Maritime, Manufacturing, and Logistics

Seattle is committed to a strong and vibrant maritime industrial economy, by improving our position as a key gateway for global trade and increasing good-paying jobs in the maritime, manufacturing, and logistics sectors. The Seattle area is second only to Los Angeles/Long Beach in total exports on the west coast. The foundations of Seattle’s economic success are dependent on the cranes and marine terminals that mark the Port of Seattle, the warehouses and manufacturing facilities within our industrial lands, fishing, manufacturing, and the means to transport these goods, and facilitate movement for Washington State’s exporters.

Our renewed emphasis under the Industrial Maritime Strategy guides our partnership with regionally designated Manufacturing / Industrial Centers (MICs), and the land side spaces which support:

  • Proximity to distributors, suppliers, and customers
  • Highly skilled labor
  • Deep water access and freshwater berths
  • Access to waterborne, rail, truck, and air freight shipping modes that converge in and around the city
  • Aerospace and marine vessel manufacturing as well as light manufacturing
  • Partnerships to support workforce development
  • Advocacy and building relationships within city government

Under this strategy, OED and our partners work to connect Seattle’s diverse workforce to the living-wage jobs within these key industries, especially Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) and women—build wealth. We will continue to seek partnerships to support existing workforce development programs to address the City’s strategic goals for equitable wealth outcomes and access to the economy, as well as to explore new opportunities.


Key Sector Supporting Organizations

Public Supporting Organizations

For more information, please contact:

John Persak
Maritime, Manufacturing, and Logistics Advocate
(206) 437-9122

Economic Development

Markham McIntyre, Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 5752, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 94708, Seattle, WA, 98124-4708
Phone: (206) 684-8090
Phone Alt: (206) 684-0379
Fax: (206) 684-0379

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The mission of the Office of Economic Development (OED) is to help create healthy businesses, thriving neighborhoods, and community organizations to contribute to a robust economy that will benefit all Seattle residents and future generations.