NE 130th 145th Multimodal Access Plan


We have concluded our Multimodal Access study! You can view the final report here.

The NE 130th St and South Shoreline/145th St Stations Multimodal Access Study Plan was led by the Seattle Department of Transportation in partnership with the Office of Planning and Community Development.

About The Planning Process

The 18 proposed projects came from a year and a half long planning process. The projects that you see are at the early planning phase and are examples of potential projects in the neighborhood. We were able to suggest multimodal projects for accessing the new light rail station based on your help and neighborhood expertise. To advance the projects further, we will need to do more analysis and community engagement to advance designs, identify funding sources, and schedule when to build them.

Previous Online Engagement

We hosted an online survey asking for your opinion on the proposed projects. Within that survey (which is now closed) were dedicated surveys for each specific project. Watch the video below for more information.

Multimodal Map
Click on image to enlarge.

West Sector

1. NE 130th St Overpass & Shared-Use Sidewalk
2. N 145th St Crossings (West of I-5)
3. N 130th Corridor Improvements (SR 99 to NE 130th St Overpass)
4. 1st Ave NE Improvements (South of N 130th St)
5. Corliss Ave N Neighborhood Greenway
6. Roosevelt Way N Neighborhood Greenway & Shared-Use Path
7. N 137th St Neighborhood Greenway
8. Ashworth Ave N Neighborhood Greenway

Northeast Sector

9. Jackson Park Trail Improvements
10. NE 145th St Crossings & Sidewalk Improvement (East of I-5)
11. 15th Ave NE Street Redesign
12. NE 135th St Greenway (East of I-5)
13. NE 143rd St Neighborhood Greenway
14. 20th Ave NE Neighborhood Greenway

Southeast Sector

15. NE 125th St & Roosevelt Way NE Street Redesign
16. 8th Ave NE Neighborhood Greenway
17. NE 125th St Transit & Crossing Improvements
18. 5th Ave NE Sidewalk Improvements

Questions and Answers from Summer Online Surveys

Thank you for your comments and questions from the online surveys! We read through them and want to provide answers to questions that some of you raised.  

Also, we are also taking your comments into consideration as we prepare the report and are looking forward to sharing it with you this year.

Q: I noticed a lot of suggestions for walking and biking, what about transit? 
A: SDOT will work with King County Metro to identify and improve transit access to the future NE 130th St and South Shoreline/145th St Stations and along corridors of the routes serving the stations. Prior to station opening, King County Metro in coordination with Sound Transit will plan the restructure of bus service in advance of station opening in the area to complement and connect to the light rail service.

Q: You mentioned there's no parking at the 130th Street station, what about parking in the neighborhood?
A: Sound Transit and SDOT will work together to study on-street parking within approximately one-half mile of the future light rail stations. Studies begin approximately two years in advance of station opening. The study involves 3-4 counts of vehicles as well as an estimate of the parking supply. We conduct one count early in the morning (4:00 AM) to identify vehicles considered residential. We then count the vehicles visiting the area throughout the day. We will use the results of these parking studies, as well as public input, to develop curbside management plans to prevent transit users from parking all day in neighborhoods around the stations. We'll work to facilitate walking, biking, and using transit to access the new stations. Proposals will be released to the public before being finalized. We will identify potential curbside management changes in advance of stations opening. Potential curbside strategies could include: 

  • Time limited parking in commercial areas, which support business access by preventing long-term parking and facilitating parking turnover. 
  • Restricted parking zones (RPZs) in residential areas, which prevent long-term parking except for residents of the area. 
  • Load zones for passengers and/or goods 

Q: When are these projects going to happen?
A: In the coming years to improve access to the future NE 130th St and Shoreline South/145th St Stations, SDOT will seek opportunities for funding for the 18 proposed projects, coordinate with City and agency partners to advance planning and design of the proposed projects, and carry forward recommendations from this plan to inform mobility recommendations for the Station Area Plan being led by the Office of Planning and Community Development (OPCD).

Q: How far would the shared use path continue across I-5 at 130th Street?
A: The proposed projects include a shared use path that extends from the Interurban trail to the NE 130th St Station.

Q: How do potential land use changes impact these projects?
A: The proposed projects are intended to complement land use changes. SDOT will continue to coordinate with the Office of Planning and Community Development (OPCD) as land use changes are determined.

Q: Why aren't there any considerations to improve pedestrian access along Aurora Ave N?
A: This plan is focused on upcoming high capacity transit changes and projects that could complement transit. Separately, SDOT is pursuing funding to do a comprehensive pedestrian plan along SR 99 in the future.

Q: What sort of changes would need to happen to implement a shared sidewalk on 130th?
A: The project would most likely include moving curbs, re-striping vehicle lanes, consider adding a planting strip and paving for sidewalks. Drainage would also need to be addressed.

Q: You're showing some "funded projects". What are the current plans for 5th Ave? What is funded on 135th?
A: Right now 5th Ave next to Jackson Park is closed to thru traffic for constructing the light rail guideway. When 5th Ave opens again, the street will be one way heading north with a two-way bicycle track on the east side.

Northeast 135th is a neighborhood greenway project that is currently funded between Lake City Way NE to 27th Ave NE.

Q: What is a greenway?
A: Neighborhood greenways are safer, calmer residential streets for you, your family, and neighbors. We make people walking and biking the priority. Please see our website for more information: SDOT Neighborhood Greenways Neighborhood greenways can include: 

  • easier crossings of busy streets with crosswalks, flashing beacons, or crossing signals 
  • speed humps to calm traffic 
  • stop signs for side streets crossing the greenway 
  • signs and pavement markings to help people find their way 
  • Bus only lanes where only buses can drive except for folks in cars who are turning. 
  • Transit queue jumps, which often include a different light for buses that turns green before the traffic light turns green to get buses moving ahead of other vehicles.

Q: What are some ways to prioritize transit?
A: There are a few ways that SDOT works with King County Metro and other transit agencies to prioritize transit. A few ways to prioritize transit include:

  • Bus only lanes where only buses can drive except for folks in cars who are turning. 
  • Transit queue jumps, which often include a different light for buses that turns green before the traffic light turns green to get buses moving ahead of other vehicles.

Planning and Community Development

Rico Quirindongo, Director
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 94788, Seattle, WA, 98124-7088
Phone: (206) 386-1010

The Office of Planning and Community Development (OPCD) develops policies and plans for an equitable and sustainable future. We partner with neighborhoods, businesses, agencies and others to bring about positive change and coordinate investments for our Seattle communities.