Fairview Ave N Bridge Replacement

Crews have completed work on the Fairview Ave N Bridge and all related work in the project area. We hope you're enjoying the new bridge!

Please enjoy this photo compilation that shows photos from bridge construction, the opening event, and features of the new bridge.

Thanks again to those of you who were able to join us in celebrating the bridge opening event on Saturday, July 24. Please see our blog post that recaps the opening event.


Early 2019

Advertisement for construction contractor
Began ongoing public and stakeholder outreach

Summer 2019

Confirmed construction contractor
Preparation work began for Aloha St intersection detour
Continued ongoing public and stakeholder outreach

Fall 2019

Full bridge closure and construction began
Continued ongoing public and stakeholder outreach


Bridge reopened to traffic


Why did we replace the bridge?

The Fairview Ave N bridge was the last wooden bridge on a major road in Seattle. While it was safe for travel, the bridge didn't meet current seismic standards. The timber piles on the western half of the bridge, which held up the roadway, were decaying. The concrete girders on the eastern half of the bridge, which stabilized the street, were cracked.

Bridge design

The new, wider street helps all users, making it safer for people to drive, walk, bike, and access transit along Fairview Ave N. The bridge features sidewalks on both sides of the street, a separated 12-foot 2-way bike lane on the west side of the bridge, and slightly wider northbound vehicle lanes for people driving cars and trucks.

New Crosssection

Along with seismic improvements, we built 3 lookout points along the west side of the bridge to provide viewing platforms looking out to Lake Union. They replaced the lookout area at the northern end of the bridge.

Photo of pedestrian enjoying view of Lake Union on new Fairview Ave N Bridge.
Bridge users enjoying the view of Lake Union.


MOVE SEATTLE LEVY: Your tax dollars at work

With the Levy to Move Seattle, passed by voters in November 2015, SDOT committed to replacing Seattle's aging and seismically vulnerable Fairview Ave N bridge, improving corridor safety and updating the street design to accommodate all people. The Levy to Move Seattle invests $27 million toward the total estimated project cost of $52 million. We're proud to begin construction on this cornerstone project and deliver on our commitment to voters.

Outreach Summary

Throughout the project, the outreach team:

  • Shared regular email updates about construction activities
  • Posted regular web page updates
  • Hosted monthly stakeholder meetings
  • Conducted door-to-door outreach distributing construction information
  • Sent a preconstruction mailer to over 11,000 addresses in the South Lake Union and Eastlake neighborhoods
  • Presented briefings for community groups and area employers
  • Made phone calls to immediate project neighbors
  • Responded to questions and concerns submitted to the project inbox and phone line
  • Provided project information at neighborhood events



Adiam Emery, Interim Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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