Other Opportunities

Opportunities is a one-stop shop for the latest arts-related jobs, funding sources, calls for artists and training opportunities. You may also submit an opportunity in one of the categories below. We moderate submissions, and listings are posted at the discretion of staff. It may take a couple of business days for your listing to appear.

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looking for...

Moku Art Studio
This exhibition showcases artists who are passionate about the ocean and its future.


Moku Art Studio



More Info

Frieda Verlage


Fee to Apply


Deadline to Apply



Under the Sea is an international online exhibition open to all artists working in new media, video, digital, and photography. We are looking for works by artists that exemplify the themes of ocean conservation, ocean sustainability, ocean protection, ocean education, and the deep sea.

We are proud to announce that our Under the Sea exhibition has been endorsed as an Ocean Decade activity. This means that our virtual exhibition will be shared on the Ocean Decade Network, allowing the wonderful work created by the artists to reach a wider audience.

How to Apply

Artists can apply to the Under the Sea Open Call on Moku Art Studio's Website

Link to Opportunity




City of Auburn
City of Auburn’s Downtown Sculpture Gallery showcases 12+ sculptures throughout its historic downtown and around the City. Public art is an integral part of the exciting renewal efforts on Main Street and underscores the critical role that artists and public art play in the revitalization of Auburn’s urban core.


City of Auburn



More Info

Allison Hyde


(253) 931-5100

Fee to Apply


Deadline to Apply



The City of Auburn invites sculptors to submit applications for Auburn’s Downtown Sculpture Gallery. The works selected for this public art exhibition will be on loan to the City for a period of twelve months (12) and can be available for sale during that time.

Each selected artist will receive a $1,000 stipend. At the conclusion of the exhibition a sculpture from the exhibition may be purchased for inclusion in the City of Auburn’s permanent collection. The purchase budget is $10,000. Artist are required to be living or working in the Pacific Northwest (Washington, Oregon, Idaho, California and Montana) and deliver their artwork in person to Auburn, Washington.

How to Apply

Online Application

Link to Opportunity




itsliquid group
ITSLIQUID Group is pleased to announce the open call for the 13th edition of ROME INTERNATIONAL ART FAIR 2025, an international exhibition of photography, painting, video art, installation/sculpture and performance art, which will take place in Rome, at ITSLIQUID Monti – Rome Art Space from March 14 to March 27, 2025.


itsliquid group



More Info

Luca Curci


Deadline to Apply



ROME INTERNATIONAL ART FAIR 2025 analyzes the relationship between body and space, and the hybridization between identities and cultural/physical/social/urban settings in contemporary times, through two main sections: MIXING IDENTITIES and FUTURE LANDSCAPES.

MIXING IDENTITIES analyzes the hidden parts of our identities, through an immersive experience inside the fascinating universe of the complex labyrinths of our consciousness. The human body is a changing system that connects us with other bodies and spaces to perceive the surrounding reality; a strong communication system with its own language and infinite ways of expression.

FUTURE LANDSCAPES are abstract, infinite and conceptual, associated with a sense of freedom and infinite extension. Primarily experienced with the mind, spaces redefine their limits and borders, transforming surfaces in an open flow of pure ideas. This section focuses on the concept of the borders and the structures between body, mind and soul, the human identity and the city, the space and the ground.

How to Apply

To take part in the selection, send your works’ submissions with a CV/biography, some still images (for video art), links to videos/performances and pictures via e-mail to director@itsliquid.com or fill out the form below

Link to Opportunity




Art Fluent
Art Fluent invites artists worldwide to submit artwork to our online exhibit, BARING IT ALL.


Art Fluent



More Info

Amy Matteson Neill



Fee to Apply

$25 for first entry/$10 any additional entries

Deadline to Apply



Artists have always been obsessed with the naked figure, and for good reason. It’s raw, real, and beautifully human. Whether it’s bold, vulnerable, awkward, or all of the above, nakedness forces us to stop and really see what’s underneath. Show us BARING IT ALL from your perspective.

JPEGs due by Friday, April 4, 2025 at midnight MST.
Notification of acceptance and online gallery opening by Friday, May 2, 2025.

All accepted pieces will be displayed in our online gallery at www.art-fluent.com
Best of Show: $750
Two Director’s Choice awards: $250 each

$25 for first entry/$10 for each additional entry. You may enter up to 20 total. Payment is non-refundable and does not guarantee acceptance. For 3D work, there is no need to pay for additional entries for detail shots. Once your first entry is made, you may send additional views by email to hello@art-fluent.com.

This call is open to artists worldwide, both amateur and professional. Work that has been selected for previous exhibits with Art Fluent will not be considered.

Work that is copied or done under the guidance of an instructor is not eligible. Open to ALL fine art mediums (oil, acrylic, watermedia, pastel, drawing, printmaking, mixed media, photography, sculpture, fiber, wood, ceramics, film/video, digital art). AI will not be accepted. Diptychs and triptychs should be uploaded as a single image.

Director’s choice. Each show is curated and juried by Creative Director, Amy Matteson Neill along with an anonymous committee of jurors. Please note, there is no personal feedback given by jurors.

Please only submit properly cropped images of your work that are in focus. We have a free resource for artists for tips on how to get high quality images of your work. Visit www.art-fluent.com/resources for a free download. CaFÉ also offers tips on their blog which you can find here www.callforentry.org/photographing-artwork/.
All images must be in JPEG/JPG format using CaFÉ guidelines. The image size must be 1,200 pixels or greater on the longest side. Maximum file size is 5 mb.
Accepted video formats include MOV, MP4, WMV. Aspect ratio 4:3 or 16:9, resolution minimum 640x480, maximum 1920 x1080, bit rate recommended above 240 kbps, recommended frame rate 30 fps. File size must be under 100 MB. If your video work has been selected for the exhibit, we kindly request that you provide us with the file link via Vimeo. Please ensure the linked video is set to be shared publicly. Your video will not play if it is set to private.

Notification will be done by email, everyone who submits will be notified of the juror’s selections. If for any reason you do not hear from us by the notification date, please check the filters in your email account. Notification emails are sent to the email on file with CaFÉ.

All sales inquiries will be directed to the artist’s website and/or contact information. For any artwork that is sold, the artists receive 100% of the sale.

A portion of the proceeds from the entry fees is donated to organizations committed to the arts and supporting artists.

By entering our calls for art through CaFÉ you are agreeing to be added to Art Fluent's email list for forthcoming artist opportunities. By submitting images, you agree that the images are your own work, nothing copied, you own all rights to the images, and you take full responsibility for the content of all images, including the likeness of recognizable individuals. The actual artwork will remain the property of the artist, our mission is to promote artists and their work. Should your work be accepted, you grant Art Fluent the right to reproduce your image on our website, on social media, and where appropriate to help promote further online opportunities. Art Fluent will always credit you and your copyright wherever feasible. We will not use your image for any other purpose without the artist’s permission.

How to Apply

Entry is done through CaFÉ, a web-based service that allows artists to upload images and organize their artwork for submissions to galleries. To apply for a call, you must leave our website and go to the CaFÉ website at www.callforentry.org where you can create a FREE artist account. You will add your details and upload your images to CaFÉ and then you can submit work to BARING IT ALL. If you have any questions, please contact us at hello@art-fluent.com we are happy to walk you through the process.

Link to Opportunity




CAMPBIENT is an annual sound art residency that brings together people for 44 hours to conceptualize, produce, and record 44 minutes of sound art compositions in a state park, June 5-8, 2025.





More Info

David Halsell



Fee to Apply

Free to apply.

Deadline to Apply



June 5 – 8, 2025
Manchester State Park
Port Orchard, WA

CAMPBIENT Volume 6 takes place at Manchester State Park, with stunning views of Puget Sound, historic military structures, wooded hiking trails, and over 3,400 feet of saltwater shoreline.

CAMPBIENT is an annual sound art residency that brings together people for 44 hours to conceptualize, produce, and record 44 minutes of sound art compositions all while camping in a state park. Participants are randomly split into groups, each responsible for one portion of the composition with the only caveat being that a continuous field recording base track is audible throughout the piece.

The residency includes sound-related workshops, creative activities, and a start-to-finish audio production process, the results of which are pressed on vinyl records and distributed digitally. Participating artists camp out, share meals, and collaborate in field recording, sound-making, and creative play. CAMPBIENT is held in a new state park every year, and all audio production and activities are off-grid and battery-powered.

How to Apply

Fill out application at campbient.org.

Link to Opportunity




Allied Arts Foundation
Allied Arts Foundation provides $15,000 in grants annually funding for artists living and working in the Pacific Northwest. We are excited to announce that our 2025 Awards will be awarded to artists working in Digital Art. Winners will receive an unrestricted cash award ranging from $1000 to $5000.


Allied Arts Foundation



More Info

Lydia Aldredge


(206) 624-0432

Fee to Apply


Deadline to Apply



Allied Arts is pleased to announce for its next Artist Award the focus is Digital Art. Digital art is a simple term for a big topic. It spans everything from iPhone sketches to electronic paintings, 8-bit throwbacks and mind-blowing CGI. Many acclaimed artists have decided to create and exhibit their work digitally, while budding creatives need only look to their smartphones to get started.

Submissions are due June1, 2025. Winners will receive an unrestricted cash award ranging from $1000 to $5000. A total of eight awards will be granted with two of these awards restricted for emerging artists. Artists must be a minimum of 18 years old to apply and must live in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Alaska or Montana.

Artists are encouraged to submit a maximum of 10 examples of their work and these submissions must be accompanied by a brief statement describing the inspiration and process for creation of the artwork. AI assisted work should show process and prompts. Submissions should also include the artist’s resume.

Digital art is a form of art that uses digital technology in the creative process, and can include a wide range of mediums and techniques. Digital art can include digital drawings, paintings, illustrations, photos, videos, animation, audio and sculptures. It can also be computer generated, scanned, or interactive. Digital artists can use a variety of hardware and software, including drawing tablets, stylus pens, and computer software like Adobe Photoshop, Krita, Corel Painter, Clip Studio Paint, and Procreate. This is the tip of the iceberg for Digital Art creation. AI assisted artwork is welcome. One of the main characteristics of digital art is the interaction with the viewer. Their installations often allow the creation of immersive experiences that allow users to actively participate in the work. Digital art encompasses a wide variety of forms, styles, mediums and platforms. Its artistic manifestations include everything from static images to immersive videos, 3D experiences or complex animations. Thanks to the internet and digital platforms, users can share and distribute their artistic pieces to a global audience. This feature has democratized access to art, making it possible for the artistic community to discover and appreciate digital works. Innovation is one of the main characteristics of digital art. The growing technological evolution and the emergence of new tools for creating offer artists a wide variety of techniques to explore new areas. Advanced editing programs, 3D modeling and augmented reality tools are just some of the technologies that are driving digital art.

The Allied Arts Award Committee can’t wait to review all the submissions and help propel the careers of digital artists embracing this new frontier of visual art.

The 2025 Artist Awards in Digital Art are supported by Piroshky Piroshky and C.Y. Lee.

How to Apply

1. Application Instructions are available to download in full here: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://static1.squarespace.com/static/635ec88350e75155f7bea8c8/t/675b52a2491be6068409db77/1734038179578/2025+AAF+Artist+Grant+Instructions.pdf
2. All sections of the Google form application must be completed: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSenTfTQ0RwvFlXiDn5kUqby57mTA893J84QBlaFof6I1SUUaQ/viewform
3. Supporting documents (resume, artist statement, images, and image description sheet) must be submitted via email to artistgrants@alliedartsfoundation.org.
4. A $20 non-refundable application fee must be submitted through Stripe here or by mail to:

Allied Arts Foundation
3518 Fremont Ave N #521
Seattle, WA 98103

Please email us at artistgrants@alliedartsfoundation.org
with any questions.

