Before You Begin


Alternative Formats

Filling Out the Form

Addendums and Attachments

Application Submission

Before You Begin

Review the entire Special Events Handbook, addendums, and Special Event Permit application form entirely before you begin filling it out.  The application form is designed to cover a wide variety of special events. Please review all sections, but keep in mind that some sections or individual questions may not apply to your particular event. You may skip any sections/questions that do not apply to your event when filling out the form.  


The Special Event Permit application form is a fillable Adobe PDF form. You will need Adobe Acrobat software installed on your computer in order to save your form. Adobe Acrobat Reader is available for free download at https://get.adobe.com/reader/.  

It is recommended that you download the form to your computer, so that you can save your work. Edits made to the form within a browser cannot be saved. You are strongly encouraged to save your work as a digital file and submit the completed form via email.  

Alternative Formats 

While it is not preferred, you may print the form and fill it out by hand if you are unable to complete and submit this form digitally. Please write legibly using dark ink.  If you require additional accommodations for this form, please contact the Special Events Office for assistance.  

Filling Out the Form 

First download the application form to your computer, so that you can save your work. Edits made to the form within a browser cannot be saved. While printed or hand-written applications can be accepted, you are strongly encouraged to save your work as a digital file and submit the completed form via email.  

Answer each question with as much detail as you can. To fully answer a question, you may need more space than is provided on the form. Please attach additional documents or pages that reference the original question.  

Throughout the form you will see information in gray boxes. Be sure to review this information carefully as you are filling out the form. If you need additional information, consult the Special Event Handbook or website.  

Addendums and Attachments 

See Addendums page for a list of required and optional addendums and attachments.  You may also attach any other materials that you think are helpful to explain your event.  

Maps and other attachments should be in JPG, PDF, Word, or Excel format. Other formats may not be compatible with City of Seattle systems and will be returned to you for revision.  

Maps are required to be submitted with every application. Visit the Maps section for examples.

Application Submission 

Submit your application and required attachments at least 90 days prior to your proposed special event date. Applications submitted later than 90 days are subject to late fees and may be rejected due to insufficient processing time.  

You are strongly encouraged to submit your application and all addendums and attachments by email. You may also submit via fax, US mail, or in person.   

Email specialeventsoffice@seattle.gov  

Fax 206-684-0379  

US Mail

Seattle Special Events Office 

PO Box 94708 

Seattle, WA 98124-4708 

Other Delivery

Seattle Special Events Office 

Seattle Municipal Tower Floor 5700 

700 5th Avenue, Suite 5752 

Seattle, WA  98104  

The Special Events Office will email you with confirmation that your application has been received within 3 days (please allow 10 days for US Mail). If you have not received a response, call (206) 684-8017 to inquire.

Special Events

Address: 700 5th Avenue, Suite 5752, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 94708, Seattle, WA, 98124-4708
Phone: (206) 684-8017
Fax: (206) 684-7025

The City of Seattle plays a strong role in helping event planners bring people together safely and successfully in both city-wide and neighborhood events.