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Contracts & Partnerships
Current Partnership Opportunities
Red Barn Ranch Request For Proposal
Seasonal Food Truck, Activities, and Fitness Concessions
Request For Proposal (RFP): Outdoor Preschools
Our Contracting Process
Successful Partnerships
Supplies for Sale
Job Opportunity Highlights
Summer Employment Opportunities
Aquatics Employment & Training
Current Neighborhood Projects
How Our Projects Are Funded
Park CommUNITY Fund
1125 Harvard Avenue East
Charlestown Park (48th and Charlestown Landbanked Site Park Development)
A. B. Ernst Park Addition
Ballard Playground Athletic Field Improvements
Be'er Sheva Park Improvements
B. F. Day Playground Play Area Renovation
Bicycle Weekends
Bitter Lake Playfield Public Restroom and Play Area Renovation
Bitter Lake Reservoir Park
Bryant Neighborhood Playground Renovation
Burke-Gilman Trail Repairs
Carkeek Park Pedestrian Bridge Replacement
Carkeek Park Playground Renovation
Cayton Corner Park
Cheasty Mountain Bike/Pedestrian Trail Pilot Project
City Hall Park and Vicinity
Dahl Playfield Restroom Renovation
Denny Blaine Park long-term Plan
Discovery Park South Beach Trail
Dr. Jose Rizal Park Renovation
Don Armeni Boat Ramp Improvement
Duwamish Waterway Park Activation
Duwamish Waterway Park Expansion
Firehouse Mini Park Play Area Renovation
Freeway Park Improvements
Garfield Super Block - Play Area, Promenade & Restroom Renovation
Gas Works Park Renovations – Playground, Restroom and East Entry
Genesee Playfield - Play Area Renovation and Public Restroom Replacement
Artificial Turf Replacement - Genesee Playfields 1&2
Georgetown Flume Off-Leash Area Development
Green Lake Community Center, Play Area, and Evans Pool Redevelopment
Green Lake Park Inner Loop
Green Lake Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan Development
Green Lake Small Craft Center Redevelopment
Herring's House Park (Tualtwx) – Shoreline Restoration
Hiawatha Community Center Stabilization
Hiawatha Play Area Relocation and Renovation
Hing Hay Park Renovation
Hubbard Homestead Play Area
Hutchinson Playground Renovation
I-5 Colonnade Pump Track
Stan Sayres Boat Ramp Replacement
Japanese Garden Wall and Pavilion Replacement
Bill Wright Golf Complex at Jefferson Park - Holes #11 & 12 Poles and Netting Replacement
Judkins Park Renovations Project
Kubota Garden Improvements
Lake City Community Center Redevelopment
Lake City Floodplain Park Development
Lake Washington Boulevard Renovations
Langston Hughes Performing Arts Institute Restoration
Leschi South Marina Wave Attenuator and Facility Improvements
Lincoln Park South Play Area Renovation
Little Brook Park Redevelopment
Longfellow Creek Bridge Replacement
Lower Woodland Playfield #1
Loyal Heights Community Center Stabilization
Madrona Park Beach Play Area Renovation Project
Madrona Playground Play Area Renovation
Magnolia Community Center Stabilization
Magnolia Playfield Lighting
Magnolia Neighborhood Skate Park Conceptual Design Study
Magnuson Park Play Area Renovation
Maple Wood Playfield, Public Restroom and Play Area Renovation Project
Marra-Desimone Park
Mayfair Park Retaining Wall and Stair Replacement
Meridian Playground Play Area Improvements
Mickey Merriam Field 8 At Magnuson Synthetic Turf Replacement