Link to Opportunity




Peripheral ARTeries Ltd.
Peripheral ARTeries is looking for artists to be featured in the new special Biennial Edition, which marks its 20th edition. This opportunity is great for both established and early career artists who need a boost to their artist portfolio


Peripheral ARTeries Ltd.



More Info

Katherine C. Williams


Fee to Apply

No application fees

Deadline to Apply



Peripheral ARTeries is looking for artists to be featured in the new special Biennial Edition, which marks its 20th edition. This opportunity is great for both established and early career artists who need a boost to their artist portfolio. Accordingly, worldwide artists at any career stage can submit their works. Peripheral ARTeries is an artist-led project aiming to facilitate artists connecting with each other as well as with the general and specialised public.

The 20th edition will once again explore and show current trends and tendencies in Contemporary Art. Arteries cultivates a spirit of openness through a unique collaborative and participatory approach.

There are no entry fees, and each artist may submit a maximum of three works or projects made in any technique.

• Painting
• Video Art & Short Film
• Fine Art Photography
• Experimental Media
• Mixed Media
• Installation
• Public Art
• Performance

This opportunity is open to all proposed forms of art and media that causes people to reflect on the larger community and a kind of art capable of challenging the viewers’ traditional perspective on art itself.

We're particularly excited to discover works that

• Challenge traditional perspectives
• Blend cultural influences
• Explore contemporary themes
• Push technical boundaries

For any further information, please contact us: peripheral.arteries@europe.com

How to Apply


Link to Opportunity




Innovate Grant
WINTER 2025 OPEN FOR SUBMISSIONS — Innovate Grant is thrilled to introduce our newly increased award amounts of $1,800.00. Innovate Grant awards (2) $1,800.00 grants each quarter, to one Artist and one Photographer. Info → innovateartistgrants.org


Innovate Grant



More Info

Fee to Apply

$35 USD

Deadline to Apply



WINTER 2025 OPEN FOR SUBMISSIONS — Innovate Grant is thrilled to introduce our newly increased award amounts of $1,800.00.

Innovate Grant awards (2) $1,800.00 grants each quarter, to one Visual Artist and one Photographer. In addition, (12) honorable mentions (6 in art and 6 in photo), will be featured on our website and join a growing community of vibrant and talented artists. Innovate Grant's commitment extends beyond the grant cycle by promoting the work of selected winners and honorable mentions into the future. For more information and to apply visit https://innovateartistgrants.org

Innovate Grant supports artists and photographers through quarterly grants. We've simplified the grant process, so that artists and photographers can focus on making their innovative work. The work should speak for itself and our application reflects that.

Innovate Grant awards:
+ 1 x $1,800.00 Grant to a Visual Artist
+ 1 x $1,800.00 Grant to a Photographer
+ 12 x Honorable Mentions

Explore the work of ALL Past Innovate Grant recipients and read their interviews at https://innovateartistgrants.org

How to Apply: Visual Artists and Photographers 18 years and older, from all around the world, are eligible to apply. All media and genres are accepted. All applicants retain the right to the work they submit. Apply today at https://innovateartistgrants.org

Category: Multiple disciplines and genres accepted
Deadline: Thursday, March 27, 2025 – Submit by 11:59PM Pacific Standard Time
Region: US & International
Awards: 2 x $1,800.00 USD Grants // 12 x Honorable Mentions

Apply Online Today

How to Apply


Link to Opportunity




Museum of Pop Culture
MOPOP’s Guest Curator Program highlights emerging curators and voices, providing insights into exhibition creation, development, and final installation. Guest curators receive hands-on experience working with MOPOP’s Curatorial, Collections, and Exhibits teams while sharing valuable new perspectives and interpretations of MOPOP’s permanent and oral history collections. Supporting emerging curators is vital to infusing fresh perspectives at MOPOP. The contributions of emerging curators invigorate the museum field, making it more inclusive, innovative, and reflective of the ever-changing landscape of popular culture.


Museum of Pop Culture



More Info

Adeerya Johnson



Deadline to Apply



Guest Curators work closely with MOPOP Collections and Curatorial staff to select objects and oral histories from the MOPOP Permanent Collection to create a small exhibition on the topic(s) of their choosing. Curators create the exhibition text and any audio/visual components in their own curatorial voice. The exhibition can be related to existing exhibitions, programs, or contain standalone content. Working closely with MOPOP Curators, Exhibition Design, and Collections, the Guest Curator creates layouts for their casework with opportunities to learn more about mounting and exhibition floorplan creation. They are provided with hands-on installation experience as well as the chance to work closely with the MOPOP Marketing teams.

Guest Curators receive compensation of $5,000 for their dedication and hard work. This compensation reflects MOPOP's commitment to supporting emerging professionals in the curatorial and exhibition museum field, and it acknowledges the importance of their unique voices and content.

Participating in this program goes beyond financial compensation, as it fosters personal and professional growth, encouraging collaboration and learning for both Guest Curators and MOPOP staff.


A background in art history, cultural studies, museum studies, or related field.
Demonstrated interest and knowledge in pop culture, including but not limited to music, film, television, gaming, fashion, and literature.
Strong research, writing and critical thinking skills.
Excellent communication and teamwork abilities.
A passion for engaging with diverse audiences.
The 2025 Guest Curator must be local to Seattle or the surrounding area. Future opportunities may include remote options, check back next year!

Application Requirements:

(TWO) References: Provide contact information for two professional or academic references who can speak to your qualifications.
Curatorial Proposal (500-700 words):
‍Outline your proposed project or exhibition idea. Explain its significance in the context of pop culture and why it aligns with MOPOP's mission.‍
Short statement: Share your general thoughts or ideas about pop culture
Final exhibition is subject to change in conversation with MOPOP curatorial team, depending on artifact availability and space requirements.
Portfolio (Optional): Include samples of your curatorial/artwork, such as exhibition plans, research papers, or related projects.
Application Period: February 3rd - March 31st, 2025‍
Please submit your application materials to guestcuratorprogram@mopop.org with the subject line "Guest Curator Program Application - [Your Name]".

How to Apply

Please submit your application materials to guestcuratorprogram@mopop.org with the subject line "Guest Curator Program Application - [Your Name]".

Link to Opportunity




Art Fluent
Art Fluent invites artists worldwide to submit artwork to our online exhibit, UNTAMED.


Art Fluent



More Info

Amy Matteson Neill



Fee to Apply

$25 for first entry/$10 for any additional entries

Deadline to Apply



Let’s celebrate the untamed spirit of the animal kingdom. From the majestic to the minute every creature carries character, wisdom, and energy uniquely their own. We’re looking for artwork that captures the undeniable presence and beauty of the creatures we share our world with. Show us UNTAMED from your perspective.

JPEGs due by Friday, May 16, 2025 at midnight MST.
Notification of acceptance and online gallery opening by Friday, June 13, 2025.

All accepted pieces will be displayed in our online gallery at www.art-fluent.com
Best of Show: $750
Two Director’s Choice awards: $250 each

$25 for first entry/$10 for each additional entry. You may enter up to 20 total. Payment is non-refundable and does not guarantee acceptance. For 3D work, there is no need to pay for additional entries for detail shots. Once your first entry is made, you may send additional views by email to hello@art-fluent.com.

This call is open to artists worldwide, both amateur and professional. Work that has been selected for previous exhibits with Art Fluent will not be considered.

Work that is copied or done under the guidance of an instructor is not eligible. Open to ALL fine art mediums (oil, acrylic, watermedia, pastel, drawing, printmaking, mixed media, photography, sculpture, fiber, wood, ceramics, film/video, digital art). AI will not be accepted. Diptychs and triptychs should be uploaded as a single image.

Director’s choice. Each show is curated and juried by Creative Director, Amy Matteson Neill along with an anonymous committee of jurors. Please note, there is no personal feedback given by jurors.

Notification will be done by email, everyone who submits will be notified of the juror’s selections. If for any reason you do not hear from us by the notification date, please check the filters in your email account. Notification emails are sent to the email on file with CaFÉ.

All sales inquiries will be directed to the artist’s website and/or contact information. For any artwork that is sold, the artists receive 100% of the sale.

A portion of the proceeds from the entry fees is donated to organizations committed to the arts and supporting artists.

By entering our calls for art through CaFÉ you are agreeing to be added to Art Fluent's email list for forthcoming artist opportunities. By submitting images, you agree that the images are your own work, nothing copied, you own all rights to the images, and you take full responsibility for the content of all images, including the likeness of recognizable individuals. The actual artwork will remain the property of the artist, our mission is to promote artists and their work. Should your work be accepted, you grant Art Fluent the right to reproduce your image on our website, on social media, and where appropriate to help promote further online opportunities. Art Fluent will always credit you and your copyright wherever feasible. We will not use your image for any other purpose without the artist’s permission.

How to Apply

Entry is done through CaFÉ, a web-based service that allows artists to upload images and organize their artwork for submissions to galleries. To apply for a call, you must leave our website and go to the CaFÉ website at www.callforentry.org where you can create a FREE artist account. You will add your details and upload your images to CaFÉ and then you can submit work to UNTAMED. If you have any questions, please contact us at hello@art-fluent.com we are happy to walk you through the process.

Please only submit properly cropped images of your work that are in focus. We have a free resource for artists for tips on how to get high quality images of your work. Visit www.art-fluent.com/resources for a free download. CaFÉ also offers tips on their blog which you can find here www.callforentry.org/photographing-artwork/.
All images must be in JPEG/JPG format using CaFÉ guidelines. The image size must be 1,200 pixels or greater on the longest side. Maximum file size is 5 mb.
Accepted video formats include MOV, MP4, WMV. Aspect ratio 4:3 or 16:9, resolution minimum 640x480, maximum 1920 x1080, bit rate recommended above 240 kbps, recommended frame rate 30 fps. File size must be under 100 MB. If your video work has been selected for the exhibit, we kindly request that you provide us with the file link via Vimeo. Please ensure the linked video is set to be shared publicly. Your video will not play if it is set to private.

Link to Opportunity




Jack Straw Cultural Center
Learn the basic skills of recording and editing sound with audio editing software.


Jack Straw Cultural Center



More Info

Levi Fuller


(206) 634-0919

Deadline to Apply




Start Date


End Date



Learn the basic skills of recording and editing sound with audio editing software. We’ll learn two different programs, both free or affordable, and see the advantages and disadvantages of each. Audacity is open-source free-download software used for audio and video production; GarageBand is a very affordable recording and music production program from Apple. Learn to record, edit, and process sounds in each environment, for interview, story, video, and music applications. Followup intensive instruction available also.

How to Apply

E-mail workshops@jackstraw.org to sign up.

Link to Opportunity




Minority & Justice Commission (State Supreme Court)
MJC Call for Artists


Minority & Justice Commission (State Supreme Court)



More Info

Molly Gough


(360) 704-5504

Fee to Apply


Deadline to Apply



Art submissions on the themes of Minority & Justice, Diversity & Inclusion, and/or Social Justice

How to Apply

Send email to Molly.Gough@courts.wa.gov with jpeg or tiff of art work, title and statement on how it relates to Minority & Justice Commission mission.

