Department Fact Sheet

The Seattle Police Department is the largest Municipal law enforcement agency in Washington State.

About the City

Seattle Population: 747,300 (2019)

Seattle Physical Size: 143 square miles

Population of King County: 2,253,000 (2019)

Washington State Population: 7,615,000 (2019)

About the Department

Sworn Officers – 1,200 authorized/funded FTE

Civilian Employees - 631

911 Calls – 800,527 calls per year (2019) 

Public Disclosure Requests -  7,358  (2019)


Community calls for service daily (2019) - 745 a day

Officer on-views (2019) - 422 a day

Primary Duties of the Department

Sworn Officer Rank Structure

Policing involves a chain-of-command, with sworn officers of higher rank giving direction to those working under them as follows

  1. Chief of Police
  2. Deputy Chief
  3. Assistant Chief
  4. Captain
  5. Lieutenant
  6. Sergeant
  7. Officers and Detectives


Sue Rahr, Interim Chief of Police
Address: 610 5th Avenue, Seattle, WA, 98104-1900
Mailing Address: PO Box 34986, Seattle, WA, 98124-4986
Phone: (206) 625-5011
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The Seattle Police Department (SPD) prevents crime, enforces laws, and supports quality public safety by delivering respectful, professional, and dependable police services. SPD operates within a framework that divides the city into five geographical areas called "precincts".