Miller Playfield Play Area Renovation
Morgan Junction Park Addition
Mount Baker Park Beach Bathhouse Renovation
Mount Baker Park Public Restroom
North Rainier Landbanked Site Park Development - Cheryl Chow Park
Northwest Native Canoe Center
Olmsted Parks and Boulevards Restoration Project
Othello Playground Off-Leash Area Development
Outdoor Pickleball Court Development
Queen Anne Community Center Renovation
Rainier Beach Playfield Skatepark
Rainier Community Center Play Area Playground Renovation
Red Barn Ranch Improvements
Salmon Bay Park Play Area Renovation
Smith Cove Park Development
Soundview Playfield Athletic Field Renovation
South Lake Union Community Center
South Park Community Center Stabilization and Site Redevelopment
South Park Plaza Landbanked Site Park Development
Southwest Teen Life Center Play Area Renovation
T. T. Minor Playground Play Area Renovation
Terry Pettus Park Renovation
Ursula Judkins Viewpoint Concept Plan
Victor Steinbrueck Park
View Ridge Playfield Playground Renovation
Ward Springs Play Area Renovation
Washington Park Arboretum Creek Headwaters Project
Washington Park Arboretum Waterfront Trail
Washington Park Arboretum Woodland Meadow
Wedgwood Landbanked Site Park Development
Westcrest Park Restroom Renovation & Play Area Restoration
West Seattle Junction Park Development
West Seattle Stadium Off-Leash Area Development
Rules & Regulations
ADA: Serving Patrons with Disabilities
Boundaries and Encroachments
Public Disclosure Requests
Special Use of Seattle Parks Property: Permits
Park Rangers
Plans, Policies & Reports
Find a Restroom in a Park
2024 Parks and Open Space Plan
Parks Legacy Plan
Planning and Policy Library
Environment Plans & Reports
Tree Health and Management
Integrated Pest Management
Irrigation and Water Usage
Pollinator Habitat
Climate Resiliency Strategy
Environmental Stewardship Report
Thriving Environment Initiative
Vegetation Management Plans
Recreation Plans & Reports
Off Leash Area Expansion Study
Community Center Strategic Plan
People, Dogs and Parks Strategic Plan
Study: The Future of Seattle's Municipal Golf Courses
Strategic Planning
Seattle Conservation Corps
Urban Food Systems Program
Park History
Task Forces & Advisory Teams
Athletic Facilities Task Force
Olmsted Legacy Task Force
Trails Task Force
Viewpoint Advisory Team
All Parks
Index Pages
Parks A to D
Parks E to H
Parks I to L
Parks M to P
Parks Q to T
Parks U to Z
Parks A-D
12th Ave Square Park
12th West & West Howe Park
14th Avenue NW Boat Ramp
3001 E Madison Park
32nd Ave W Boat Launch
6th Avenue NW Pocket Park
A. B. Ernst Park
Adams Street Boat Ramp
Albert Davis Park
Alice Ball Park
Alki Beach Park
Alki Playground
Alvin Larkins Park
Amy Yee Tennis Center Park
Andover Place
Arroyos Natural Area
Atlantic City Boat Ramp
Atlantic Street Park
B.F. Day Playground
Bagley Viewpoint
Baker Park on Crown Hill
Ballard Commons Park
Ballard Corners Park
Ballard Playground
Bar-S Playground
Bayview Playground
Bayview-Kinnear (Lower Kerry Park)
Beacon Hill Playfield
Beacon Place
Be'er Sheva Park
Bell Street Park
Bellevue Place
Belltown Cottage Park
Belmont Place
Belvedere Park
Belvoir Place
Benefit Playground
Benvenuto Viewpoint
Bergen Place
Bhy Kracke Park
Bitter Lake Playfield
Bitter Lake Reservoir Open Space
Blaine Place
Blanche Lavizzo Park (Dr.)