Link to Opportunity




Friends of Little Sài Gòn
Friends of Little Sài Gòn is accepting submissions for artworks and artifacts for an exhibit commemorating 50 years since the end of the war in Vietnam.


Friends of Little Sài Gòn



More Info

Anh Nguyen



Deadline to Apply



April 30, 2025 will mark 50 years since the end of the war in Vietnam. To commemorate this date, Friends of Little Sài Gòn invites community members, organizations, and advocacy groups to join us in creating an art exhibition showcasing the stories of Vietnamese refugees in King County over the past 50 years.

All 2D, 3D, and multimedia forms of art and artifacts are welcome. Submissions may include historical photos, family heirlooms, stories, paintings, sculptures, and films.

The exhibit will take place at Yuan Ru Art Center in Bellevue and will be on view from April 26, 2025 to May 17, 2025.

Submission deadline is Friday, March 21, 2025. View submission instructions and more information at bit.ly/s2scall

How to Apply

Email info@flsseattle.org

Link to Opportunity




Seattle Rep
Seattle Rep is seeking a Directing/Artistic Apprentice for the 2025-2026 season. This apprenticeship offers hands-on experience assisting directors and artistic staff throughout the production process, from concept development to final performances. The apprentice will collaborate closely with directors, designers, stage managers, and actors, gaining insight into the creative and logistical elements that bring a production to life. This position provides practical training in directing techniques, rehearsal management, and artistic programming, while also supporting interdepartmental events and new work development.


Seattle Rep



More Info

Blanca Chavez


Deadline to Apply


Job Type

Full time


Department/Team: WHPATP
FLSA Classification: Full-Time/Hourly/Non-Exempt/Temporary
Benefits: Paid Personal Days, Free ORCA Card
Pay Range: $20.76/hour
Application Deadline: Monday, March 31, 2025
You can apply from your phone by texting "WHPATPDAA" to (206) 966-4931


Seattle Rep is committed to producing the highest quality programming, and we believe that our ability to contribute to excellence in the arts depends on building a community whose members come from diverse cultures, backgrounds, and life experiences.

We are part of a growing movement in theater to ensure inclusion of those who have been excluded historically; focusing particularly on racial and ethnic groups, LGBTQ+ people, people with disabilities, and women, ensuring they are at the decision-making table and reflected in our community.


Seattle Rep collaborates with extraordinary artists to create productions and programs that reflect and elevate the diverse cultures, perspectives, and life experiences of our region.


Theater at the heart of public life


Artistic Vitality, Sustainability, Generous and Inclusive Practices


Seattle Rep is seeking a Directing/Artistic Apprentice for the 2025-2026 season. This apprenticeship offers hands-on experience assisting directors and artistic staff throughout the production process, from concept development to final performances. The apprentice will collaborate closely with directors, designers, stage managers, and actors, gaining insight into the creative and logistical elements that bring a production to life. This position provides practical training in directing techniques, rehearsal management, and artistic programming, while also supporting interdepartmental events and new work development.

Typical Duties Include:

Directing & Production Tasks (70%):

Assist directors during the rehearsal process, including taking notes, tracking blocking, and offering support for scene transitions. (20%)
Observe and contribute to the artistic development of productions, providing insight and feedback during table reads, rehearsals, and tech. (15%)
Participate in pre-production meetings, script discussions, and conceptual planning sessions with directors and design teams. (10%)
Help facilitate communication between departments (scenic, costume, lighting, and sound) to ensure artistic cohesion. (10%)
Attend technical rehearsals and previews, supporting the director by tracking notes and assisting with last-minute changes. (10%)
Assist with scheduling and organizing meetings, rehearsals, and director-related logistics. (5%)

Artistic Programming & Event Support (25%):

Support the development of new plays by assisting in workshops and staged readings. This may include tracking script changes, managing schedules, and liaising with playwrights and artists. (10%)
Work closely with the Artistic team to assist in producing special events, such as galas, community outreach programs, and new play festivals. (10%)
Coordinate with stage management and production teams to ensure smooth rehearsal room operations. (5%)

Apprentice Development (5%):

Participate in apprentice events, workshops, and networking outings designed to develop professional skills and industry connections. (5%)

Minimum Requirements:

Commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion: A desire to foster a welcoming environment for people of all identities.
Attention to detail: Ability to track multiple projects, schedules, and logistics simultaneously.
Organizational skills: Capable of managing time effectively in a fast-paced production environment.
Collaborative mindset: Strong interpersonal skills and willingness to work as part of a team with artists and staff.
Problem-solving abilities: Ability to stay calm under pressure and adapt quickly to last-minute changes.
Communication skills: Strong verbal and written communication to facilitate clear, respectful collaboration.
Initiative and ownership: Comfortable taking responsibility for tasks and projects independently.
Interest in new works: Passion for artistic development and working with playwrights, dramaturgs, and directors on new material.
Technology proficiency: Familiarity with Microsoft Word, Excel, and organizational tools like Teams and Zoom, or a willingness to learn.


Either four photographs of your design work or a link to a digital portfolio or website that includes photographs of your work


Review the minimum requirements for the opportunity.

Complete all areas of the online application.

Attach a resume and letter of interest (cover letter).

Submit two letters of recommendation with your application. (Reference letters will not be accepted separately from the application.)

Submit a Work Sample using the above guidelines.

This apprenticeship offers invaluable experience working alongside professional directors and artistic staff. It provides hands-on training in directing techniques, rehearsal management, and artistic programming, helping participants prepare for future roles in directing or other areas of theatrical leadership.

Applications will be reviewed once the position has closed.

Seattle Rep has a mandatory COVID vaccination policy for all employees, with accommodations for medical and religious exemptions only.

How to Apply


Link to Opportunity




Seattle Rep
Seattle Rep is seeking a Lighting Design Apprentice for the 2025-2026 season. This apprenticeship provides hands-on experience working with lighting designers, production staff, and technicians to create and implement lighting designs for theatrical productions. The apprentice will gain practical skills in drafting, cue building, and design implementation, as well as insight into how lighting contributes to storytelling and overall aesthetics. This position offers opportunities to assist on Mainstage shows, new play workshops, and interdepartmental events, providing a well-rounded foundation for a career in theatrical lighting design.


Seattle Rep



More Info

Blanca Chavez


Deadline to Apply


Job Type

Full time


Department/Team: WHPATP
FLSA Classification: Full-Time/Hourly/Non-Exempt/Temporary
Benefits: Paid Personal Days, Free ORCA Card
Pay Range: $20.76/hour
Application Deadline: Monday, March 31, 2025
You can apply from your phone by texting "WHPATPLDA" to (206) 966-4931


Seattle Rep is committed to producing the highest quality programming, and we believe that our ability to contribute to excellence in the arts depends on building a community whose members come from diverse cultures, backgrounds, and life experiences.

We are part of a growing movement in theater to ensure inclusion of those who have been excluded historically; focusing particularly on racial and ethnic groups, LGBTQ+ people, people with disabilities, and women, ensuring they are at the decision-making table and reflected in our community.


Seattle Rep collaborates with extraordinary artists to create productions and programs that reflect and elevate the diverse cultures, perspectives, and life experiences of our region.


Theater at the heart of public life


Artistic Vitality, Sustainability, Generous and Inclusive Practices


Seattle Rep is seeking a Lighting Design Apprentice for the 2025-2026 season. This apprenticeship provides hands-on experience working with lighting designers, production staff, and technicians to create and implement lighting designs for theatrical productions. The apprentice will gain practical skills in drafting, cue building, and design implementation, as well as insight into how lighting contributes to storytelling and overall aesthetics. This position offers opportunities to assist on Mainstage shows, new play workshops, and interdepartmental events, providing a well-rounded foundation for a career in theatrical lighting design.

Typical Duties Include:

Lighting Design & Production Tasks (50%):

Focus and Technical Support (25%)
Assisting the Lighting Designer in setting focus for all lighting instruments
Leading focus calls and coordinating with the stage crew
Updating plot and paperwork throughout the tech process
Creating and maintaining cue sheets

Communication and Coordination (15%)
Taking and organizing notes from the Lighting Designer
Communicating design intent and changes to the stage crew
Collaborating with the Head Electrician to ensure a smooth transition to the opening

Industry Networking (10%)
Building relationships with experienced lighting designers
Learning industry best practices and standards

Administrative & Event Support (40%):

Technical Processing (20%)
Using Vectorworks and Lightwright to process incoming design paperwork
Checking for errors and making necessary edits
Communicating with designers and the stage crew to clarify questions
Drafting additional paperwork, such as hang paperwork, ground plans, and magic sheets

Research and Problem-Solving (10%)
Researching creative solutions for design challenges
Identifying potential issues and proposing solutions

Coordination and Logistics (10%)
Assisting with coordinating purchases and rentals for the Lighting Department
Attending production meetings and mandatory staff meetings

Apprentice Development (10%):

Training and Development (5%)
Attending apprentice training, workshops, and check-ins
Participating in industry outings and networking events

Design Projects (5%)
Researching design concepts and creating storyboards
Developing light plots and paperwork for assigned projects
Serving as the Lighting Designer for the Next Narrative Monologue Competition

Minimum Requirements:

Commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion: A desire to foster a welcoming environment for all identities and backgrounds.
Attention to detail: Ability to track and implement design changes accurately.
Organizational skills: Ability to manage time and tasks efficiently in a fast-paced environment.
Collaborative mindset: Willingness to work closely with designers, electricians, and other production staff.
Problem-solving abilities: Ability to adapt quickly to challenges during rehearsals and performances.
Communication skills: Strong written and verbal communication to coordinate with team members.
Technical proficiency: Experience with drafting software (e.g., Vectorworks, AutoCAD) and lighting consoles is preferred but not required.
Initiative and ownership: Comfortable taking responsibility for tasks independently and seeing them through to completion.
Physical stamina: Ability to work at heights (e.g., ladders and catwalks) and assist with lifting equipment.

This apprenticeship offers a unique opportunity to develop practical skills in lighting design while collaborating on professional productions. Participants will gain the experience needed to pursue future roles as lighting designers, assistant designers, or electricians in the theatre industry.


One hand or computer-drafted lighting plot with associated paperwork

Either four photographs of your design work or a link to a digital portfolio or website that includes photographs of your design work


Review the minimum requirements for the opportunity.

Complete all areas of the online application.

Attach a resume and letter of interest (cover letter).

Submit two letters of recommendation with your application. (Reference letters will not be accepted separately from the application.)

Submit a Work Sample using the above guidelines.

Applications will be reviewed once the position has closed.

Seattle Rep has a mandatory COVID vaccination policy for all employees, with accommodations for medical and religious exemptions only.

How to Apply

Please follow the link and apply directly on our website

Link to Opportunity




Seattle Rep
Seattle Rep is seeking a Production Management Apprentice for the 2025-2026 season. In assisting the Producing Director, Producing Associate, Company Manager, Production Contracts Manager, and Artistic Programs Manager, this apprenticeship provides hands-on experience in supporting the production process for Seattle Rep shows from start to finish, liaising and interfacing with artists and making them feel welcome and supported at our theatre, and producing new workshops along with the work that goes on our stage. The Apprentice will also support members of the Production Department in various tasks and projects associated with Mainstage shows, new play workshops, and interdepartmental events as well as the general operation of the theatre. The Apprentice will experience the inner workings of all areas of production and also learn the ins and outs of various theatrical union contracts employed by the theatre.


