Stadium District Study

The Stadium District Study recommended a new Stadium District neighborhood that focuses on sports and entertainment and related business and industries including hotels, which are not currently allowed by the zoning rules. We also recommended improvements to open spaces and sidewalks such as an Occidental Avenue Promenade near the stadiums.

Aerial image with boudaries of our stadium district study.

In November 2013 we released our Stadium District Study recommendations and our Duwamish Industrial Lands Study recommendations and asked for public comments on both. Our recommendations from both studies were included in a set of proposed amendments to our Comprehensive Plan.

Project Goals

  • Creating a stronger, more vibrant stadium district
  • Preserving industry in the Duwamish manufacturing industrial center
  • Improving pedestrian, bicycle, and transit connections to and from stadiums
  • Strengthening beneficial relationships with Pioneer Square, International District / Chinatown, and other neighborhoods
  • Capitalizing on sustainability opportunities among stadiums

The End Result

Some potential project outcomes included:

  • Reviewing Comprehensive Plan policies for the area
  • Modifying zoning and land use regulations
  • Creating design plans for streetscapes
  • Building ongoing partnerships in the stadium district
  • Coordinating future improvements with design of ongoing projects

Project Documents

The Stadium District Study recommendations and related documents are listed below. The report and recommendations of the Duwamish Industrial Lands Study can be found on the Duwamish Industrial Lands Study website.

2014 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Docket
Includes goals, policies, and Future Land Use Map designation for the Stadium District.

Stakeholder Advisory Group

The Stadium District Study advisory group met regularly between February and October of 2013. A summary of the stakeholder advisory group process, including all agendas and materials is listed below.

Recap and Summary of Draft Recommendations: October 22, 2013

Streetscape Design Meeting: August 20, 2013

Land Use Scenarios Meeting: July 9, 2013

Guiding Principles and Urban Design Meeting: May 21, 2013

Stadium District Walk & Talk: May 8, 2013

About 85 people gathered on a beautiful spring evening for a walk and talk event in the stadium district hosted by Feet First. Keynote speakers included Councilman Richard Conlin, and former mayor Charles Royer.

Mobility Focus Meeting: April 16, 2013

Land Use Visioning Meeting: March 26, 2013

Introductory Meeting: February 19, 2013


Previous Plans and Studies

Seattle Arena Design Proposals

Project Timeline

February – Summer 2013

  • Analysis and research
  • Stakeholder Advisory Group meetings
  • Technical reviews
  • Coordination with Arena design proposals

July – August 2013

  • Preliminary recommendations:
    • Land use policies and/or zoning
    • Streetscape concept designs
  • Stakeholder Advisory Group meetings

September – October 2013

  • Final draft recommendations:
    • Land use policies and/or zoning
    • Streetscape concept designs

November – December 2013

  • Public review and comment period
  • Submit final land use / zoning recommendations to City Council
  • Review and adoption of Streetscape Concept Plans (appended to City Right of Way Improvement Manual)

2014 – Present

  • In 2016, City Council will consider our recommendations to create a Stadium District as part of the Seattle 2035 Comprehensive Plan

Planning and Community Development

Rico Quirindongo, Director
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 94788, Seattle, WA, 98124-7088
Phone: (206) 386-1010

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The Office of Planning and Community Development (OPCD) develops policies and plans for an equitable and sustainable future. We partner with neighborhoods, businesses, agencies and others to bring about positive change and coordinate investments for our Seattle communities.