Blue Dog Pond
Blue Ridge Circle
Blue Ridge Places
Boren Park
Boren Place
Boylston Place
Bradner Gardens Park
Brighton Playfield
Broadway Hill Park
Bryant Neighborhood Playground
Burke-Gilman Trail
Cal Anderson Park
California Place
Camp Long
Camp Long Environmental Learning Center & Activities
4H Challenge Course at Camp Long
Schurman Rock at Camp Long
Camp Long Nature and Adventure Camps
Carkeek Park
Carleton Center
Carleton Highlands
Cascade Place
Cascade Playground
Cayton Corner Park
Cedar Park
Cesar Chavez Park
Charles Richey Sr Viewpoint
Cheasty Boulevard
Cheasty Natural Area
Cheshiahud Lake Union Loop
Chinook Beach Park
Christie Park
City Hall Park
Cleveland Playfield
Coe Play Park
College Street Park
College Street Ravine
Colman Park
Colman Playground
Columbia Park
Commodore Park
Corliss Place
Cormorant Cove
Cottage Grove Park
Counterbalance Park
Cowen Park
Crescent Place
Crown Hill Glen
Crown Hill Park
Daejeon Park
Dahl (Waldo J.) Playfield
Dakota Place Park
David Rodgers Park
Day Street Boat Ramp
Dearborn Park
Delridge and Myrtle Park
Delridge Playfield
Denny Park
Denny Blaine Lake Park
Denny Blaine Park
Donnie Chin International Childrens Park
Don Armeni Boat Ramp
Duwamish Waterway Park
Parks E-H
E.C. Hughes Playground
East Duwamish Greenbelt
East Montlake Park (CLOSED)
East Portal Viewpoint
East Queen Anne Playground
Eastmont Place
Eddie Vine Boat Ramp
Ella Bailey Park
Emma Schmitz Memorial Overlook
Endolyne Park
Ercolini Park
Fairmount Playground
Fairview Park
Fairview Walkway
Fauntleroy Creek Ravine
Fauntleroy Park
Fauntleroy Place
Ferdinand Street Boat Launch
Firehouse Mini Park
First Hill Park
Fletcher Place
Flo Ware Park
Freeway Park
Fremont Canal Park
Fremont Peak Park
Frink Park
Fritz Hedges Waterway Park
Froula Playground
Garfield Playfield
Gas Works Park
Gemenskap Park
Genesee Park and Playfield
Georgetown Playfield
Georgetown Pump Station
Gerber Park
Gilman Playground
Golden Gardens Park
Grand Army of the Republic Cemetery
Green Lake Park
Greenwood Park
Greenwood Triangle
Greg Davis Park
Haller Lake Street End
Hamilton Viewpoint Park
Harrison Ridge Greenbelt
Harvard-Miller/Roanoke Annex
Herring's House Park (Tualtwx)
Hiawatha Playfield
Highland Drive Parkway
Highland Park Playground
Highland Place
Hing Hay Park
Hitt's Hill Park
Hoa Mai Park
Homer Harris Park
Horiuchi Park
Horton Hill Corridor
Howell Park
Hubbard Homestead
Hunter Boulevard
Hutchinson Playground
Hyde Place
Parks I-L
I-5 Colonnade
Interbay Athletic Complex
Interlaken Park
Inverness Ravine Park
Japanese Garden
Jefferson Park
Jimi Hendrix Park
John C. Little, Sr. Park
Jose Rizal Park (Dr.)
Judge Charles M. Stokes Overlook
Judkins Park and Playfield
Julia Lee’s Park
Junction Plaza
Katie Black's Garden
Kerry Park (Franklin Place)
Keystone Place
Kilbourne Park
Kinnear Park
Kinnear Place
Kirke Park
Kiwanis Memorial Preserve Park
Kobe Terrace
Kubota Garden
Lake City Beach Park
Lake City Memorial Triangle
Lake City Mini Park
Lake City Park
Lake People Park (Xacua'bs)
Lake Union Park
Lake Washington Boulevard
Lakeridge Park
Lakeridge Playfield
Lakeview Park
Lakeview Place
Lakewood Playground
Lakewood Triangle
Lambert Place
Landing Parkway
Lawton Park
Laurelhurst Playfield
Leschi-Lake Dell Natural Area
Leschi Park
Licton Springs Park
Lewis Park
Lincoln Park
Linden Orchard Park
Little Brook Park
Llandover Woods Greenspace
Lowman Beach Park
Longfellow Creek Natural Area
Loyal Heights Playfield
Lynn Street Mini Park
Parks M-P
MacLean Park
Madison Park
Madison Park North Beach
Madrona Briar Patch
Madrona Park
Madrona Playground
Madrona Ravine
Magnolia Greenbelt
Magnolia Manor Park
Magnolia Park
Magnolia Playfield
Magnolia Tidelands Park
Magnuson Park
Artist Studios at Magnuson Park
Magnuson Park Boat Launch
Magnuson Park Calendar
Magnuson Park History
Magnuson Park Advisory Committee
