2020-2024 Dashboards

Affordable Connectivity Program
The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) was a broadband affordability program that provided a discount of up to $30 per month toward internet service for eligible households. Funding for this federal benefit ended in June, 2024. During the time it was available, the City ramped up efforts to build awareness of the discount, exceeding our goal of fostering 20,000 internet connections.
- 38,248 Seattle households enrolled.
- Over $6.4 million provided to Seattle households to offset the cost of home internet access.
- Greatest enrollment in zip codes in central and southeast Seattle in neighborhoods with the lowest median incomes.
- Click here to explore our Internet for All Seattle Affordable Connectivity Program Dashboard.

Internet Connectivity
The City prioritized multiple ways to connect residents to free or affordable internet to complement efforts with the Affordable Connectivity Program.
- Provided hotpots and sponsored internet to 26,993 residents.
- Enabled 1.8 million Wi-Fi connections and provided public Wi-Fi access at 67 locations, adding 17 new sites since 2020.
- Provided free internet to 211 organizations through the Access for All program.
- Click here to explore our Internet for All Seattle Connectivity Dashboard.

A working device is critical to connecting to the Internet. The City expanded efforts to distribute devices, moving closer to our goal of disbursing 20,000 devices.
- Over 17,000 laptops, tablets and other devices distributed to residents in need.
- 96,372 laptops and tablets loaned to residents, 99.8% of those going to Seattle Schools students.
- Click here to explore our Internet for All Seattle Devices Dashboard.

Digital Skills & Technical Support
The City strengthened community partnerships to deliver digital skills training and technical support with culturally relevant, in-language support.
- Delivered over 48,340 hours of digital skills training and technical support, serving over 101,000 residents.
- Invested $2.1 Million in Technology Matching Fund and Digital Navigator grants from 2020 to 2023, awarding funds to 81 community-based organizations.
- Click here to explore our Internet for All Seattle Digital Skills & Technical Support Dashboard.

Outreach & Assistance
The City's Seattle Information Technology department conducted outreach to share vital internet information with low-income individuals, older adults and BIPOC residents furthest from digital equity.
- Promoted Affordable Connectivity Program (formerly the EBB).
- Responded to service requests and shared low-cost broadband information with 1,933 residents.
- Directly served 2,511 residents at outreach events.
- Our partners at Workforce Development Council launched the Digital Equity Asset Map. The goals of the map are to help frontline staff and community members locate programs with digital skills training, access to devices, and technical support.
The performance metrics in the dashboards above are collected by the City and our partners. Data points reflect activities reported since the 2021 Internet for All Seattle Update Report. Partner data is published as it was reported to the City. No other verification of the data has been conducted. Affordable Connectivity Program dashboard covers the 2020-2024 timeframe. All other dashboards cover the 2020-2022 timeframe.
For more information about the terms used in the dashboard and tips on using the Dashboard, view the Internet for All Seattle Dashboard Definitions page. Please email digitalequity@seattle.gov if you have any questions.