Seattle Rep



More Info

Blanca Chavez


Deadline to Apply


Job Type

Full time


Department/Team: WHPATP
FLSA Classification: Full-Time/Hourly/Non-Exempt/Temporary
Benefits: Paid Personal Days, Free ORCA Card
Pay Range: $20.76/hour
Application Deadline: Monday, March 31, 2025
You can apply from your phone by texting "WHPATPPMA" to (206) 966-4931


Seattle Rep is committed to producing the highest quality programming, and we believe that our ability to contribute to excellence in the arts depends on building a community whose members come from diverse cultures, backgrounds, and life experiences.

We are part of a growing movement in theater to ensure inclusion of those who have been excluded historically; focusing particularly on racial and ethnic groups, LGBTQ+ people, people with disabilities, and women, ensuring they are at the decision-making table and reflected in our community.


Seattle Rep collaborates with extraordinary artists to create productions and programs that reflect and elevate the diverse cultures, perspectives, and life experiences of our region.


Theater at the heart of public life


Artistic Vitality, Sustainability, Generous and Inclusive Practices


Seattle Rep is seeking a Production Management Apprentice for the 2025-2026 season. In assisting the Producing Director, Producing Associate, Company Manager, Production Contracts Manager, and Artistic Programs Manager, this apprenticeship provides hands-on experience in supporting the production process for Seattle Rep shows from start to finish, liaising and interfacing with artists and making them feel welcome and supported at our theatre, and producing new workshops along with the work that goes on our stage. The Apprentice will also support members of the Production Department in various tasks and projects associated with Mainstage shows, new play workshops, and interdepartmental events as well as the general operation of the theatre. The Apprentice will experience the inner workings of all areas of production and also learn the ins and outs of various theatrical union contracts employed by the theatre.

Typical Duties Include:

Production Tasks (75%):

In collaboration with the Producing Associate, Company Management, Front of House, and Facilities, assist in preparing for the first day of rehearsal and show Meet and Greets, including set up of space, hospitality, and design presentation materials. (5%)
Attend technical rehearsals and previews on a rotating basis with the Producing Associate, taking turns to assist Production Department team members and artists as needed. (20%)
Maintain and update production schedules and calendars as requested. (5%)
Support in producing Seattle Rep’s new play development lab. This includes but is not limited to creating and distributing contact sheets, calculating budgets, drafting and sending welcome information to artists, liaising with various departments, proofing playbills, filming archival recordings of workshop presentations, and attending rehearsals, tech rehearsals, and performances as requested. (5%)
Support Artistic and members of the Development Team in producing and executing the annual Gala. (10%)
Production manage Youth Engagement performance programs, including the Next Narrative Monologue Competition and classes. (10%)
Assist the Producing Associate with financial projects as assigned, such as actual labor hours tracking, credit card reconciliation, data entry, and artist contract tracking. (5%)
Ability to break down long-term goals into actionable items during meetings, reflections, and ongoing sessions such as 'We See You White American Theatre' (WSYWAT). This includes identifying key objectives, categorizing tasks into manageable action items, and ensuring they are aligned with overall strategic goals. (5%)
Conducting ad hoc research and analysis as assigned by the Producing Associate and the Artistic Programs Manager. This includes gathering relevant data, analyzing trends, and providing insights to support decision-making and project development. (5%)
Assisting in creating and preparing digital documents/templates and folders for the upcoming fiscal year in SharePoint. i.e. union contracts, check requests, FY26 show basis SharePoint for each production & etc. (5%)

Administrative Tasks (25%):

Sustain and support proper digital and physical file management. (5%)
Attend and participate in appropriate meetings, such as All-Staff Meetings, show reflections, department meetings, production meetings, affinity groups, and cross-departmental strategy meetings. (5%)
Take notes for meetings as requested. (10%)
Assist Producing Director, Producing Associate, and Artistic Programs Manager in upkeep of the various space calendars for the building and use of spaces among departments, artists, and external clients. (5%)

Other Tasks:

Participate in apprentice-related events, workshops, and outings as requested.


Commitment to cultivating an equitable, diverse, and inclusive workplace via decisive action including consistently seeking out opportunities for self and community improvement in the areas of racial equity, accessibility, gender inclusivity, and cultural sensitivity.
Attention to detail.
Strong organizational skills.
Strong sense of collaboration.
Ability to stay calm under pressure, problem solve and offer potential solutions on the fly.
Ability to work with a wide variety of personalities, meet individuals where they are, and ensure artists and staff can bring their fully authentic selves into a production process.
Strong written and verbal communication skills.
Ability to see the bigger picture.
Ability to take initiative and ownership of tasks and projects without being prompted.
Candidates must have experience working in Microsoft Word and Excel.
Strong affinity (or quick study) for organizational technology, such as MS Teams, SharePoint, Zoom, etc.
Strong Interpersonal skills.


Review the minimum requirements for the opportunity.

Complete all areas of the online application.

Attach a resume and letter of interest (cover letter).

Submit two letters of recommendation with your application. (Reference letters will not be accepted separately from the application.)

Applications will be reviewed once the position has closed.

Seattle Rep has a mandatory COVID vaccination policy for all employees, with accommodations for medical and religious exemptions only.

How to Apply

Please follow the link and apply directly to the applicable role

Link to Opportunity




Seattle Rep
Seattle Rep is seeking a Scenic Paint Apprentice for the 2025-2026 season. This apprenticeship provides hands-on experience in scenic painting techniques used to bring stage designs to life. The apprentice will work closely with scenic artists, designers, and production staff, learning how to translate scenic concepts into physical surfaces and textures. This position offers the opportunity to assist on Mainstage shows, new play workshops, and special events, gaining a deep understanding of how scenic painting contributes to storytelling and theatrical design.


Seattle Rep



More Info

Blanca Chavez


Deadline to Apply


Job Type

Full time


Department/Team: WHPATP
FLSA Classification: Full-Time/Hourly/Non-Exempt/Temporary
Benefits: Paid Personal Days, Free ORCA Card
Pay Range: $20.76/hour
Application Deadline: Monday, March 31, 2025
You can apply from your phone by texting "WHPATPSPA" to (206) 966-4931


Seattle Rep is committed to producing the highest quality programming, and we believe that our ability to contribute to excellence in the arts depends on building a community whose members come from diverse cultures, backgrounds, and life experiences.

We are part of a growing movement in theater to ensure inclusion of those who have been excluded historically; focusing particularly on racial and ethnic groups, LGBTQ+ people, people with disabilities, and women, ensuring they are at the decision-making table and reflected in our community.


Seattle Rep collaborates with extraordinary artists to create productions and programs that reflect and elevate the diverse cultures, perspectives, and life experiences of our region.


Theater at the heart of public life


Artistic Vitality, Sustainability, Generous and Inclusive Practices


Seattle Rep is seeking a Scenic Paint Apprentice for the 2025-2026 season. This apprenticeship provides hands-on experience in scenic painting techniques used to bring stage designs to life. The apprentice will work closely with scenic artists, designers, and production staff, learning how to translate scenic concepts into physical surfaces and textures. This position offers the opportunity to assist on Mainstage shows, new play workshops, and special events, gaining a deep understanding of how scenic painting contributes to storytelling and theatrical design.

Typical Duties Include:

Scenic Painting & Production Tasks: (75%)

Assist scenic artists in mixing paints, preparing surfaces, and applying base coats and top finishes. (20%)
Learn and apply various faux finishing techniques, such as wood grain, marble, brick, and metal effects. (15%)
Participate in scenic touch-ups and maintenance throughout the run of shows. (10%)
Assist in the layout and scaling of scenic elements from designer renderings and elevations. (10%)
Collaborate with designers and production staff during load-ins and tech rehearsals, ensuring scenic elements meet design requirements. (10%)
Help maintain scenic painting tools, materials, and inventory, ensuring an organized and safe workspace. (10%)

Administrative & Event Support: (15%)

Track paint usage and material costs to support budget management. (5%)
Provide scenic support for special events and interdepartmental projects, including workshops, galas, and rentals. (5%)
Attend production meetings to coordinate scenic painting with other departments, including scenic construction and lighting. (5%)

Apprentice Development: (10%)

Participate in workshops, networking events, and scenic-related outings to develop professional skills and industry connections. (5%)
Shadow scenic artists and designers to gain insight into the artistic process and technical execution of scenic painting. (5%)

Minimum Requirements:

Commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion: A desire to foster a welcoming and respectful environment for all.
Attention to detail: Ability to follow design specifications and replicate textures and finishes accurately.
Organizational skills: Ability to manage tasks efficiently in a fast-paced environment.
Collaborative mindset: Willingness to work closely with scenic artists, designers, and production staff.
Problem-solving abilities: Ability to adapt and troubleshoot challenges as they arise.
Communication skills: Clear and respectful verbal communication when working with team members.
Technical proficiency: Familiarity with paint tools, materials, and techniques is a plus, but a willingness to learn is essential.
Initiative and ownership: Comfortable taking responsibility for assigned tasks independently.
Physical stamina: Ability to stand for extended periods, lift materials, and work at heights (e.g., ladders and scaffolds).

This apprenticeship offers invaluable hands-on experience in scenic painting for professional theatre productions. It provides the practical skills and knowledge necessary to pursue a career as a scenic artist or production painter.


Either four photographs of your design work or a link to a digital portfolio or website that includes photographs of your work.


Review the minimum requirements for the opportunity.

Complete all areas of the online application.

Attach a resume and letter of interest (cover letter).

Submit two letters of recommendation with your application. (Reference letters will not be accepted separately from the application.)

Submit a Work Sample using the above guidelines.

Applications will be reviewed once the position has closed.

Seattle Rep has a mandatory COVID vaccination policy for all employees, with accommodations for medical and religious exemptions only.

How to Apply

Please follow the link and apply directly on our website

Link to Opportunity




Seattle Rep
Seattle Rep is seeking a Stage Management Apprentice for the 2025-2026 season. This apprenticeship provides hands-on experience in the coordination and execution of all aspects of a production, from rehearsal to performance. The apprentice will work closely with stage managers, assistant stage managers, and production staff, learning essential skills in scheduling, communication, and leadership. This role offers opportunities to assist on Mainstage shows, new play workshops, and special events, gaining insight into how stage management ensures the smooth operation of each production.


Seattle Rep



More Info

Blanca Chavez


Deadline to Apply


Job Type

Full time


Department/Team: WHPATP
FLSA Classification: Full-Time/Hourly/Non-Exempt/Temporary
Benefits: Paid Personal Days, Free ORCA Card
Pay Range: $20.76/hour
Application Deadline: Monday, March 31,2025
You can apply from your phone by texting "WHPATPSMA" to (206) 966-4931


Seattle Rep is committed to producing the highest quality programming, and we believe that our ability to contribute to excellence in the arts depends on building a community whose members come from diverse cultures, backgrounds, and life experiences.

We are part of a growing movement in theater to ensure inclusion of those who have been excluded historically; focusing particularly on racial and ethnic groups, LGBTQ+ people, people with disabilities, and women, ensuring they are at the decision-making table and reflected in our community.


Seattle Rep collaborates with extraordinary artists to create productions and programs that reflect and elevate the diverse cultures, perspectives, and life experiences of our region.