Magnuson Park Reports
Magnuson Park Reservations
Off-Leash Area
Partner Organizations
Park Features
Seattle Conservation Corps
Swimming Beach
Wetlands and Habitat
Maple Leaf Reservoir Park
Maple School Ravine
Maple Wood Playfield
Marra-Desimone Park
Marshall Park
Martha Washington Park
Martin Luther King Jr. Civil Rights Memorial Park
Marvin's Garden
Matthews Beach Park
Mayfair Park
McGilvra Boulevard
McGilvra Place
McGraw Square
Meadowbrook Playfield
Me-Kwa-Mooks Natural Area
Me-Kwa-Mooks Park
Meridian Playground
Miller Playfield
Miller Triangle
Magnolia Boulevard
Mineral Springs Park
Mock Creek Ravine
Montlake Boulevard
Montlake Playfield
Morgan Junction
Mount Baker Boulevard
Mount Baker Park
Mount Claire Park
Mt Baker Ridge Viewpoint
Myrtle Edwards Park
Myrtle Reservoir
Nantes Park
Nathan Hale Playfield
NE 60th Street Park
Nora's Woods
North Beach Park
Northacres Park
Northeast Queen Anne Greenbelt
Northgate Park
Northlake Park
Northwest 60th Viewpoint
Observatory Courts
Occidental Square
Olympic Sculpture Park
Open Water Park
Orchard Street Ravine
Othello Playground
Oxbow Park
Park Home Circle
Parkmont Place
Parsons Gardens
Pathways Park (Burke-Gilman Playground Park)
Peace Park
Pelly Place Natural Area
Peppi's Playground
Pier 62
Pigeon Point Park
Pinehurst Playground
Pinehurst Pocket Park
Pioneer Square
Pipers Creek Natural Area
Plum Tree Park
Plymouth Pillars Park
Powell Barnett Park
Pratt Park
Prefontaine Place
Prentis I. Frazier Park
Pritchard Island Beach
Puget Boulevard Commons
Puget Creek Greenspace
Puget Park
Puget Ridge Playground
Parks Q-T
Queen Anne Boulevard
Queen Anne Bowl Playfield
Rainbow Point
Rainier Beach Playfield
Rainier Beach Urban Farm and Wetlands
Rainier Place
Rainier Playfield
Ravenna Boulevard
Ravenna Park
Ravenna Ravine
Ravenna Woods
Ravenna-Eckstein Park
Regrade Park
Riverview Playfield
Roanoke Park
Roanoke Street Mini Park
Rogers Playground
Ross Playground
Rotary Viewpoint
Roxhill Park
Sacajawea Playground
Salmon Bay Park
Sam Smith Park
Sandel Playground
Schmitz Boulevard
Schmitz Preserve Park
Seacrest Park
Seola Park
Seven Hills Park
Seward Park
Sierra Place
Smith Cove Park
Solstice Park
Soundview Playfield
Soundview Terrace
South Park Meadow
South Park Playground
Spring Street Mini Park
Spruce Street Mini Park
St. Marks Greenbelt
Stan Sayres Memorial Park
Stevens Place
Stevens Triangle
Sturgus Park
Sturtevant Ravine
Summit Place
Summit Slope Park
SUN Park
Sunnyside Ave N Boat Ramp
Sunset Hill Park
Sunset Place
SW Queen Anne Greenbelt
T. T. Minor Playground
Tashkent Park
Taylor Creek Headwaters
Terry Pettus Park
Thayer Place
Thomas C. Wales Park
Thomas Street Mini Park
Thorndyke Park
Thornton Creek Natural Area
Thyme Patch Park
Tilikum Place
Troll’s Knoll Park
Trolley Hill Park
Trudy's Triangle
Twelfth Avenue South Viewpoint
Parks U-Z
Urban Triangle Park
Union Bay Boglands
Union Station Square
University Circle
University Heights Plaza
University Lake Shore Place
University Playground
Ursula Judkins Viewpoint
Van Asselt Playground
Victor Steinbrueck Park
Victory Creek Park
Victory Heights Playground
View Ridge Playfield
Viretta Park
Virgil Flaim Park
Volunteer Park
Volunteer Parkway
Wallingford Playfield
Wallingford Steps
Walt Hundley Playfield
Ward Springs Park
Washington Park Playfield
Washington Street Boat Landing
Waterfront Park
Watton Site
Weather Watch Park
Webster Park
Wedgwood Park
Wedgwood Square
West Duwamish Greenbelt
West Ewing Mini Park
West Montlake Park
West Queen Anne Playfield
West Seattle Stadium
Westcrest Park
Westlake Greenbelt
Westlake Park
Westlake Square
William Grose Park
Williams Place
Wolf Creek Ravine Natural Area
Woodland Park
Woodland Park Rose Garden
Yesler Terrace Park
York Park
York Playground
All Community Centers
Central Community Centers
Northeast Community Centers
