HomeWise is a program of the Seattle Office of Housing that provides weatherization and home repair services for income-qualified households and apartment buildings with low-income tenants. Interested contractors are invited to review the information included here and determine if working with the program would be a good match for your experience and business interests.
Due to variables in the type and quantity of work that is available, application and qualification with the HomeWise Program is no guarantee of bidding opportunities or awarded work being offered.
For more information, view the letter and applications below for the Single Family Weatherization program and the Specialty and Ductless Heat Pump program.
- Specialty and Ductless Heat Pump Contractor Instructions
- Specialty Ductless Heat Pump Contraction Application
- Single Family Weatherization Program Contractor Instructions
- Single Family Weatherization Program Contractor Application
For more information, contact Abraham Kwon at (206) 890-7622 or