One Seattle Plan

What's Happening Now?

Draft One Seattle Plan
Seattle’s Comprehensive Plan is a roadmap for where and how our city will grow and invest in our communities over the next 20 years and beyond. We are leading an effort to produce a major update of the Plan this year. Written comments for Draft One Seattle Plan Comprehensive Plan Update are now closed. Visit our Engagement Hub to learn more about previous engagement efforts. We will provide an update on our next steps in the next few months.


Updating Seattle’s Neighborhood Residential Zones Report
Accompanying the Draft Plan is a report on zoning changes in Seattle’s neighborhoods to increase housing choices, particularly middle housing options like 3-plexes, 4-plexes, and other attached and detached housing types in all of our Neighborhood Residential areas. Email your comments on this report to


Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) Update
We also released a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) that provides the City, public, and other agencies with environmental information across a range of possible growth strategy scenarios to be considered in the decision-making process. The comment period on the DEIS closed on May 6 and we received over 300 comments. We will review the comments to guide us as we prepare the Final Environmental Impact Statement. Each submitted comment will be included in the FEIS with a response. View our DEIS materials on our Project Documents page.

Seattle Comprehensive Plan major update:
How we will grow and invest in community.

Seattle’s Comprehensive Plan is a roadmap for where and how our city will grow and invest in communities over the next 20 years and beyond. It guides City decisions about where we locate housing and jobs, and where and how we invest in transportation, utilities, parks, and other public assets. The One Seattle Plan is a major update that advances a vision for the future that aligns with our city’s core values to make Seattle more equitable, livable, sustainable, and resilient for today's residents and generations to come.

The Comprehensive Plan addresses a wide range of topics, but a few themes comprise the heart of this Plan. The Plan also addresses important regional and statewide priorities and laws intended to facilitate construction of affordable and family housing, improve mobility, and allow for future population growth and climate resilience.

These four key moves respond to the issues and concerns emphasized by community members and stakeholders across the city. Taken together, numerous goals and policies in the Plan further each of the following: 

  • Housing and Affordability: Expand housing opportunities across the city.
  • Equity and Opportunity: Promote a more equitable Seattle as we grow.
  • Community and Neighborhoods: Focus growth and investment in complete, walkable communities.
  • Climate and Sustainability: Meet the challenges of climate change for a resilient future.

Planning for Growth: Exploring New Approaches

Since 1994, the City's goal has been to focus most new homes, jobs, and community investments within designated urban centers and urban villages.

Updating the Plan involved evaluating our current strategy as well as exploring new ideas for how Seattle can grow to be more equitable, affordable, and climate resilient. The proposed new growth strategy is a hybrid of options studied in the One Seattle Plan DEIS and includes:

  • Regional Centers and Urban Centers (formerly Urban Centers and Villages) expanded in several locations with new regional designation for Ballard.
  • New Urban Center at NE 130th St. light rail station.
  • Twenty four new Neighborhood Centers in selected places with Bus Rapid Transit, light rail stations and existing neighborhood business districts.
  • Urban Neighborhood as a new place type to include zoning for “middle housing” to implement HB 1110; apartments and mixed uses along frequent transit corridors; affordable housing incentives; and neighborhood corner stores. 

A Collaborative and Community Engaged Approach

We are leading the effort to update the Plan with an approach that is designed to be broad, inclusive, collaborative, and equitable. Our project team draws upon the breadth of work and staff groups department wide, including the areas of policy development, data analysis, land use, community planning, and community development. We are collaborating with staff from numerous City departments on areas of policy development that intersect with their work now and in the future, such as housing, transportation, economic development, and the environment to implement the Plan. We are also engaging with key external agencies at the state, regional, and local levels.

Most important, the Plan was created in dialogue with people throughout Seattle about the future they want to see for themselves, their families, their communities, and the city they call home. The Plan was developed through extensive public engagement with a with a strong emphasis on elevating the voices and empowering communities, such as Black, Indigenous, and people of color, who have historically been underrepresented in policy processes like comprehensive planning. This dialogue will continue as we work to implement this Plan in the coming years.     

Planning and Community Development

Rico Quirindongo, Director
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 94788, Seattle, WA, 98124-7088
Phone: (206) 386-1010

The Office of Planning and Community Development (OPCD) develops policies and plans for an equitable and sustainable future. We partner with neighborhoods, businesses, agencies and others to bring about positive change and coordinate investments for our Seattle communities.