Galway, Ireland

Sister City since 1986

Seattle and Galway formalized their Sister City relationship in 1986. The Seattle Galway Sister City Association organizes exchanges and cultural events to celebrate both cities. To mark the relationship, a stone monument was unveiled in Galway in 1993 that carries on a bronze marker the geophysical data of Seattle. A companion monument carrying the geophysical data of Galway was unveiled in June 2000 on Seattle's waterfront opposite Pier 66. An annual student-exchange between the University of Washington and University College Galway, an annual Law Fellowship program, celebrate this relationship.

Galway City, population 75,000, is the third largest city in Ireland and is also one of the fastest-growing cities in Europe. The capital of the West of Ireland, it is a thriving city with a University, Regional Technical College, Shipping Port and Airport. Situated on the western seaboard, Galway City is next door to Ireland's largest Gaelic speaking area (Connemara) and across Galway Bay from the famous Aran Islands. The Galway area holds many attractions for both Galwegians and visitors alike: its unique location on Galway Bay, its lively vibrant city center with traditional medieval streets, its extensive shopping and business facilities, its youthful population and its living culture of music, theater and language, all of which ensure its enduring appeal

Connect with the Seattle-Galway Sister City Association:

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Seattle-Galway SCA President MáireSogabe

Council Liaison:
Councilmember Bob Kettle

Intergovernmental Relations

Mina Hashemi, Director
Address: 600 4th Ave, 5th Floor, Seattle, WA, 98124
Mailing Address: PO Box 94746, Seattle, WA, 98124-4746
Phone: (206) 684-0213

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