High-Rise Inspection Program
Latest News
- Fee changes will take effect Jan. 1, 2025. Inspection fees are increasing by 16%, reflecting changes in our costs since our fees were last changed in winter 2022.
- Updated version of the High Rise Inspection Checklist is now available, aligned with the effective date of the 2021 SFC. There are no major changes.
High-rise buildings present a unique risk to public safety. A high-rise building is classified as any building that has occupied floors 75 feet or higher above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access. Since 2017, SFD's Fire Marshal's Office has provided high-rise inspections using a dedicated team of inspectors.
- Be prepared for your inspection. Review our inspection checklist and plan to have a building engineer or other maintenance personnel on site to accompany the SFD inspector.
- Schedule your inspection for a convenient time. We will contact you about one month before we plan to come. You may also contact us at SFD_FMO_HighRise@seattle.gov to request a specific inspection date or time.
- Fees. Inspections have a base fee of $271 plus an hourly charge of $271.
- Inspection summary for building management. At the end of the inspection, SFD's inspector will provide building management with a copy of an inspection report including any notices of violation written to tenants.
Other Resources
Client Assistance Memo 5981 - High-Rise Building Inspection Program
Client Assistance Memo 5051 - Fire Safety and Evacuation Plans
Client Assistance Memo 5963 - High Rise Building Emergency Evacuation Drills
Client Assistance Memo 5982 - High Rise Fire Emergency Planning Requirements
FDC Placard Requirements for High-Rise Buildings
Fire Safety Handbook for Multi-Residential Buildings
Fire Evacuation Planning