Front Counter Services

Public Request Unit

The Public Request Unit staffs the front counter located in Seattle Police Headquarters.  You can request police reports, collision reports, clearance letters, get fingerprinted and apply for a Concealed Pistol Permit.

Location and Hours

  • The front counter is located in the lobby of Seattle Police Headquarters

  • Seattle Police Headquarters is located at 610 5th Avenue in downtown Seattle, between James and Cherry St.

Required ID and Payment

  • Photo ID -  Driver's license, State issued ID card, Passport or Military ID are valid.  School ID cards or expired cards are not valid.  If you are applying for a Concealed Pistol Permit, your ID needs to have a Seattle address.
  • Payment - Cash, Check, Money Order, as well as Debit/Credit Cards
    (**Please note a Service Fee will be assessed when paying by card)

  • ATM - An ATM is available across the street in City Hall.

Services Available

Getting Fingerprinted


  • Cost is $7.00 per ID card. Cash or check only.
  • If you were provided with fingerprint cards, please keep them flat - do not fold them.
  • Cards will be provided if you do not have one.  We supply the standard FD-258 FBI Applicant card.


  • By appointment only: To make an appointment click here.
    Fingerprinting takes about 20 minutes and is done on a first come, first serve basis.
  • Last fingerprint request is taken at 4:00 PM.

Preparing to be Fingerprinted

  • To get a good print, it is important that your hands are hydrated:
    • Drink lots of water.
    • Use hand lotion.
    • Avoid excessive hand washing, use of hand sanitizers or other activities that dry out your hands. 
  • We will not print you if you have a fresh wound or cut to your fingers. Please let your hands and fingers heal. 

Concealed Pistol Permit

First Time Licensing Process

  • Original license cost $48
  • Department of Licensing requires that you fill out an application, get your fingerprints taken, and pass a background check.
  • You need to be a Seattle resident to apply for a permit through the Seattle Police Department:
    • 30 day waiting period - If you are a WA state resident, living here for a minimum of 90 days.  Proof of current address is required.
    • 60 day waiting period - If you are an out of state resident (or if living here less than 90 days.  Proof of current address and/or military orders are required. 
  • By appointment only: To make an appointment click here.

License Renewal

  • Standard renewal cost is $32.00 - (This can be done up to 90 days before the license expires)
  • Late renewal is $42.00 - (This can be done up to 90 days after the license expires)
  • If you wait over 90 days to renew an expired license you need to start the process over from the beginning. 
  • Replacement license cost is $10.00
  • By appointment only: To make an appointment click here.


Turnaround Times

  • Original licenses will be mailed to you after the background check is completed. If you have not heard anything after 30 calendar days from the date of your application, please call (206) 684-5454, option 9.  

You can make a request for an initial police report, a collision report or a clearance letter without going through a public disclosure request.  These reports do not include more than a basic narrative and a few supplemental reports. 

Public Request Unit - Front Counter Services

The Public Request Unit handles requests involved parties (Victims, complainants and their legal representatives.) 

You will receive your report more quickly than a Public Disclosure Request, but the reports will have less detail. 

  • Reports take approximately 5-7 business days, from the date of the incident, to become available for release. 
  • If the report is available for release, you can pick it up in person the same day at the front counter of SPD Headquarters. 
  • If the report is not yet available, you can still make a request - the request will be held until it is ready.  It will be sent to you in the method you specific (email, mail or fax).

You can request a report from the Public Request Unit the following ways: 


Effective April 4, 2022, The Public Request Unit transitioned to GOV QA.

You may now:

  • Make, receive, and track your records requests securely online
  • Communicate with the Public Request Unit Staff via the online portal for questions etc.


