Judkins Park Station Area Curbspace Planning

What's Happening Now?

We're having a virtual public hearing on September 25, 2024 at 6:00 PM to share our plan for Judkins Park and to hear from you!

Updated August 2024

August 2024 Flyers: Español繁体字한국어Tiếng việtTagalogaf-Soomaaliአማርኛትግሪኛ)

You're Invited: Judkins Park Virtual Public Hearing

We are having a virtual public hearing about our proposed plans for street parking around the future Judkins Park light rail station.

Date: Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Time: 6:00 PM

If you would like to attend the virtual hearing, please register by clicking here.

If you would also like to share verbal comments at the hearing, please sign up here.

If you prefer to share your thoughts without speaking at the hearing, you can email us at JudkinsParkLR@seattle.gov or call (206) 615-0479. We value all comments, whether they come from the hearing, email, or phone. 

How to Join the Hearing:

The virtual hearing will take place on Microsoft Teams, but you can attend even without a Teams account. You also do not need a computer and can join from any device.

  • After you have registered to attend the hearing here, you will receive a meeting invitation via email.
  • If you do not have a Microsoft account: you can follow these instructions for joining the meeting.
  • You also have the option to call in to the hearing by dialing the phone number in the meeting invitation.

Hearing Format:

We will start at 6:00 PM with a short presentation about our proposed street parking plan. Then we will listen to public comments. If you have signed up to give a verbal comment at the hearing, we will call on you by name. Each person will have up to two minutes to speak, but this may be shorter if many people want to share their thoughts. After that, we will take and respond to questions as time allows. If we don’t have time to respond to every question, we will follow up after the hearing by email or phone.

Why We Need a Parking Plan

The East Link Judkins Park Light Rail Station is planned to open in late 2025. In preparation, the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) and Sound Transit are working together to create a parking plan for the area around the future station. We have several goals for this project:

  • Reduce all-day light rail commuter parking on neighborhood streets around the future Judkins Park Light Rail Station.​
  • Prioritize parking for residents and provide short-term parking options for businesses, organizations, schools, and parks.
  • Encourage walking, biking, and use of public transportation to get to and from the new light rail station.

Proposed Plan:

Please see the map below for the proposed project area (indicated by the blue-hatched shading.)

  • We are proposing a new Restricted Parking Zone (RPZ) approximately ¼ mile around the future Judkins Park Light Rail; RPZ signs would be placed next to residential addresses, limiting parking to a maximum of 2 hours from 7 AM to 6 PM, Monday to Friday, unless you have a permit. 
  • We are proposing 2 or 4-hour parking limits during the daytime next to non-residential places, like businesses, schools, churches, and parks. 
  • We plan to establish new load zones where they are needed for easy loading and unloading of people and goods. 

As part of our work, we will also evaluate street conditions and decide where clearances from parking near crosswalks and around intersections are required to be sure that drivers and pedestrians can see each other.  

This is a map of the proposed project area around the future Judkins Park Light Rail Station. It shows the project area extending to Dearborn to the north, MLK Jr. Way S to the east, and Holgate St to the south.

Survey Feedback:

Last February, we shared our plan and an online survey to get feedback from residents, employees, and others who visit the area. Survey respondents expressed support for the project’s goals (84%,) and most residents in the project area (75%) are in favor of a Restricted Parking Zone.

You can learn more about the survey results by clicking here

How do RPZs work?

RPZ signs, like the one shown below, are installed next to residential locations within an established Zone. Vehicles with an RPZ permit do not need to comply with the restrictions posted on the sign. Non-permitted vehicles may also park next to an RPZ sign if they comply with the time limits on the sign.

Example of a Restricted Parking Zone sign; sign reads 2 Hour 7 AM - 6 PM Monday - Friday Except by Zone 34 Permit

Residents may purchase up to four permits, and one guest permit.  

Each permit costs $95 for a two-year permit cycle, but there is a $10 income-eligible permit available as well.  You can learn more about RPZs on our website here.

Are you an employer in the Judkins Park area?

There are multiple incentive and options for helping your employees with their commutes!

  • Commute Seattle provides free business services to help employers and property managers develop customized commute solutions that can save money and improve employee commutes. For more info, check out commuteseattle.com  
  • ORCA Business Passport is a cost-effective annual transportation pass program for employers with 5+ employees that covers all regional bus rides, light rail, and more. Smaller employers may also qualify for incentives. To learn more, contact tarap@commuteseattle.com  
  • Seattle’s Commuter Benefits Ordinance requires that employers with 20+ employees offer employees the option to make monthly pre-tax payroll deductions for transit or vanpool expenses.  Learn more at commuteseattle.com/cbo   

Community Engagement

We are engaging communities around the future Judkins Park light rail station to gather feedback and understand conditions as we develop a plan for managing curb space in the neighborhood. Engagement efforts include individual meetings with organizations, mailers, website updates, an online survey, social media outreach, blog posts, and a public hearing. 

Project Timeline

Q1 2024 Share initial proposal and online survey.
Q2 2024 Evaluate feedback and update plan. 
Q3 2024 Hold public hearing and evaluate feedback. 
Q4 2024 - Q1 2025 Update and share Final Plan.
2025 Send eligible residents information about getting permits and install signs. 

Past Project Materials

February 2024 Flyers:





Tiếng việt





Project Background Factsheets:

Project Factsheet: English

Project Factsheet: Español

Project Factsheet: Traditional Chinese (繁体字) 

Project Factsheet: Korean (한국어) 

Project Factsheet: Vietnamese (Tiếng việt)

Project Factsheet: Tagalog

Project Factsheet: Somali (af-Soomaali)

Project Factsheet: Amharic (አማርኛ) 

Community Meetings

April 16, 2024 – Jackson Place Community Council Presentation

October 20, 2022 – Jackson Place Community Council Presentation


Greg Spotts, Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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