Theater at the heart of public life


Artistic Vitality, Sustainability, Generous and Inclusive Practices


Seattle Rep is seeking a Stage Management Apprentice for the 2025-2026 season. This apprenticeship provides hands-on experience in the coordination and execution of all aspects of a production, from rehearsal to performance. The apprentice will work closely with stage managers, assistant stage managers, and production staff, learning essential skills in scheduling, communication, and leadership. This role offers opportunities to assist on Mainstage shows, new play workshops, and special events, gaining insight into how stage management ensures the smooth operation of each production.

Typical Duties Include:

Stage Management & Production Tasks: (75%)

Assist in preparing rehearsal rooms by setting up furniture, props, and technical equipment.
Track blocking, props, and costumes throughout rehearsals to maintain continuity.
Run cues and coordinate with technical teams during technical rehearsals and performances.
Create and maintain production paperwork, including contact sheets, rehearsal reports, and performance reports.
Act as the communication hub between directors, designers, and production teams to ensure smooth coordination.
Ensure the safety and well-being of performers and crew by addressing issues as they arise.

Administrative & Event Support: Maintain and update production calendars and schedules (20%)

Assist with event and performance logistics, including Meet and Greets, interdepartmental activities, and post-show reflections.
Provide support for special events and workshops, ensuring they run smoothly.
Attend production meetings to stay informed and collaborate with other departments.

Apprentice Development: (5%)

Participate in workshops, networking events, and stage management-related outings to develop leadership skills and industry connections.
Shadow experienced stage managers to gain insight into the organization and leadership required to run a production.

Minimum Requirements:

Commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion: A desire to foster a welcoming and respectful environment.
Attention to detail: Ability to maintain consistency and accuracy across production elements.
Organizational skills: Ability to manage multiple tasks and deadlines efficiently.
Collaborative mindset: Willingness to work closely with cast, crew, and production teams.
Problem-solving abilities: Ability to adapt quickly and remain calm under pressure.
Communication skills: Clear and concise written and verbal communication with all departments.
Technical proficiency: Familiarity with basic stage management tools and software is a plus, but a willingness to learn is essential.
Initiative and ownership: Comfortable taking responsibility for assigned tasks independently.
Physical stamina: Ability to work long hours and perform tasks that require standing, lifting, and moving equipment.

This apprenticeship provides essential hands-on experience in stage management, offering the practical skills and knowledge necessary to pursue a career in theatrical production leadership.


Review the minimum requirements for the opportunity.

Complete all areas of the online application.

Attach a resume and letter of interest (cover letter).

Submit two letters of recommendation with your application. (Reference letters will not be accepted separately from the application.)

Applications will be reviewed once the position has closed.

Seattle Rep has a mandatory COVID vaccination policy for all employees, with accommodations for medical and religious exemptions only.

How to Apply

Please follow the link and apply directly on our website

Link to Opportunity




Seattle Parks Foundation
Seeking Bands for Performances in our Parks!


Seattle Parks Foundation



More Info

Vickielee Wohlbach


(206) 332-9900

Fee to Apply


Deadline to Apply



Seattle Parks Foundation is seeking 7-8 artists/bands for paid performances as we celebrate our 25th Anniversary with Pop-Up Concerts in the Park every Wednesday in July and August 2025! Performances will take place between 6:00pm and 8:00pm.

We are looking for hyper-local artists and groups that celebrate music of all styles: rock, jazz, rap, R&B, classical, western swing, folk, singer-songwriters, reggae, and more. Submissions from all backgrounds are welcome. Pay ranges from $250 to $2,000.

Pop-Up Concerts in the Park Dates & Locations: 
July 9: Seward Park Amphitheater 
July 16: Location TBD - in Seattle!
July 23: Magnuson Park Amphitheater
July 30: Dr. Blanche Lavizzo Park Stage
August 6: Kubota Garden Terrace Overlook
August 13: Westlake Park Stage
August 20: Volunteer Park Amphitheater
August 27: Waterfront Park

Events will be free and open to the public, family friendly, and fully accessible with food trucks and a celebratory vibe! 

How to Apply

Please submit thru our Call for Artists Portal - Link below.

Link to Opportunity




City of Lynnwood Arts Commission
City of Lynnwood, WA is looking for up to 4 artists, or artist teams to create 4 sets of murals at the jail in our Community Justice Center (CJC). Selected artists/teams will design and paint the murals. We encourage artists with their own or a love one’s lived experience related to the justice system, to apply.


City of Lynnwood Arts Commission



More Info

Fred Wong


(425) 670-5502

Fee to Apply

Free to apply.

Deadline to Apply



City of Lynnwood, WA is looking for up to 4 artists, or artist teams to create 4 sets of murals at the jail in our Community Justice Center (CJC). Selected artists/teams will design and paint the murals. We encourage artists with their own or a love one’s lived experience related to the justice system, to apply.

Open to artists, or artist teams living in WA State. We prefer some experience creating murals or large painting projects (at least one team member). No application fee.

How to Apply

Go to https://www.lynnwoodwa.gov/Community/Play-Lynnwood/Arts-Culture-and-Heritage/Artist-Opportunities-Resources

Link to Opportunity




Wing Luke Museum of the Asian Pacific American Experience
The Advancement Manager supports strategic fundraising initiatives to further the mission of the WLM. This role supervises three staff members, oversees the team’s daily workload, and contributes to the development and execution of innovative fundraising campaigns and events. This includes but is not limited to oversight of donor and member communications and the annual Dinner & Auction. The Advancement Manager will focus on process improvements, assisting with budget preparation, and financial activity monitoring to contribute to the growth of contributed revenue.


Wing Luke Museum of the Asian Pacific American Experience



More Info

Ethelyn Abellanosa



Deadline to Apply

Open until filled

Job Type

Full time


Wing Luke Museum (WLM) Mission: We connect everyone to the dynamic history, cultures, and art of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders through vivid storytelling and inspiring experiences to advance racial and social equity.

WLM Values: People give us meaning and purpose. Relationships are our foundation. We desire community empowerment and ownership. We do this work knowing: the labor is intensive; the work requires flexibility; we willingly relinquish control.

Position Title: Advancement Manager
Reports to: Senior Director of Advancement
Rate of Pay: $61,805 - $86,525 annually, DOE
Schedule: Full time; Monday - Friday, occasional evenings and weekends
Location: On-site, five days a week
Benefits: WLM offers a comprehensive insurance package, including health (medical, dental, vision, and prescription), Group Life, Long Term Disability, AD & D, as well as 403(b) participation, 12 paid holidays, paid time off, museum membership, and discounts on museum programs and at the Marketplace.
Position Summary:
The Advancement Manager supports strategic fundraising initiatives to further the mission of the WLM. This role supervises three staff members, oversees the team’s daily workload, and contributes to the development and execution of innovative fundraising campaigns and events. This includes but is not limited to oversight of donor and member communications and the annual Dinner & Auction. The Advancement Manager will focus on process improvements, assisting with budget preparation, and financial activity monitoring to contribute to the growth of contributed revenue. This position is a member of the Advancement department.

Key Responsibilities:
• Supervise the Annual Fund Specialist, the Membership & Database Specialist, and the Events Specialist. Manage their workflow and annual goals, assess work performance, and identify areas of improvement with the Senior Director of Advancement.
• Support the individual giving strategy in coordination with the Annual Fund Specialist and Senior Director of Advancement. Work to expand, evaluate, and refine the WLM’s Annual Giving, Leadership Circle, and Sustainers’ Society programs, through direct mail, email, and social media campaigns.
• Manage and nurture a portfolio of donors through tailored strategic management practices to cultivate, solicit, and steward relationships.
• Support the Membership Program strategy in coordination with the Membership and Database Specialist and Senior Director of Advancement. Work to expand, evaluate, and refine the WLM’s Membership Program through direct mail and online campaigns; collaborating across departments on strategy development.
• Oversee and support the planning and execution of the annual Dinner and Auction in coordination with the Auction Consultant Team, Events Specialist, and Senior Director of Advancement.
• Collaborate with the Development Team on other cultivation, stewardship, and community engagement events, including exhibit openings and development events to connect members and donors with staff and artists.
• Work collaboratively within the Development Team to grow support, uphold the mission and values, and contribute to a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace.
• Work with WLM Staff and Board of Trustees (BOT) as ambassadors to foster a culture of philanthropy and encourage relationship building and engagement.
• Other duties as assigned.

• 3-5 years of diversified experience in non-profit development or fundraising including major gifts, annual giving, direct mail, keystone events, pipeline management and interfacing with BOT and key volunteers. Working knowledge of capital campaigns, planned giving, business planning, and/or equivalent experience is highly desired.
• 2 years of supervisory experience, including performance management.
• Proven experience in developing and executing successful and creative fundraising appeals and events.
• Knowledgeable or familiar with Community Centric Fundraising Principles.
• Demonstrated leadership skills in mentoring a team through collaborative engagement.
• Must be highly motivated, goal-oriented, able to think strategically and analytically, able to set and stay on track with priorities, manage multiple and interdisciplinary projects, and maintain a high degree of professionalism and confidentiality.
• Excellent communication skills, including the ability to develop a compelling case for support.
• Ability to authentically engage, influence, and steward a wide range of constituents; build long-term and trusting relationships.
• Bachelor’s degree in arts management, non-profit management, or marketing; or equivalent fundraising experience preferred.
• Experience with a range of computer office and CRM software (preferably Blackbaud/Altru), Microsoft Office, and other online, cloud-based project management and collaboration tools.

Museum Overview:
As a National Park Service Affiliated Area and the first Smithsonian affiliate in the Pacific Northwest, the Wing Luke Museum offers an authentic and unique perspective on the American story. Nationally recognized for our work in creating dynamic, community-driven exhibitions and programs, we put our community at the heart of each exhibition we create. The stories you see and hear within our walls are their authentic experiences and perspectives. From the struggles of early Asian pioneers to accomplished works by national Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) artists, their contributions give us a look at what it means to be uniquely American. Our 60,000 square foot facility offers three floors to tell our communities’ stories, with contemporary galleries showcasing both temporary and permanent exhibitions as well as preserved historic spaces accessible only through our daily guided tours. Beyond our walls, we tell the story of our neighborhood, Seattle’s Chinatown-International District, and activate and steward multiple sites throughout the area. While economically challenged, it is a historically and culturally vibrant area, and we see ourselves as a neighborhood concierge and an economic anchor for the nearby small businesses. From restaurants to statues that you might not otherwise notice, there are layers of history and significance that are waiting to be uncovered. Wing Luke Museum offers guided neighborhood tours and events that will encourage you to discover stories and tastes both on and off the beaten path. For more information, please visit www.wingluke.org.

The Wing Luke Museum is a 501c3 organization. We are committed to diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility, racial and social justice. BIPOC candidates are encouraged to apply.

How to Apply

To Apply (no phone calls, please): Please e-mail letter of interest and resume to: jobs@wingluke.org

Link to Opportunity




Rainbow City Performing Arts
Join Rainbow City Marching Band as an artistic and community leader!


Rainbow City Performing Arts



More Info

Damien A Hall


(206) 395-5255

Deadline to Apply


Job Type

Part time


Are you passionate about music and excited about the Seattle band scene? Do you thrive in energetic environments and love engaging a crowd? Here’s your chance to lead the dynamic and spirited Rainbow City Marching Band, Seattle's premier LGBTQIA+ and allied marching ensemble founded in 1998! You may be the dynamic band leader we need to grow our program for a new generation of community musicians.

