North Aurora

About This Project

The Aurora Ave N corridor runs through several neighborhoods, including Greenwood, Green Lake, Licton Springs, Bitter Lake, and Haller Lake. These neighborhoods are home to culturally diverse communities with commercial areas that serve both residents locally and regionally.

Communities along the corridor have been advocating for a holistic vision that improves livability and helps shape growth and investment in their neighborhoods. This planning study aims to take a comprehensive look at the current and future community needs to identify a wide range of strategies and investments to support growth and livability. The area has many assets, and this study will look at how we can build upon those assets to meet the needs of existing residents and businesses and plan for future growth. This study will be coordinated with Seattle Department of Transportation's Aurora Ave N Project.

This community planning process includes areas in the Aurora Licton Springs Urban Village, Bitter Lake Urban Village, and neighborhoods north of NW 80th St along Aurora Ave N where people gather, shop, seek services, and recreate, that are important to communities living in the planning area. An exact project scope and planning area is being determined through the initial engagement process.

Project Updates

We are in the initial phase of the project, focusing on connecting with community organizations and City departments who will collaborate on this project. We are learning about what work communities and other stakeholders are already doing, and how we can further this work through community planning.  

Check back soon for more information on the project and how to be involved, and sign up to recieve email updates.

Upcoming Engagement

The Seattle Department of Transportation will be hosting a series of workshops. Please visit the Aurora Ave N Project website to learn more and to sign up.

What's Happening Now?

We are in the initial phase of the project, focusing on connecting with community organizations and City departments who will collaborate on this project. We are learning about what work communities and other stakeholders are already doing, and how we can further this work through community planning. 

This spring/summer, we will be working with SDOT to engage the community around developing a new design vision for the Aurora Ave N roadway as part of the Aurora Ave N Project. This vision will be key to thinking holistically about the neighborhoods along Aurora Ave N.

During the second half of 2023 and beyond, we will participate in community events and organize a range of events to meet with community members. We will update this page with more information as we have specific opportunities to share.

If you’d like to get in touch about getting your community organization involved, please email Katy Haima.

Please sign up for the mailing list if you’d like to receive project updates and opportunities to get involved!

Previous Engagements

SDOT Aurora Ave N Safety Planning Survey Findings (Dec 2022)

Project Fact Sheet

Data and Maps

Background and Past Planning Documents

Related Projects and Ongoing Work

Office of Planning and Community Development

  • The One Seattle Comprehensive Plan Update will guide City decisions about where we locate housing and jobs, and where and how we invest in transportation, utilities, parks, and other public assets. Our goal is to make the city more equitable, livable, sustainable, and resilient for today's communities and future residents.
  • Outside Citywide is a collaborative initiative to create a flourishing, equitable, well-connected network of public green spaces across Seattle.

Seattle Department of Transportation

Other Resources

Project Phases

An image of a description of our timeline.

Our planning work for this project falls into four broad phases.

Connect, Share, Vision: Summer/Fall 2023

  • Connect with community stakeholders
  • Explore data, stories, trends,
  • Identify opportunities and challenges
  • Identify planning goals

Explore Ideas and Strategies: Starting Fall/Winter 2023

  • Develop planning concepts and evaluate alternatives
  • Explore strategies and tools with community and agency partners

Finalize Plan (To be determined)

  • Vet and refine key strategies and implementation with community and agency partners
  • Review draft plan
  • Prioritize strategies and actions

Implement (To be determined)

  • Conduct regulatory processes for land use proposals
  • Community plan to serve as basis for action

Planning and Community Development

Rico Quirindongo, Director
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 94788, Seattle, WA, 98124-7088
Phone: (206) 386-1010

The Office of Planning and Community Development (OPCD) develops policies and plans for an equitable and sustainable future. We partner with neighborhoods, businesses, agencies and others to bring about positive change and coordinate investments for our Seattle communities.