Custom Autodesk Plugin Help

The City of Seattle provides plugins and other content for Autodesk applications available to download upon request. After you install these plugins, the buttons will appear in the Seattle Tools ribbon tab of AutoCAD or Civil 3D.

Information About Available Plugins

CADD Standards Plugin for AutoCAD or Civil 3D (MSI)

This plugin installs the City of Seattle Layer Standards in AutoCAD or Civil 3D.

Command overview:

  • CosCaddLayerStandardsInfo
    Displays layer standards information.
  • CosCaddEditLayerStandards
    Brings up the layer standards viewer.
  • CosCaddLayerChecker
    Scans the current drawing and reports on layer standard errors.
  • CosCaddLayerTranslator
    Scans the current drawing and fixes layer standard errors.
  • CosCaddLayerWizard
    Brings up Layer Standard Wizard which steps the user though the process of creating a well-formed standard layer.
  • CosCaddColorEZ
    Changes layer colors in the current drawing to the Standard Color Palette (muted).
  • CosCaddColorStd
    Changes layer colors in the current drawing to the Easy Color Palette (vibrant).

Lineworker Plugin for Civil 3D (MSI)

This plugin provides utility commands for converting survey figure and feature line geometry. It also provides a command to convert Trimble Business Center format point files to a format that can be used by Civil 3D.

Command overview:

  • CosCaddLineworkerInfo
    Displays the current version of the plugin and the contents of the README.TXT
  • CosCaddConvertFeatureLinesToPolylines
    Converts Civil 3D feature Lines to flat polylines.
  • CosCaddConvertFiguresToFeatureLines
    Converts Civil 3D survey figures to Civil 3D feature lines.
  • CosCaddConvertFiguresToPolylines
    Converts Civil 3D survey figures to flat polylines.
  • CosCaddConvertTrimbleLinework
    This command provides a way to convert Trimble Business Center (TBC) format points files, PNEZD (command delimited), into a form that Civil 3D can use to generate linework.

Curb Table Plugin for Civil 3D (MSI)

This plugin installs the City of Seattle Curb Table interface in Civil 3D to generate standard curb return tables.

Command overview: the CurbTable command launches the interface. Select an option in the interface and follow the prompts.

How To Download Plugins

You may submit a request to download custom Autodesk application plugins provided by the City of Seattle.

Information Technology

Rob Lloyd, Chief Technology Officer
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 2700, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 94709, Seattle, WA, 98124-4709
Phone: (206) 684-0600
Phone Alt: Cable TV & Internet Discount Information: (206) 684-8498

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