To request a report, please follow the instructions below

How to request records from the Seattle Police Department Public Request Unit:

  1. Navigate to /police/information-and-data/records-request-center
  2. Click Go to Police Public Records Request Center
  3. Scroll down below the blue informational box, select Police Records Request
  4. If you already have an account, log in and click Submit a New Records Request
    1. Enter all data pertinent to your request
    2. Attach any documents associated with your request, the more information the better!
  5. If you do not already have an account, select the Create Account tab
    1. Enter the requested information to create your account
    2. Submit your request, to include any documents associated with your request, the more information the better! 

   ****Please note that all report requests require State Issued ID, a Passport, Student ID verification, Company Letterhead, or a letter of representation if you are a 3rd party. Upon making your request, please make sure that you scan a copy and attach in the “Attachments” section.

Fax (206) 684-1910

Mail - SPD Public Request Unit, 610 5th Ave. PO Box 34986, Seattle WA 98124

In-Person - at the front counter of Seattle Police Headquarters

Request on Behalf of Someone Else

If you are requesting a report on behalf of a victim or complainant, you must provide the following to obtain copies of reports:

  • Businesses -  Request in writing, on business letterhead, listing the case number. 
  • Attorneys - Request in writing, on business letterhead, listing the case number and client's name. 

  • Legal Guardians - Photo ID of the victim/complainant, or paperwork listing legal representation. 
  • Next of Kin -  Copy of death certificate of the victim. 
  • Parents or Guardians - Can request a report, on the behalf of a minor.
  • Reports  - Can be requested on someone else's behalf, if you have a copy of their photo ID and/or written authorization (i.e. your family member is in the hospital, you can make a request with a copy of their photo ID.)

Public Disclosure Request - Records Request Center

For more detailed reports available to the public, reports including additional types of records (such as audio or video), or arrest reports and DUIs you can make a Public Disclosure Request through the Records Request Center.  This will be handled by the Public Disclosure Unit.

Public Information Online

Information that is already available online.

Collision Reports

  • Collision reports can be requested at any time.
  • These reports are not redacted, and all information is releasable.
  • Collision reports are not available online.

You can request a collision report from the Public Request Unit the following ways: 


Fax (206) 684-1910

Mail - SPD Public Request Unit, 610 5th Ave. PO Box 34986, Seattle WA 98124

In Person - at the front counter of Seattle Police Headquarters

Washington State Patrol 

Washington State Patrol is the custodian of all collision reports within the State of Washington. 

You can request a copy of any accident report through their website

If you were in an accident outside of Seattle City limits, you can contact the local agency where the accident occurred, or you can search the WSP Collision Report Search application. 

Clearance Letters

Criminal convictions are public record and a full record of that information (or lack of convictions) is available from the Washington State Patrol Records Section.

The Seattle Police Department can prepare a 'clearance letter' for you if you have never been convicted within the city limits.  A Clearance Letter can only be issued to an individual that shows 'no convictions as known by the Seattle Police Department,' We do not run a full background check, and only produce a letter stating you have no convictions in Seattle. 

To receive a clearance letter from the Seattle Police Department:

  • $17.50 - Non-notarized original letter and copy
  • $22.50 - Notarized original letter and copy - in Person By appointment only. To make an appointment click here
  • $5.00 - Additional original letter

By Mail - SPD Public Request Unit, 610 5th Ave. PO Box 34986, Seattle WA 98124. Please be sure to enclose a check payable to City of Seattle and the address where you would like the letters mailed.

In Person - at the Front Counter of Seattle Police Headquarters at the above listed address. Letters will be completed at the time of request.   

If you require a complete criminal history search (anything outside of Seattle city limits), please contact the Washington State Patrol (WSP)  - (360) 534-2000.


Shon Barnes, Interim Chief of Police
Address: 610 5th Avenue, Seattle, WA, 98104-1900
Mailing Address: PO Box 34986, Seattle, WA, 98124-4986
Phone: (206) 625-5011
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The Seattle Police Department (SPD) prevents crime, enforces laws, and supports quality public safety by delivering respectful, professional, and dependable police services. SPD operates within a framework that divides the city into five geographical areas called "precincts".