Rainbow City Marching Band is part of Rainbow City Performing Arts, a growing LGBTQIA+ and allied nonprofit organization dedicated to expanding visibility for our community through performance. We offer a welcoming and inclusive space for musicians of all backgrounds to perform while representing our community at various events.

As the Artistic Director, you will:
- Shape the musical direction of Rainbow City Marching Band: Develop and implement the artistic vision for the marching program, selecting and arranging diverse repertoire in collaboration with Color Guard and Drumline program leaders.
- Lead rehearsals and performances: Foster a positive learning environment through clear communication and engaging instruction, ensuring every member feels encouraged and supported.
- Build a strong ensemble spirit: Cultivate a sense of camaraderie and collaboration, fostering a band that not only sounds great but thrives together.
- Create impactful performances: Plan and oversee the production of both marching and standing appearances at local festivals and events starting in June each year.

We are looking for someone with:
- Proven experience as an ensemble leader for a marching band
- A passion for making performances accessible and entertaining
- Excellent communication and preparation skills
- The ability to motivate and inspire musicians of all levels
- A commitment to fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment
- The acumen to advocate for the band on behalf of Rainbow City

This is an exciting opportunity to lead a talented and dedicated group of musicians in a truly special organization. We rehearse on Thursday evenings between March and June with the performance period lasting June through August with some final appearances through the end of the year. We perform at various events throughout the Seattle area, including the Seattle Pride Parade and Fremont Solstice, and other local pride festivals including Bellingham. If you're ready to make your mark on Seattle's marching band scene, we encourage you to apply!

This role pays a contract amount of $5,000 for the season with the option to renew. The Artistic Director will net an average of 25 hours per month to fulfill contract terms. The job will be open until filled, for preferred consideration apply before March 13, 2025, to be included in the interview process.

Rainbow City Performing Arts is a small nonprofit largely funded by our own community, while seeking expanded funding. We’re committed to equitable compensation across our eight musical programs. Our mission is to create a diverse and inclusive environment for musical expression that promotes the equity and visibility of people in the LGBTQIA+ community. We’re seeking a community leader to help us continue our path of growth and success by joining our team.

Rainbow City Performing Arts is an equal opportunity employer and contractor. We value diversity at our core and welcome applications from all qualified candidates.

How to Apply

To apply, visit our jobs board and submit your resume and cover letter on our job listing page by March 13 for priority consideration.

Link to Opportunity




Art Fluent
Art Fluent’s grant cycle is now open to individual artists through an international open call.


Art Fluent



More Info

Amy Matteson Neill


(508) 419-1015

Fee to Apply


Deadline to Apply



The Evolution Grant will provide unrestricted funding to an individual artist with recognized artistic excellence in fine art media and a demonstrated commitment to their art.

Applications due by Friday, June 6, 2025 at midnight MST.

$1,000 to one visual artist each grant cycle.
Unrestricted funds applied toward any expense to enhance the artist’s ability to create work.

$35. The application fee is non-refundable. It helps defray the costs of administering this grant so we can continue to support and fund artist’s creative projects.

This call is open to artists worldwide, both amateur and professional. Once an artist is awarded an Evolution Grant, they will not be eligible to apply again.

Open to ALL fine art mediums (oil, acrylic, watermedia, pastel, drawing, printmaking, mixed media, photography, sculpture, fiber, wood, ceramics, digital art). AI will not be accepted. There is no restriction on style, genre, or subject matter. Work that is copied or done under the guidance of an instructor is not eligible.

You will be asked to submit a body of work between 5-20 pieces, along with an artist statement and artist bio.

Applications are reviewed based on a body of work. This jury type allows artists to submit as many media samples as allowed, and all media are submitted into one application.

Entry is done through CaFÉ, a web-based service that allows artists to upload images and organize their artwork for submissions to galleries. To apply, you must leave our website and go to the CaFÉ website at www.callforentry.org, where you can create a FREE artist account. You will add your details and upload your images to CaFÉ, and then you can submit work to The Evolution Grant. If you have any questions about entering, please contact us at hello@art-fluent.com we are happy to walk you through the process.

Please only submit properly cropped images of your work that are in focus. We have a free resource for artists for tips on how to get high quality images of your work. Visit www.art-fluent.com/resources for a free download. CaFÉ also offers tips on their blog which you can find here www.callforentry.org/photographing-artwork/.

All images must be in JPEG/JPG format using CaFÉ guidelines. The image size must be 1,200 pixels or greater on the longest side. Maximum file size is 5 mb.

Notification will be done by email, everyone who submits will be notified of their results. If, for any reason, you do not hear from us by Friday, July 11, 2025, please check the filters in your email account. Notification emails are sent to the email on file with CaFÉ.

By entering through CaFÉ, you agree to be added to Art Fluent's email list for upcoming artist opportunities. By submitting images, you agree that the images are your own work, nothing copied, you own all rights to the images, and take full responsibility for the content of all images, including the likeness of recognizable individuals. The actual artwork will remain the property of the artist, our mission is to promote artists and their work. Upon grant distribution, you allow Art Fluent the right to reproduce your work on our website, social media, and where appropriate, to help promote further online opportunities. Art Fluent will always credit you and your copyright wherever feasible. We will not use your image for any other purpose without the artist's permission.

How to Apply


Link to Opportunity




Bellevue Arts Museum
Apply as an artist exhibitor at BAM Arts Fair July 25-27, 2025.


Bellevue Arts Museum



More Info

Priyanka Parmanand


(425) 519-0755

Fee to Apply

$55 to apply

Deadline to Apply



BAM ARTS FAIR | at Bellevue Square JULY 25 – 27, 2025

This summer, experience BAM Arts Fair as part of a community-wide celebration of the arts in downtown Bellevue. The 2025 Bellevue Arts Fair Weekend is produced by a unified and dedicated group of community partners.

The weekend features 400+ juried artists and multiple marketplaces dedicated to handmade, original works. Visitors will enjoy this unique shopping experience, Kids Fair, free programming, music, food trucks and more! Come join the festivities in our vibrant downtown. Celebrating since 1947.

Artist Categories: Ceramics, Drawing, Fiber, Furniture, Glass, Jewelry, Metal, 2D Mixed Media, 3D Mixed Media, Painting, Photography, Printmaking, Sculpture, Wearables, and Wood

Apply with ZAPP: www.zappl ication.org/event-info.php?ID=13220

Questions: artsfair@bellevuearts.org

How to Apply

https://www.zappl ication.org/event-info.php?ID=13220

Link to Opportunity




Karin Stevens Dance
Seattle-based Karin Stevens Dance (KSD) is seeking six professional contemporary dancers to join the project Sea Change Within Us for spring–summer rehearsals and summer–fall performances. We received a Hope Corps grant to activate downtown Seattle with this project


Karin Stevens Dance



More Info

Karin Stevens



Fee to Apply


Deadline to Apply



Seattle-based Karin Stevens Dance (KSD) is seeking six professional contemporary dancers to join the project Sea Change Within Us for spring–summer rehearsals and summer–fall performances. (*Possible performances in 2026, see below.) We are reviving and recreating our 2019 project on water and climate change for two performances at Gonzaga University, a performance downtown (probably the SAM Olympic Sculpture Park PACCAR Pavilion) and possible additional KSD performances.

Potential for some dancers to stay on as full time company members.

Rehearsal Schedule:
Weeks: May 13 - June 5; June 17 - 26; July 8 - 17; July 29 - Aug 7; Aug 26 - Sept 11
Days: Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays (Not every week will be 3 days, especially in late Aug-Sept 11)
Time: 12:00-3:00pm
Location: All That Dance, Seattle (& Yaw Theater in late August or September)

Confirmed: Gonzaga University, Spokane WA; September 18 - 20th (Flying Alaska Airline)
Unconfirmed: Seattle Open Rehearsal; September 4th OR 11th, 6 - 9pm
Unconfirmed: SAM Olympic Sculpture Park PACCAR Pavilion; 1st or 4th weekend in September OR an October weekend.
Unconfirmed: KSD Production, YAW Theater; October 16-19.
*We are also submitting this project to 4Culture’s Touring Arts Roster when the program resumes for auditions in the fall; for 2026 performances.

Rehearsals: $1200-1500 (depending on total number of rehearsals); Tour to Gonzaga University: $600 + per diem; Performance(s) Stipend: $150 per performance

BY INVITATION ONLY (during one of the days/times below)
Date & Time: March 18-20th ~ Tuesday, Wednesday OR Thursday, 12:00 - 3:00
Where: All That Dance, Studio 1 or 4 (upstairs)
3012 NE Blakeley St, Seattle, WA 98105
Please send the following to karinstevens@karinstevensdance.com by March 11:
Resume and/or Bio
Headshot and/or Video

Karin Stevens Dance believes that dance is a radical, vital art key to our future in this 21st century. Our contemporary dance artworks strive for beauty through richly textured patterns that embody the complex, turbulent layers of our time, our cultural spaces, and our relationship to environments. We advocate for live, local, new music, partnering and collaborating with musicians and composers. We re/connect us to our bodily selves, to each other and to the greater ecologies of our collective dance. Our work embraces the mystery, suffering, wonder, bewilderment, and Love in our interdependent existence through re/imagination, transformation, and healing for our collective well-being.

How to Apply

Please send the following by March 11 to karinstevens@karinstevensdance.com:
Resume and/or Bio
Headshot and/or Video

Link to Opportunity




The Hopper Prize
The Hopper Prize is accepting submissions for $3,500 and $1,000 artist grants. They will be providing 6 grants totaling $11,000 USD. 2 artists will each receive $3,500 and 4 artists will each receive $1,000. All media is eligible. Additional exposure is available via a 30 artist shortlist, online journal, & Instagram currently reaching over 145k.


The Hopper Prize



More Info

The Hopper Prize


Fee to Apply

$40 to submit 10 images

Deadline to Apply



The Hopper Prize is now accepting entries for our Spring 2025 artist grants.

We are offering $3,500 and $1,000 grants to artists and photographers around the world.

The Hopper Prize was established in order to increase the recognition of artwork created by artists and photographers. Our aim is to advance artists' careers by providing them with unrestricted financial support that is coupled with a platform for increased visibility. We accept submissions twice a year via an open call.

We are currently accepting submissions for the Spring 2025 grant cycle.

Program Highlights
Total Awards: $11,000.00 USD for visual artists
— $3,500.00 – 2 artists will each receive a $3,500 (USD) grant
— $1,000.00 – 4 artists will each receive a $1,000 (USD) grant
— 30 artists will have their work archived at hopperprize.org
— A selection from the submissions will be featured on our Instagram feed @hopperprize
— Additional exposure will be available to winners through our Journal: Insights into Contemporary Art

Expand Your Network
Our open call provides you with a direct path to get your work in front of an international community of curators, artists, gallerists, and arts administrators. Grant winners and finalists will join an international roster of past recipients who have gone on to exhibit their work at major galleries, museums, arts fairs, and biennials.

6 artists from our open call will each receive an unrestricted cash grant.

2 artists will win $3,500 and 4 artists will win $1,000.

30 artists will have their work archived at hopperprize.org.

Grant awards are unrestricted and may be used any way the recipients choose.

When submitting your work, you will have the option to opt-in to be considered for possible Instagram features on our feed @hopperprize, where we currently reach an audience of over 145k. Our editors will be featuring select submissions on a rolling basis prior to the application deadline.

