Parking Signs

Angled Parking (also Back-in Angled and Head-In Angled)

back-in angle parking only Indicates where vehicles park at an angle to the curb, either head-in or back-in. Angled parking can be installed on streets where the width of the street and traffic and safety conditions permit. Requests can be made at (206) 684-ROAD.

Food Truck Zones

Food vehicle zone sign

For permitted food trucks only during the days/times indicated on the sign. Other vehicles are subject to ticket and impound.

No Parking or No Stops

Np parking/no stops sign

Indicates an area where parking or stopping are not allowed, sometimes by time of day, or in advance of a stop sign or crosswalk.

Peak Period Restriction

No Parking Peak Hours sign

  Indicates times when parking or stopping are not allowed during morning and afternoon commute times.

  Vehicles parked during prohibited times are subject to fines and immediate removal and impound.

Taxi Zone

Taxi Cabs Only sign

  Indicates space to be used only by taxis

Time-limited parking

One hour parking sign

Gives the maximum amount of time allowed to park. Payment is not required. Vehicles must vacate the space and are prohibited from parking on the same block until the next day.

Paid Parking Signs

Parking sign information to help guide parking in areas with paid parking.

Pay to Park 8 AM - 6 PM sign

Signs indicate 2-hour parking from 8 AM to 6 PM Monday-Saturday.

Pay to Park 8 AM - 8 PM sign

Signs indicate 2-hour parking from 8 AM to 5 PM and 3-hour max after 5 PM. 

Pay to Park 8 AM - 10 PM sign

Signs indicate 2-hour parking from 8 AM to 5 PM, and 5-hour max after 5 PM. To park for up to 5 hours after 5 PM, you must park at 5 PM or later.

Pay to Park 8 AM - 8 PM except Zone 7 sign

Signs indicate 2-hour parking from 8 AM to 5 PM, and 3-hour max after 5 PM.

Signs also indicate that residents with Zone 7 permits (or the number shown in the upper right corner) can park without paying and for longer than the time limit (up to 72 hours).


Adiam Emery, Interim Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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