Northwest Community Centers
Southeast Community Centers
Southwest Community Centers
Community Centers
Central Centers
Garfield Community Center
International District/Chinatown Community Center
Miller Community Center
Montlake Community Center
Yesler Community Center
Northeast Centers
Lake City Community Center
Laurelhurst Community Center
Magnuson Community Center
Meadowbrook Community Center
Northgate Community Center
Ravenna-Eckstein Community Center
Northwest Centers
Ballard Community Center
Bitter Lake Community Center
Green Lake Community Center
Loyal Heights Community Center
Magnolia Community Center
Queen Anne Community Center
Southeast Centers
Jefferson Community Center
Rainier Community Center
Rainier Beach Community Center
Van Asselt Community Center
Southwest Centers
Alki Community Center
Delridge Community Center
Hiawatha Community Center
High Point Community Center
South Park Community Center
Pool Fees & Program Descriptions
Ballard Pool
Colman Pool (West Seattle)
Evans Pool (Green Lake)
Helene Madison Pool (Haller Lake)
Meadowbrook Pool (Lake City)
Medgar Evers Pool (Central District)
Mounger Pool (Magnolia)
Queen Anne Pool
Rainier Beach Pool
Southwest Pool
Swim Seattle
Dog Off-Leash Areas & Map
Events & Attractions
Museums & Attractions
Events, Public Meeting & Volunteer Calendar
Park Activation Events
Lifelong Recreation for Adults 50+
Outdoor Recreation 50+
Dementia Friendly Recreation
Recreation for LGBTQ+
Specialized Programs for People with Disabilities
Hiking & Trails
Outdoor Water Recreation
Boating & Sailing
Andrews Bay Anchorage
Mt. Baker Rowing and Sailing Center
Green Lake Small Craft Center
Sprayparks & Wading Pools
Swimming Beaches
Adult Sports Teams & Programs
Youth Sports
Citywide Tennis, and Amy Yee Tennis Center
Tennis Court Rentals
Tennis Lessons, Programs and Tournaments
Youth Tennis Programs
Virtual Recreation
Learning & Childcare
Childcare & Preschool
Community Learning Centers
Discovery Park Nature Kids Preschool
Environmental Education & Outdoor Learning
Environmental Learning Centers Calendar
Teen & Youth Development
Seattle Mentors
Youth Green Corps
Job Readiness Opportunities for Teens
Indoor Tot Gyms & Tot Rooms
Rentals and Permits
Boat Launch Permits
Operate a Class in a Park
Community Center Rentals
Day Camp Permits
Event Planning Tools
Park Maps for Event Planning
Refunds, Reductions, & Waivers
Rental Tips, Rules, and Regulations
Rent an Indoor Space for Your Event
Alki Beach Bathhouse
Camp Long Event Space and Cabin Rentals
Dakota Place Park Building
Discovery Park Environmental Learning Center Rental
Golden Gardens Bathhouse
Japanese Garden Tateuchi Community Meeting Room
Madison Park Bathhouse
Madrona Playfield Shelterhouse
Mount Baker Rowing and Sailing Center
Officers Club--Magnuson Park
Pinehurst Shelterhouse
Pritchard Beach Bathhouse
Ross Playfield Shelterhouse
Ward Springs Pump House
Outdoor Ceremony Reservations
Permits for Outdoor Events in Seattle Parks (Park Use Permits)
Photography Permits
Picnic Shelter and Table Reservations
Pool Rentals
Sports Field Reservations
Athletic Field Drop-In Program
Baseball Field Features
Football Field Features
Soccer Field Features
Tennis Court Reservations and Costs
Volleyball Sand Court Reservations
Current Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer Background Check
Advisory Councils
Coaching and Recreation Volunteering
Environmental Education Volunteering
Park Inspection Volunteers
Trail Building & Park Clean Up
Trails Program
Volunteer Calendar
Volunteer Calendar Event Submission Form
Urban Forest Restoration
Elected Officials
Boards & Commissions
Media Contacts
All Parks
All Community Centers
Find a Community Center near you! 26 locations offer recreation programs including childcare, after school, senior programs, sports leagues, arts classes, and ...