In addition to grant awards, our shortlist, and Instagram reach, we will be providing an additional platform for exposure via our online Journal Insights Into Contemporary Art (https://hopperprize.org/journal/). We launched this digital publication to give artists a new channel to amplify their voice while providing an in-depth look at their work, practice, and background. Grant recipients and shortlisted artists will all receive the opportunity to publish an interview to include any work of their choosing as a means of providing continued support beyond the open call.

The Hopper Prize is open to all artists around the world age 18 and older working in any media. There are no restrictions on genre, subject matter, or media. We welcome entries in all media.

International artists are eligible to apply.

We are committed to supporting artists from diverse cultural backgrounds at all stages of their professional careers. All artists are encouraged to apply.

Recent Winners
We support artists working in all media, from diverse backgrounds, in wide-ranging geographic locations. Recent grant winners include:
— Alex Bex, Berlin, Germany
— Suzanne Clements, London, United Kingdom
— Liam Fallon, London, United Kingdom
— Liza Jo Eilers, Chicago, Illinois
— Nicole Economides, Athens, Greece
— Paree Rohera, Providence, Rhode Island
— Hai-Wen Lin, Chicago, Illinois
— Antonio Scott Nichols, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
— Ariana Gomez, Austin, Texas
— Derek Franklin, Portland, Oregon
— Ingmar Björn Nolting, Leipzig, Germany
— Abdulhamid Kircher, Los Angeles, California
— Allison L. Wade, Chicago, Illinois
— Andreia Santana, Lisbon, Portugal & New York, New York
— Anna Perach, London, United Kingdom
— Jimena Chávez Delion, Lima, Peru
— Krystle Lemonias, Phillipsburg, New Jersey
— Ville Kansanen, California
— Emily Kraus, London, United Kingdom
— M’hammed Kilito, Casablanca, Morocco
— Emily Weiner, Nashville, Tennessee
— Judd Schiffman, Providence, Rhode Island
— Mar Figueroa, New York, New York
— Eli Durst, Austin, Texas
— Britt Ransom, New Orleans, Louisiana
— Azadeh Gholizadeh, Chicago, Illinois
— Brittany Miller, Bronx, New York
— Galina Kurlat, Brooklyn, New York
— In June Park, Brooklyn, New York
— Rafael Perez Evans, London, United Kingdom
— Jazmine Harris, Chicago, Illinois
— Anya Roberts-Toney, Portland, Oregon
— Cathy Hsiao, Chicago, Illinois
— Julia Gutman, Sydney, Australia
— Sagarika Sundaram, New York, New York
— Abi Salami, Dallas, Texas
— Abigail Lucien, Baltimore, Maryland
— Hasani Sahlehe, Atlanta, Georgia
— Laura Berger, Chicago, Illinois
— Jennifer Sirey, Brooklyn, New York
— Cielo Felix-Hernandez, Richmond, Virginia
— Akihiro Boujoh, Utrecht, Netherlands
— Joey Solomon, Brooklyn, New York
— Lynnea Holland-Weiss, Cleveland, Ohio
— Susan Chen, Hartford, Connecticut
— Yannick Lowery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
— Andrea Ferrero, Mexico City, Mexico
— Christopher Desanges, Boston, Massachusetts
— Dominic Hawgood, London, United Kingdom
— Kira Dominguez Hultgren, San Francisco, California
— Vikesh Kapoor, Sunset Pines
— Adrian Coleman, London, United Kingdom
— Trish Tillman, New York, New York
— Nicholas Moenich, Brooklyn, New York
— Elena Bajo, Los Angeles, California
— Vanessa da Silva, London, United Kingdom
— Mark Baugh-Sasaki, San Francisco, California
— Genevieve Cohn, Bloomington, Indiana
— Sydney Cook, Baltimore, Maryland
— Jinyong Park, London, United Kingdom
— Isabel Yellin, Los Angeles, California
— Alex Callender, Northampton, Massachusetts
— Alicia Eggert, Denton, Texas
— Daniel McCarthy Clifford, Minneapolis, Minnesota
— Juan Giraldo, New York, New York
— Maja Ruznic, Los Angeles, California
— Letitia Huckaby, Benbrook, Texas
— Tracy Kerdman, Saugerties, New York
— Lebohang Kganye, Johannesburg, South Africa
— Christopher Meerdo, Chicago, Illinois
— Erik Parra, San Francisco, California

May 13, 2025

Simple Application
We made our grant application simple to reduce the stress of submitting your work and save you time. The application is short and can be completed in under 20 minutes.
To apply for a grant, you only need to submit this information:
— Name & Email
— Instagram Username (optional)
— Up to 10 Image or Video attachments
— Artwork captions
— Artist Statement & Biography (optional)
— $40 submission fee

Apply Now
Show us your work at https://hopperprize.org

How to Apply

Submit your portfolio at https://hopperprize.org

Link to Opportunity




Hera Gallery and Educational Foundation
CARE Do you hear a noun, a verb, an imperative? Do you feel comforted, overwhelmed, or inspired by the sound and meaning of the word Care? Hera Gallery is interested in how we as artists and as society relate to the concept of care at this moment in time. From taking care and giving care to self-care, and the call to care -  the idea of care runs through all our lives from beginning to end. Human care, animal care, environmental care, or caring for an idea, a faith, a passion, a commitment. Care is associated with cultural connections, age, and gender. How is this shifting? How do we find balance when engaged in caregiving at all levels? How does the word Care resonate with you, which images, stories, and sentiments does it bring forth in you? Which role does care play in your life as an artist and in your artistic practice? Juror: Priya N. Green, Director of the Chen Art Gallery


Hera Gallery and Educational Foundation



More Info

Alison Meyer



Fee to Apply

$35 submission fee for 3 images, $5 for each additional image.

Deadline to Apply




Do you hear a noun, a verb, an imperative? Do you feel comforted, overwhelmed, or inspired by the sound and meaning of the word Care?

Hera Gallery is interested in how we as artists and as society relate to the concept of care at this moment in time.

From taking care and giving care to self-care, and the call to care -  the idea of care runs through all our lives from beginning to end. Human care, animal care, environmental care, or caring for an idea, a faith, a passion, a commitment. Care is associated with cultural connections, age, and gender. How is this shifting? How do we find balance when engaged in caregiving at all levels?

How does the word Care resonate with you, which images, stories, and sentiments does it bring forth in you? Which role does care play in your life as an artist and in your artistic practice?

Juror: Priya N. Green, Director of the Chen Art Gallery

Application Deadline: February 28th, 2025
Exhibition Dates: May 10th - June 14th, 2025

Notification of Acceptance: Hera Gallery will contact artists by April 9th, 2025 regarding their inclusion in CARE.

Delivery Due Date: Artwork must be at the Gallery by Thursday, May 1st.

Artwork Delivery: Local delivery instructions will be sent to all accepted artists.

Return Shipping: The artist is responsible for all shipping costs and shipping containers.  The artist must include a prepaid return shipping label.

Sales Commission: As an artist-run nonprofit, Hera takes no commission in our national juried exhibitions, 100% of sales go directly to the artist.

Insurance: Although the utmost care will be taken in handling your work, Hera Gallery assumes no responsibility for damage, loss, or theft. Artists are responsible for their own insurance.

Photography/Publicity: Hera Gallery reserves the right to photograph work for publicity.  By entering this exhibition, you agree to the use of your name, likeness, certain personal information, and artwork in any publicity material or documentation developed for the exhibition.

About Hera Gallery:
Hera Educational Foundation and Gallery celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2024. As one of the first women art cooperatives in the United States, we continue to promote contemporary professional artists through a comprehensive exhibition schedule of member work, curated, and juried intersectional social justice shows. Together with thought-provoking programming our organization encourages dialogue that enriches the cultural life of our non-urban Southern RI community. We provide a venue for young talent to find a public voice, and creative support to local health services. Since its inception in 1974, Hera has been resolutely dedicated to gender equity and feminist discourse to challenge perceptions and inspire social change.

Because of its flexibility and commitment to presenting exhibitions with artistic merit and integrity Hera has been awarded numerous grants for its exhibitions and programs including grants from Rhode Island State Council on the Arts, The Champlin Foundation, Rhode Island Council on the Humanities, Rhode Island Foundation, and the Puffin Foundation.

How to Apply

Through CAFE https://artist.callforentry.org/festivals_unique_info.php?ID=14752

Link to Opportunity




NW Film Camp
NW Film Camp is looking for passionate and creative Filmmaking Camp Instructors to teach and inspire young storytellers! If you have experience in filmmaking, video editing, or working with youth, this is a great opportunity to share your skills in a fun, hands-on learning environment.


NW Film Camp



More Info

Journey Morrison


Deadline to Apply


Job Type

Full time


Are you passionate about filmmaking and working with youth? NW Film Camp is hiring Filmmaking Camp Instructors for Summer 2025! This is an exciting opportunity to inspire the next generation of young filmmakers through hands-on learning in a fun and creative environment.

As a Filmmaking Camp Instructor, you’ll teach elementary, middle, and high school students how to plan, film, and edit video projects. You’ll guide students through hands-on learning experiences, helping them develop technical skills and express their creativity through storytelling.

Experience teaching or working with youth
Background in filmmaking, video production, or media arts
Strong communication and organizational skills
Familiarity with video editing (TikTok, YouTube, or professional software is a plus!)
Commitment to fostering an inclusive and supportive learning environment
Bonus: We’re open to training the right candidate and may offer future teaching opportunities during the school year!

Pay: $18.00 - $25.00/hr (based on experience) (Lead Camp Instructors $20-$25/hr)
Contract Length: 1-2 months (with potential for future opportunities)
Application Deadline: March 15, 2025

How to Apply

Apply by March 15, 2025 – Send your resume & cover letter to jmorrison@cherrystreetfilms.com.

Link to Opportunity




Seattle Arts & Lectures
This part time position provides support to SAL’s Box Office Manager, who works on all aspects of the ticketing and customer experience for our public programming.


Seattle Arts & Lectures



More Info

Hendri Wa


(206) 621-2230 ext 26

Deadline to Apply


Job Type

Part time


Position Description: This part time position provides support to SAL’s Box Office Manager, who works on all aspects of the ticketing and customer experience for our public programming. The ideal candidate is a database wizard who also loves providing great customer experience in email, on the phone, and at events.

Rate: $25/hour; in-person.
Hours: 10-20 hours per week, during SAL Box Office hours: 12 noon–5 pm Monday–Thursday and 10–1 Friday.
Location: In-person at the SAL office, located at 340 15th Ave E, Suite 301, Seattle, WA 98112

· Provide welcoming, authentic, and personal service to all SAL patrons, including ticket buyers, subscribers, and donors by answering phone and email inquiries, facilitating access for both in-person and online events, processing ticket purchases and exchanges, processing donations, and sharing event information.
· As the “front-line” of SAL, communicate issues and challenges that patrons are experiencing to the Box Office Manager.
· Distribute complimentary tickets, gift certificates, and discounts.
· Assist with the fulfillment of patron book orders with partner bookstores.
· Assign Grand Patron seating prior to each event.
· Alert box office manager of accessibility needs.
· Process ticket orders and patron contacts.
· Perform regular database maintenance to clean addresses, accounts, and contacts.
· Fulfill subscriber benefits.

