Climate Resiliency Strategy

Climate change is impacting Seattle today. Hotter summers, intense winter storms, and rising seas are just some of what Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) must plan for and adapt to. SPR's new strategy, Climate Resiliency in Seattle's Parks and Recreation System, identifies specific impacts to our people, programs, places, and practices and shares what we are doing today and can do tomorrow to be a resilient parks and recreation system.  

A team of staff at SPR took a holistic look at the impacts of climate change to our system based on the latest science and on-the-ground knowledge. Further analysis identified the degree of vulnerability in a number of areas as well as the potential magnitude of these impacts.

Click on the graphic below for a full view of  our climate vulnerabilities.

A stylized graphic outlines Climate Vulnerabilities in Seattle’s Parks and Recreation System, highlighting how sea level rise, weather shifts, heavy rain, extreme weather, reduced snowpack, and air pollution will  impact  our infrastructure, shorelines, plants, animals, facilities and people of the city and park system.

The new strategy, Climate Resiliency in Seattle's Parks and Recreation System, then describes what SPR is doing today to adapt to these changes, and explores some actions we can take going forward to steward our parks sustainably for future generations. Some examples include increased mulching to preserve trees, bioengineering along our saltwater shorelines, improvements to buildings to support cool and clean air, expansion of meadows, and exploration of water reuse systems.

Watch the webinars:

Climate Change & Seattle's Parks from Seattle Parks and Recreation on Vimeo.

Climate Resiliency in Seattle's Parks and Recreation System.

Parks and Recreation

AP Diaz, Superintendent
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Phone: (206) 684-4075
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