All Community Centers
Find a Community Center near you! 26 locations offer recreation programs including childcare, after school, senior programs, sports leagues, arts classes, and ...
Central Community Centers
Garfield, International District/Chinatown, Miller, Montlake, Yesler
Northeast Community Centers
Lake City, Laurelhurst, Magnuson, Meadowbrook, Northgate, Ravenna-Eckstein
Northwest Community Centers
Ballard, Bitter Lake, Green Lake, Loyal Heights, Magnolia, Queen Anne
Southeast Community Centers
Jefferson, Rainier, Rainier Beach, Van Asselt
Southwest Community Centers
Delridge, Hiawatha, High Point, South Park
Find and contact your local pool. See schedules, amenities, program descriptions, and fees.
Fees & Programs
See descriptions and fees for city-wide pool programs like fitness classes and public swims.
Ballard Pool
Adjacent to Ballard High School. Features a 25-yard indoor pool with water slide, low dive, rope swing and warm water spa.
Colman Pool (West Seattle)
A 50-meter, 8-lane Olympic sized heated saltwater pool in West Seattle’s Lincoln Park. Summer only.
Evans Pool (Green Lake)
A 25-yard indoor lap pool on the east shore of Green Lake, with sauna. Same building as the community center.
Madison Pool (Bitter Lake)
A 25-yard indoor pool in the Haller Lake/Bitter Lake neighborhood of NE Seattle, with a shallow section and two diving boards.
Meadowbrook Pool (Lake City)
Just east of Lake City Way in NE Seattle, this 25-yard indoor pool features a rope swing, high dive, water fitness equipment and sauna.
Medgar Evers Pool (Central)
Next to Garfield Community Center, this 25-yard indoor pool features a rope swing, low diving board, separate shallow section and sauna.
Mounger Pool (Magnolia)
In the Magnolia neighborhood. Two outdoor pools: one w/50-foot corkscrew slide; the other shallow & great for kids. Concessionaire too! Summer only.
Queen Anne Pool
On top of Queen Anne Hill, this 25-yard indoor pool has built-in steps for easy entry, a high and low diving board, rope swing and a small sauna.
Rainier Beach Pool
2 indoor pools: one w/ huge slide, spray features, lazy river, vortex and gradual entry. The other is a 25-yard lap pool w/ diving board. Sauna/hot tub onsite.
Southwest Pool
A 25-yard indoor pool in the Roxhill neighborhood of West Seattle. High and low diving boards, spa & sauna, and complimentary exercise machines.
Swim Seattle Initiative
Learn about swim scholarships, free swim lessons, and other training and events with community partners.
Find activities and amenities for sports, hobbies, and fun.
Dog Off-Leash Areas
Seattle Parks and Recreation welcomes you to explore and enjoy most parks (on a leash), and we offer 14 exciting Off-Leash exceptions! At these designated ...
Events and Attractions
Attend an event or visit a fun attraction in a park.
For Adults 50+
Seattle Parks and Recreation's Lifelong Recreation program offers a wide range of fitness and social activities for people 50 and better that change each ...
Seattle Parks has many services and activities of interest to the diversity of people who live, work and play in Seattle - including opportunities of interest ...
For People with Disabilities
Seattle Parks and Recreation Specialized Programs offers year-round activities for people with disabilities. The purpose is to provide recreational ...
Hiking & Trails
Plan your next urban hike with us! Seattle Parks and Recreation has miles of developed and semi-developed trails.
Outdoor Water Recreation
Find a boating center, swimming beach, spraypark, or wading pool.
Learn about public tennis and pickleball courts, youth and adult sports leagues, find a golf course, and more.