• A passion for SAL’s mission, values, and programs including a love of books and reading
• A commitment to racial equity and social justice
• Experience working in box office, customer service, or other applicable fields
• Experience with CRM databases (PatronManager/Salesforce a plus)
• A customer-centric approach with outstanding communication and customer service skills
• A love of data and excellent attention to detail
• Ability to maintain composure under pressure
• Ability to prioritize multiple deadlines and tasks
• Experience with Google Suite & Gmail, Microsoft Office (Excel and Word, including mail merge)
• Experience with Mailchimp a plus
• Proficiency with Mac platforms a plus

How to Apply

Please send your resume, and please answer these questions in one-page cover letter.
• Tell us about your CRM database experience. What did you enjoy about working in a CRM database, and what did you find challenging?

• Tell us about your customer service experience. What do you love about it? What do you find difficult?

• When problems arise, how and when do you ask for help? How do you like to receive information?

Send all materials to salhr@lectures.org by Monday, March 10th, 2025 for consideration.

Link to Opportunity




D2 Gallery & Studio LLC
D2 Gallery in Spokane is looking for artists to submit works for consideration for Exhibition


D2 Gallery & Studio LLC


www.d2gallerystudio.com (not yet live)

More Info

Michael Dinning


(509) 309-6754

Fee to Apply


Deadline to Apply



D2 Gallery is a new gallery opening in late Spring, 2025, in Spokane, WA, exhibiting artists from the greater Pacific Northwest region. We aim to be a place that fosters excellence and ingenuity through the creative process and engagement with the viewer. A gallery is only as good as the art and artists it shows. D2 is looking for artists who create thoughtful and compelling work, intriguing the viewer and challenging expectations. We would like to build a roster of diverse artists whose work we are passionate about. Please fill out the form below for consideration for an exhibition for the coming calendar year. We are accepting submissions through the end of March, and will reach out to artists whose work we find most compelling

How to Apply

Please fill out he Jotform application for consideration

Link to Opportunity




Visionary Art Collective
New Visionary Magazine - Issue 14: The Manifestation Issue. DEADLINE EXTENDED March 16, 2025


Visionary Art Collective



More Info

Victoria J Fry


Fee to Apply


Deadline to Apply



New Visionary Magazine, Issue 14: The Manifestation Issue
We’re thrilled to announce that this is our first-ever themed issue, and the theme is Manifestation!

This special edition invites visual artists to explore and interpret the concept of manifestation through their own unique lens. As artists, you have the extraordinary ability to bring ideas, dreams, and intentions to life—turning a blank canvas, raw materials, or even a fleeting thought into something tangible, meaningful, and impactful.

Whether it’s about creating new identities, visualizing possibilities, mood boarding your wildest dreams, or transforming aspirations into reality, this issue celebrates the magic of aligning intention with action. From personal transformations to universal connections, we welcome diverse perspectives and interpretations for this special edition.

This issue will be curated by Marina Press Granger, founder of The Artist Advisory™ and an experienced curator who has dedicated her career to empowering artists. Her intention for this issue is to spotlight the power of creativity to shape not only artwork but also our lives and futures. Granger is the founder of The Artist Advisory™, a New York City consulting firm offering career guidance to visual artists, galleries, and art-minded businesses. With nearly 15 years of experience working in NYC galleries and museums, Granger curated numerous gallery exhibitions and art fair booths. In addition to her analytical business acumen, informed by a BA and MA in Art History, Granger incorporates the Principles of Classical Chinese Feng Shui to enhance the success of the artists and businesses she supports. Her work has been featured in Forbes, The Art Gorgeous, The Art Zealous, Time Out New York, and more. Born in Kyiv, Ukraine, Granger has lived in New York since 1991.

Eligibility: This international opportunity is open to artists of all experience levels. Selected artists will receive a 2-page spread, which includes a Q&A and multiple images of their artwork.

We accept all 2D & 3D mediums, including painting, drawing, photography, digital, prints, fiber art, collage, mixed media, sculpture, ceramics, and installation art.

Submission info:

You may submit 3-4 images of your work for $30, 5-6 images for $35, or 7-8 images for $40.

If selected, we require a $45 publishing fee prior to the magazine's release date. This fee helps us to cover the cost of printing and distributing the magazine to NYC-based art fairs.


Please be sure to include high-quality images of your work, 300 DPI, minimum 800 pixels wide

All 2D images must be cropped to show only the artwork

All 3D images must be photographed against a white background, except in the case of public art installations

Bio, 300 words max

Artist Statement, 300 words max

Files no larger than 10 MB

Artists will be notified via Submittable within 4-6 weeks of the deadline.

Visionary Art Collective's mission is to uplift artists through magazine features, exhibitions, podcast interviews, and our mentorship programs. Submission fees go towards funding our platform, offsetting operational costs, and compensating our team and curators. These contributions enable us to continue offering a wide range of opportunities, programs, and resources for artists worldwide. Please note that submission fees are non-refundable.

To learn more about our magazine, visit visionaryartcollective.com/magazine

How to Apply


Link to Opportunity




Graphite Arts Center
The Gallery at Graphite seeks new works for the upcoming exhibition Deelish! Whether savory or sweet, spicy or salty, we are looking for artwork depicting delectable food. The design of this tasty show will be to present visual edibles which aren't simply pleasant to look at, but which evoke an entire sensual and gastronomic experience.


Graphite Arts Center



More Info

Tara Shadduck


(206) 949-7981

Fee to Apply


Deadline to Apply



CALL FOR ART – Deelish!
The Gallery at Graphite Arts Center (Edmonds, WA) is seeking artwork for the upcoming exhibition ‘Deelish!’

About the exhibit
We all eat! So let’s celebrate the beauty that is the color, shape, texture and overall appetizing appearance of the food we see on our plates and tables. The Gallery at Graphite seeks new works for the upcoming exhibition Deelish! Whether savory or sweet, spicy or salty, we are looking for artwork depicting delectable food. The design of this tasty show will be to present visual edibles which aren't simply pleasant to look at, but which evoke an entire sensual and gastronomic experience.

This is a juried, group show with rules for submission and standards/guidelines for acceptance. Not all entries will necessarily be accepted. Submissions will be juried based on quality and adherence to instructions of the call.

Important Deelish! Exhibit Dates
Exhibit Dates: Friday, May 2 - Saturday, June 21, 2025

Sunday, April 13 Deadline to enter
Tuesday, April 15 Notification of acceptance (email)
Wednesday, April 30, 11-3PM Drop-off day for accepted works (in person, at Graphite)
Friday, May 2, 1-5PM Exhibit opens to the public
Saturday, May 3, 7-8.30PM Opening Reception
Saturday, June 21, 12-4PM Exhibition closes
Monday, June 23 Notification of works sold (email)
Tuesday, June 24, 11-3PM Pick-up day for unsold work (in person, at Graphite)
July 11, 2025 Checks for any works sold mailed by this date


Art must feature food for beverage
Works should be well executed, finished, and have a professional presentation
Original 2D and 3D work in any medium may be submitted
2D work should have minimum outside framed dimension of 16 inches in either direction
2D work should not exceed an outside framed dimension of 48 inches in either direction (Larger works may be considered and will incur an additional $15 entry fee, please email the gallery director in advance to discuss.)
3D work should be intended for pedestal display and not exceed 50 pounds
Artwork must be fresh, new work and original in concept, design and execution
Artwork must be entered by the artist
Do not submit artwork that is committed to another exhibition or otherwise is not available for the entire duration of the exhibition

Entry Fee
$25 fee for up to 3 different works of art
Entry fee is required and non-refundable
Fee must be paid at the time of application

Sales and Commission
All artwork must be for sale
All sales subject to 30% commission fee
Artist checks for any works sold will be mailed by July 11, 2025

Curator’s Choice Award $300, Sponsor’s Choice Award $200, Two Honorable Mention Awards $200/ea

To Enter
If you consent to these terms and would like to enter your artwork for consideration in Deelish! please visit the Graphite website https://graphiteartscenter.org/call-for-art-deelish/

Have your titles, dimensions, prices and JPG photos (properly named) ready when you fill out the form as well as credit card number available for paying $25 fee online.

The artist, by submitting an entry form and images, consents for Graphite to use their name and images of art for promotional purposes, in print or online.

Questions about the exhibit or submission process may be sent to the Gallery Director, Tara Shadduck at gallery@artstartnw.org

How to Apply

Prospectus and entry from on Graphite website: graphiteartscenter.org

Link to Opportunity




Side Rail Collective
“Are you a friend of Dorothy?” is a queer camp-themed show embodying the energy of queer safe havens/oases taking place during the month of June and July at Side Rail Collective in Georgetown.


Side Rail Collective



More Info

Courtney Burrow



Fee to Apply


Deadline to Apply



“Are you a friend of Dorothy?” is a queer camp-themed show embodying the energy of queer safe havens/oases, including Fire Island, Palm Springs, Saugatuck/Douglas MI, Val Kill, etc. It serves as a heartfelt reflection on the complex tapestry of summer and summer camp experiences that may have shaped us as queer youth, whether we were boldly out or quietly finding our way.

Named after a coded phrase used for queer signaling in the mid-20th century, this show celebrates and reflects upon the tireless work of our queer elders that paved the way and offers us a moment to breathe as we continue to fight in the trenches. It's a passionate exploration of what safety and sanctuary mean to each of us, a powerful reclamation of camp aesthetics that are intrinsically, unapologetically queer.

Close your eyes and imagine—what does queer liberation taste like, look like, feel like? In all the divisiveness and politicization of our identities, let’s take a moment to enjoy the beauty of our existence and celebrate the magic of being queer!

We highly encourage those with intersectional marginalized identities to apply and recognize the historical, current, and disproportionate disenfranchisement of members of our queer community. We also acknowledge that black and Indigenous trans and genderqueer people ARE queer culture, and we will prioritize underrepresented perspectives during our selection process. 

How to Apply

Submit application through link:

Link to Opportunity




The Fishbowl
We are artwork for a fat liberation show at The Fishbowl this May, celebrating fat joy, resistance, and identity while uplifting work by fat, queer, and BIPOC artists.


The Fishbowl



More Info

Courtney Burrow



Fee to Apply


Deadline to Apply



Fatness is beautiful. Fatness is powerful. Fatness is worthy.

The so-called “obesity epidemic” relies on outdated and racist metrics to justify systemic discrimination against fat people. From healthcare to social status, built environments to insurance policies, fat bodies are policed, medicalized, and marginalized. As diet culture resurges and media narratives revert to blatant fatphobia, fat individuals—especially QTBIPOC—are pressured to shrink, conform, and disappear.

FAT is a radical act of visibility. This exhibition unapologetically reclaims fatness as something to be honored, not erased. We are unapologetically owning and identifying with the word “fat” as an act of liberation and acknowledgment, rejecting diet culture and instead honoring fatness as a life source. We invite artists to share work that celebrates fat bodies, confronts the realities of fat oppression, and reimagines a world where fat people exist freely and joyfully.

Consider these questions as you create:

How has fatphobia shaped your experience of space, access, or identity?

In what ways does embracing fatness feel like an act of resistance?

What does fat joy, beauty, and liberation look like to you?

We welcome submissions in all mediums. Let’s take up space—boldly, loudly, and with love.

How to Apply

Submit application through link:

Link to Opportunity




Arts & Culture

Gülgün Kayim, Director
Address: 303 S. Jackson Street, Top Floor, Seattle, WA , 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 94748, Seattle, WA , 98124-4748
Phone: (206) 684-7171
Fax: (206) 684-7172

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The Office of Arts & Culture promotes the value of arts and culture in, and of, communities throughout Seattle. It strives to ensure that a wide range of high-quality artistic experiences are available to everyone, encourage artist-friendly arts and cultural policy.