Transit-Plus Multimodal Corridor Program

Updated: October, 2024

The Transit-Plus Multimodal Corridor program (Transit-Plus program) improves transit travel time and reliability along 7 high-priority transit corridors by making a variety of transit and multimodal improvements. The Seattle Transit Master Plan identified the corridors to improve mobility throughout Seattle now and into the future.

Each Transit-Plus project is designed for the unique needs and considerations of individual communities and contributes to further completing citywide networks of high-quality transit, bicycle, and pedestrian connections.

The Levy to Move Seattle provides partial funding for the Transit-Plus program. We’re pursuing grant funding and working with King County Metro to partner on RapidRide and Metro Connects investments. The Transit-Plus program also coordinates with other levy-funded programs to deliver investments, such as paving and safety improvements, on these corridors.

Program Overview

Transit-Plus Program Objectives

Make bus trips faster and more reliable, now and in the future

  • Reduce bus travel times, especially during peak periods by minimizing congestion-related delays.
  • Keep buses moving reliably, especially during peak periods and when major disruptions occur.
  • Implement improvements that protect buses from increased levels of congestion and support planned RapidRide upgrades.

Make it safer and easier to get to and on the bus

  • Implement safety improvements for people walking and biking to the bus.
  • Improve ease of access for all transit riders, regardless of age or ability.
  • Maintain and repair streets, sidewalks, and bus stops to support reliable and efficient access.

Advance program objectives in a way that responds to community needs and priorities

  • Work with the community and stakeholders to evaluate investments that align with the program objectives.
  • Utilize the City’s Race and Social Justice Initiative framework to evaluate and advance equitable outcomes.

Fulfill levy to move Seattle commitments

  • Deliver upon the 2018 Levy Assessment commitments.
  • Coordinate with King County Metro and other SDOT programs to ensure efficient delivery of projects while managing risks.

Program Map

The Transit-Plus program includes 7 total lines: 3 to be delivered in partnership with King County Metro as RapidRide lines, and 4 to be delivered by SDOT as Transit-Plus Multimodal Corridors.

RapidRide Overview map

Program Schedule

Transit-Plus Multimodal Corridor Status Opening Year*
RapidRide G Line
Downtown Seattle to First Hill to Madison Valley
Complete 2024
RapidRide H Line
Downtown Seattle to Delridge to Burien
Complete 2022
RapidRide J Line
Downtown Seattle to Eastlake to the U District
Construction 2027
Route 7 (Rainier)
Downtown Seattle to Mt. Baker to Rainier Beach
Complete 2023
Route 44 (Market)
Ballard to Wallingford to U District
Complete 2023
Route 40 (Fremont)
Downtown Seattle to Fremont/Ballard to Northgate
Construction 2025
Route 48 (23rd)
Mt. Baker to Central Area to U District
Substantially Complete 2024

* Opening dates for lines planned in the SDOT Transit-Plus Multimodal Corridor program and the King County Metro RapidRide program are pending available funding.

RapidRide Corridors

SDOT and King County Metro are partnering on improvements to make transit service more frequent, reliable and high-quality on 3 RapidRide corridors.

On these projects, we’ll also deliver multimodal improvements like repaved roads, pedestrian access, and safety improvements, bicycle facilities, signal improvements, and other street or utility upgrades.

SDOT and King County Metro are currently working to make RapidRide investments to these 3 corridors:

For the RapidRide G and RapidRide J Line, the level of investment is contingent upon securing Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Small Starts funding and other grant funding. We’ve been working with the FTA to secure these funds.

Read about King County Metro RapidRide.

Buses come more often and on-time.

  • RapidRide buses come every 10 minutes or sooner during peak periods and 12-15 minutes during other parts of the day.
  • Peak-hour travel is up to 20 percent faster than on traditional bus service, saving about 5 minutes per trip.
  • Forecasted travel time savings are between 4-21 minutes during morning and 6-19 minutes during afternoon peak periods.

SDOT and King County Metro is building improvements to ensure the bus moves quickly and on-time.

  • Timing traffic lights to give buses the green light.
  • Bus-only lanes and queue jumps help buses move through traffic and intersections.
  • Placing stations after intersections with traffic signals helps reduce delays.
  • Bus bulbs bring the curb line up with the parking lane, allowing buses to stop and board riders without leaving the travel lane.

Riders can expect a high-quality experience.

  • Larger, enhanced stations featuring route maps, lighting, seating, real-time bus arrival information, and ORCA card readers to pay before boarding.
  • Higher station platforms and all-door boarding mean faster loading and unloading for all passengers, including those with mobility challenges.

SDOT and King County Metro are working to meet the needs of all our customers.

  • SDOT is building better, safer access to Metro services, including sidewalks, crosswalks, curb ramps, and connections to other pathways that lead to bus stops.
  • RapidRide buses are accessible – most have passive wheelchair restraint systems that let users roll into place without help from the bus drivers.
  • Stations designed to serve the community’s needs – shelters provide weather protection for people using mobility aids like wheelchairs and walkers. Riders can push a button to hear information.

RapidRide is energy-efficient and means fewer cars on the roads.

  • Supports public health and environmental goals by reducing carbon emissions and encouraging active transportation.
  • Buses are more energy-efficient and use low-emission hybrid diesel-electric power.
  • Fewer cars on the roads, helping to ease congestion and improve air quality

Safety is a top priority.

  • Open and bright stations increase visibility.
  • Shelters are well-lit so people can see and be seen.
  • Surveys indicate over 70 percent of riders think RapidRide stations are better than those on other Metro bus routes.
  • Fare enforcement officers monitor buses and stations for smooth system operations.

Transit-Plus Multimodal Corridors

We’ll make investments to improve the speed and reliability of current transit service on 4 key transit corridors. Elements could include bus lanes, transit signal priority, or other changes to the street to prioritize transit service. Transit access and safety improvements may also be included as funding allows.

The 4 Seattle Transit-Plus corridors are:

Although these corridors are being delivered by SDOT, each are still identified as future RapidRide corridors in the King County Metro Metro Connects plan.

Program Library


Adiam Emery, Interim Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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