Virtual Recreation
Here are some recreation alternatives to public, in-person activities in the Seattle Parks and Recreation system. You will find new opportunities to learn and ...
Learning and Childcare
Find activities, care, and environmental education for teens, children, and adults.
Come experience the amazing summer opportunities in your neighborhood community center and parks for all youth ages 3-17! Options include Summer Day Camps from ...
Childcare & Preschool
Seattle Parks and Recreation provides a range of childcare and preschool programs for the social, recreational, and physical development of children and youth. ...
Environmental Education (All Ages)
Welcome to Seattle Parks and Recreation's Environmental Education Programs page. Our staff and volunteers offer outdoor nature learning opportunities that ...
Teen Programs
We have a variety of great teen programs including technology training, free wifi and computer access, jobs, service learning volunteer opportunities, hikes, ...
Toddler Indoor Play Areas
Designed for children 5 and younger, Toddler (Tot) Gyms offer a variety of toys and larger indoor space to play when it's not summer. Children will enjoy toys, ...
Rentals and Permits
Find a space for events like ceremonies, festivals, birthday parties, and picnics. Learn how to use a sports field, tennis court, or boat launch. Get tips and ...
Boat Launch Permits
Seattle has more pleasure boats per capita than anywhere else in the U.S. Seattle Parks and Recreation manages seven motorized boat launches on Puget Sound, ...
Commercial Use Permits - Small Classes
Commercial activity in a Seattle park requires a permit or contract. These small-class permits are issued to operators of fitness groups (boot camps, yoga, ...
Community Center Room Rentals
The Seattle Parks and Recreation community centers are excellent places for meetings, parties, and group gatherings. We have over two dozen locations across the ...
Day Camp Permits
Permits are required to operate a daytime program offering supervised and registered recreational activities that are open to the public.
Event Planning Tools
Find tips, rules, and refund information to help with your event. Get a photography permit or park map.
Indoor Event Rentals
This is your first stop for all indoor event space rentals within the Seattle Parks and Recreation system. Reserve an events space, including Shelterhouses, ...
Outdoor Ceremonies
Seattle parks and gardens make lovely and inexpensive outdoor venues. Surround your ceremony with the elegance and beauty of nature. Read on for critical info ...
Outdoor Event Permits
Thank you for choosing a Seattle park for your event. A permit is required to reserve a playfield, facility, stage or performing arts area, or to use a park for ...
Photography Permits
Seattle Parks and Recreation maintains over 485 parks. A permit is required for professional and commercial photography occurring on City of Seattle Parks and ...
Picnic Rentals
We have dozens of beautiful parks located in the Seattle area available for picnic reservations. In order to schedule successfully, please read the Picnic ...
Sports Fields
Seattle Parks and Recreation has 200+ athletic fields suitable for seasonal, occasional and tournament play for sports such as, but not limited to; softball, ...
Tennis Courts
The Amy Yee Tennis Center schedules reservations and court rentals for the Center and the 100+ outdoor tennis courts in the Seattle Park system. Same-day ...
Find ways you can give back to your community and improve our parks.
Advisory Councils
Here's a direct opportunity to create more access for underserved populations and improve the quality of offerings provided by the Associated Recreation Council ...
Coaching & Recreation
Are you interested in sports? Want to further the well being and learning skills of students in Seattle Public Schools? We have a variety of coaching and ...
Current Volunteer Opportunities
Want to volunteer with Seattle Parks and Recreation? We have a variety of current opportunities that need you. Help us build and maintain our forest lands, ...
Environmental Education Volunteering
Do you love nature and have a passion for our environment? Are you looking to enhance the public's understanding of our urban flora and fauna? We have a variety ...
Park Inspection
The Department of Parks and Recreation is announcing its new volunteer Park Inspection program. We invite any Seattle residents, including current and past ...
Trail Building & Park Clean Up
Find ways to keep our parks healthy while having fun, getting community service hours, or completing a scout project.
Urban Forest Restoration
Our city forests need a little loving care from us. Urban pressures, like invasive plants and lack of regeneration of native trees, are diminishing the benefits ...
All Parks
Queen Anne Boulevard
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(206) 684-4075
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(206) 684-4075
This long strip of green roadway flows through a variety of locations in Queen Anne.
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