Sewer Submeter Program

Client Assistance Memo 1102

The Sewer Submeter Program was instituted in the late 1950’s to make allowances for commercial customers who use water that does not enter the sanitary sewer. Water used for irrigation, delivery of water to ships, and water used in manufactured goods or products are all examples of situations where a submeter may prove beneficial.

Regulation of Submeters

The primary authority for sewer submeters is contained within the January 1961 Agreement for Sewage Disposal between King County and the City of Seattle. Seattle Municipal Code 21.28.090 directs Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) to calculate commercial sewer based on water that should go down the sewer. There is a provision for commercial customer owned submeters that measure water used exclusively for irrigation, delivery of water to ships, evaporation and water used in manufactured goods and commodities. There is no provision in the SMC for residential submeters. Residential properties are billed sewer under the sewer max program in order to compensate for irrigation.

  • Provide SPU with a completed Sewer Submeter Application & Inventory Form (pdf).
  • Submit a simple drawing of the property, showing on-property water lines, the location of the water meter that serves the submeter(s) and all existing and proposed submeter(s).
  • Purchase and install submeters after SPU review and approval.
  • Maintain and test submeters regularly to ensure accurate operation.
  • Locate all submeters in an area that is safe and easily accessible for meter readers and that is approved by SPU prior to installation.
  • Confirm that your submeters register in CF (cubic feet).
  • Contact our Submeter Program office at (206) 639-9637 for a physical inspection of your meter after installation.
  • Meet current SPU Automated Meter Reading (AMR) technology requirements for all submeter installations, regardless of the physical location of the meter. Sewer submeter technology requirements.
  • Pay all SPU Standard Charges (pdf).
  • Notify SPU upon change of use or change of occupancy.

  • Inspect all submeter installations to ensure they are for an approved deduction or required charge prior to acceptance into the SPU billing system.
  • Verify that the meter installed by the customer meets all criteria required by SPU meter readers and the SPU billing system.
  • Read all submeters on a monthly or bi-monthly frequency depending on account specifications.
  • Respond to all customer requests for submeter information, inspections, problem-solving and other submeter services in a timely manner.
  • Offer customers in like circumstances the same requirements, services, contracts, agreements or privileges.
  • Upon change of use or change of occupancy, bill sewer charges on all water delivered out regard to installed submeters.
  • Will not give retroactive credits or adjustments for consumption while any part of customer owned equipment is malfunctioning.

Legal Disclaimer

This Client Assistance Memo (CAM) should not be used as a substitute for codes and regulations. The applicant is responsible for compliance with all code and rule requirements, whether or not described in this CAM.

Public Utilities

Andrew Lee, General Manager and CEO
Address: 700 5th Avenue, Suite 4900, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34018, Seattle, WA, 98124-5177
Phone: (206) 684-3000

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