photo with your smartphone, adding detailed information, and pressing submit.

King County Behavioral Health and Recovery Division

  • King County’s Behavioral Health and Recovery Division provides high-quality behavioral health services to low-income individuals in need. Services cover King County residents who are Medicaid eligible and meet certain medical eligibility requirements. They also provide services for low-income, non-Medicaid eligible residents.
  • Services include: crisis services, mental health treatment, substance use disorder treatment, and diversion and reentry services. Find more information on these services on the website linked above.

Right to Be - Trainings

  • Right to Be (formerly Hollaback!) provides free trainings to the public and customized training experiences for businesses, organizations, schools, and colleges. Trainings offer tools to learn how to respond, intervene, and heal from harassment.

This guide has been provided in partnership with the Chinatown International District community, community-based organizations, and the City of Seattle. Much of this guide’s information appeared in The Emerald City Resource Guide by Real Change. Special thanks to all of the organizations listed in this guide and Purpose. Dignity. Action. (formerly known as the Public Defender Association), Friends of Little Saigon, Downtown Emergency Service Center, Mayor Bruce Harrell, Councilmember Tammy Morales, the Seattle Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs, and the City of Seattle Department of Neighborhoods.

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Nos complace presentar la Guía de Recursos del Distrito Internacional-Barrio Chino (CID). Esta guía se ha elaborado para brindar apoyo a las personas sin vivienda en el CID. La pueden utilizar también las personas que viven y trabajan en el vecindario y sus alrededores. Por favor, compártala con sus contactos.



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다음은 2024년 차이나타운 국제 지구(Chinatown International District, CID) 자원 안내서입니다! 이 안내서는 CID내의 노숙인 및 저소득 또는 고정 소득을 가진 사람들이 이용할 수 있는 자원에 대한 정보를 제공합니다. 귀하의 네트워크와 공유해 주십시오.

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Narito ang 2024 Resource Guide ng Chinatown International District (CID)! Nagdudulot ang aklat-gabay na ito ng mga pagkukunan ng impormasyon para sa mga taong walang tinutuluyan at mga taong mababa at nakapirme ang kita sa CID. Mangyaring ibahagi sa inyong mga kaugnayan.

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Đây là Hướng Dẫn về Nguồn Hỗ Trợ cho Khu Phố Người Hoa – Khu Quốc Tế (Chinatown International District, CID) Năm 2024! Hướng dẫn này cung cấp thông tin về nguồn hỗ trợ cho những người vô gia cư và những người có thu nhập thấp và thu nhập cố định tại Khu CID. Hãy chia sẻ với những người trong mạng lưới của quý vị.


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2024 年唐人街国际区(英文简称 CID)资源指南!本指南为 CID 中无家可归者以及低收入和固定收入者提供资源信息。请与您的亲朋好友分享。


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2024 年唐人街國際區(英文簡稱 CID)資源指南!本指南為 CID 中無家可歸者以及低收入和固定收入之民眾提供資源資訊。請與您的家人朋友分享。

Human Services

Tanya Kim, Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 5800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34215, Seattle, WA, 98124-4215
Phone: (206) 386-1001

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The mission of the Seattle Human Services Department is to connect people with resources and solutions during times of need so we can all live, learn, work and take part in strong, healthy communities.

Accommodations for people with disabilities provided upon request.